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Benefits of galangal and how to make it



galangal tea

Discover the benefits of galangal root tea and how to make it.

Rhizome of the Zingiberaceae family, close to ginger, from the Alpinia galanga or Alpinia officinarum variety, with us, you can buy galangal, and use it in many ways, including as an infusion, in particular, to take advantage of its virtues for health.

Discover the recipe for galangal herbal tea, as well as the properties of galangal infusion for health, and advice on how to use it best.

The medicinal information in this article is for informational purposes, in case of any health problem, consult a doctor.

Recipe for galangal tea


• 1 g of galangal rhizome

• 250 ml of water

• Optionalhoney and lemon

Preparation of the recipe

  1. Put the root in cold water. Make a decoction, that is to say, heat the water, then, at the boil, let boil for another 2 minutes, then remove from the heat.
  2. Leave to infuse for 10 minutes, ideally covered, so as not to let the essential oils evaporate.
  3. Add, if desired, honey and lemon.

    Tips for use

    It is generally advisable to drink one cup, up to 3 times a day. It gives a powerful drink with spicy notes, really delicious.

    Health benefits of galangal

    Galangal has many benefits on digestion. With its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, it is recommended for digestive disorders, such as stomach aches, spasms, gas, bloating, vomiting, etc.

    Galangal would help heal ulcers and relieve chronic or temporary inflammation of the digestive tract.

    Galangal has antiemetic properties, that is to say against nausea and vomiting, in particular against motion sickness, but also nausea of pregnancy, but in small doses, and with the agreement of the doctor.

    It has tonic properties to fight against asthenia and all its symptoms: weakness, physical fatigue, mental fatigue, loss of libido, etc.

    In traditional Chinese medicine, galangal is prescribed against abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and for its antibacterial effects. It is also credited with action against pain, in particular against rheumatic pain and osteoarthritis.

    Galangal is renowned for its antiseptic, antifungal, antiviral, and anti-tussic properties, which makes it a stimulant of the immune system and a natural remedy against winter ailments: colds, flu, nasopharyngitis, etc.

    Final thought

    The galangal rhizome was widely used by the famous Hildegard of Bingen, nun, and doctor of the 13th century, mother of naturopathy, who prescribed the root for its stimulating and carminative properties. In her books, she nicknames galangal “spice of life” about its benefits.


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