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19 Benefits of red meat and side effects




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Discover the 19 Benefits of red meat and side effects.

Red meat is high in nutrients that are beneficial to health. However, some people become anti to consume red meat, as they consider that red meat is bad for health. One is triggering high cholesterol.

Is it true that red meat is bad for our health? The answer depends on how we treat it. If consumed in excess, it will be bad. However, if taken correctly, red meat is a good source of high nutrients.

On the other hand, some nutritionists claim that eating too much red meat causes many problems to increase cholesterol levels that trigger the symptoms of heart disease. There are indications that it is due to the saturated fat content in meat.

However, all of them can be overcome by eating meat that is not excessive according to the number of calories per daily diet, so you still feel safe to consume.

Despite eating red meat, we also balance our diet with fruits like guava, papaya, and grapes for fiber sources, as animal protein is more difficult to digest than plant protein.

So in general, if you eat red meat in a balanced way, you can make the body healthy and disease-free.

Nutritional value of red meat


• Every 100 grams of red meat contains 20-25 grams of protein.

• The protein in beef and lamb is more easily digested by up to 94%, compared to the protein in wheat which is only 86% digested, and the protein in beans which is only 78%.


• Red meat contains saturated fat and trans fat that is relatively low.

• Therefore, it does not lead to health problems.

• The cholesterol contained in it does not trigger cholesterol levels in the blood.


• The consumption of 100 grams of red meat can cover 27% of the energy needs in a day.

Vitamin D

• Red meat also includes a source of vitamin D necessary for building strong bones and teeth.

Vitamin B complex

• Meat contains a variety of B vitamins, including riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12.

• Vitamin B12 is required for young children to help work the brain’s nervous system, the ability to concentrate and remember.

Iron (Fe)

• The nutrients that make up blood cells can meet 21% of the young child’s body needs.

• Iron from meat is more easily absorbed than from child vegetables.

• This mineral is necessary to deliver oxygen, building energy, and brain cells.

Omega-3 fatty acids

• Red meat is ranked 2 as a source of omega-3 fatty acids, like fish from the sea. 150 mg of red meat contains approximately 30 mg of omega-3 fatty acids.

• This compound is important in helping the heart, central nervous system, and liver function.

Zinc (Zn)

• These nutrients are necessary for young children to establish and strengthen the immune system, the growth process, and accelerate wound healing.

• Meat contains zinc up to 4.0 mg / 100 grams.


• The antioxidants that help increase the strength of the immune system are almost the same as those found in red meat.

• Beef contains 17 mg / 100 grams of selenium, while veal as much as 10 mg / 100 grams.

• Therefore, the red gathering contains a great source of vitamins and nutrients that belongs well to the body.

• In the meantime, here are the health benefits of red meat.

19 Benefits of red meat

1.- free radicals and antioxidants

• The benefits and function of red meat are the sources of antioxidants that can prevent free radicals.

• The selenium within red meat can also cooperate with vitamin E to maximize and optimize antioxidant function, to fight free radicals that attack the health of our bodies.

2.- Control of the reproduction process

• The benefits of selenium in red meat are also great for controlling and maintaining the reproductive process.

• Especially for women whose menstrual cycles are irregular.

• Red meat can also help control some of the disorders that occur in our reproductive system.

3.- Benefits of red meat for anemia

• The most important function of iron in the body is the formation of hemoglobin or red blood cells.

• In the body of work, hemoglobin carries oxygen throughout the body.

• So iron deficiency can cause a person to experience anemia or a lack of red blood cells characterized by fatigue, lethargy, and discouragement.

4.- Benefits of red meat for insomnia

• Red meat is also necessary to deal with sleep disorders or insomnia.

• Eating foods that contain high amounts of iron can help someone get quality sleep.

• Iron is beneficial in regulating the rise and fall of blood pressure in our body that makes a person sleep easier.

• An imbalance in a person’s blood pressure can lead to insomnia.

5.- Prevents rickets

• Children who are deficient in vitamin D intake will suffer from rickets.

• The bones are not strong and hard because there is a shortage of minerals, so it will be easy for them to become brittle. and fracture.

6.- Benefits of red meat during pregnancy

• Red meat is useful for pregnancy to help develop the growth of various types of organ systems, such as the formation of the body, muscles, bones, the respiratory system, and the brain.

• Sufficient protein during pregnancy will help pregnant women to have a healthy baby and not a lack of nutrients.

7.- Lowers cholesterol levels

• Red meat also contains elements of niacin that can lower bad cholesterol in the body and increase the good cholesterol that the body needs.

• As a result, you can maintain your cholesterol level by eating red meat in the correct amount per day.

8.- Reduces the risk of heart disease

• According to the survey results, red meat may also reduce the risk of heart disease and some chronic diseases associated with heart health.

• This is because omega 3 within Red Meat can improve the flexibility or elasticity of the arterial vessels.

• Therefore, the risk of a high level of blood pain and arrhythmia or abnormal heart rhythms can be minimized.

9.- Maintain the cardiovascular system

• The cardiovascular system includes the general process of linking the work of the cardiac organ.

• Heart that includes a very important organ of the human body.

• With the preservation of the cardiovascular system, the body will always be protected against various types of interference that attack our hearts.

10.- Benefits of red meat for memory

• Omega 3 includes brain food intake that plays an important role in the development of cell membranes in the brain and signaling the neurological system.

• Medically proven omega 3 can optimize brain memory development in both children and adults.

• This means that it better met omega 3 needs, especially for those who find it easy to forget.

11.- Prevent early Alzheimer’s

• Also, with age, the size of the human brain tends to shrink.

• Brain shrinkage has come naturally, but it can also be a symptom of serious diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia.

• But don’t worry, as meeting insufficient omega-3 intake could also create a bigger brain.

• Someone who encountered a brain injury was advised to get a sufficient intake of omega-3, as omega-3 fatty acids can improve the brain more quickly.

• Red meat has Omega 3 to improve your memory.

12.- Improves concentration

• Eating red meat can make your blood flow better.

• It makes your brain feel healthy and allows you to focus more on your daily activity.

13.- Benefits of red meat for depression

• Omega 3 inside Red Meat can reduce mild depression problems.

• Omega-3 fatty acids will help improve the effectiveness of the drug.

• Omega 3 works by affecting the brain, but it has a different form than antidepressants in general.

• Ensure adequate Omega 3 intake and still undergo antidepressant medication treatment, the best way is effective to reduce depression in two different ways.

14.- Increase energy

• The human body needs vitamin B complex within red meat when it will convert carbohydrates into glucose, which then generates energy for activities.

• If the body does not have energy, we will not walk normally, so it is easy to feel tired.

15.- Promotes eye health

• Nutrition is already quite popular, eye health is vitamin A.

• But, you know that the benefits of vitamin A are also proprietary to omega 3 within Red Meat.

• According to research results, even omega 3 is one of the main components of the retina.

• Omega 3 can maintain eye health and improve overall vision.

16.- Prevents cataracts

• Cataract is one of the degenerative diseases that often occur when the age is older than 60 years.

• They can lead to your visual impairment, blindness until it ends.

• The benefits of red meat also turned out to be very useful to prevent the presence of cataracts in our eyes.

17.- Prevention of early aging

• The selenium within Red Meat can also prevent premature aging and can also eliminate the symptoms of premature aging.

• Well, here are some of the symptoms of premature aging, such as skin feels dry and rough, skin dull, skin wrinkled, skin that is not elastic.

18.- Benefits of red meat for skin

• Also, the antioxidant source is good for promoting skin health.

• Therefore, an antioxidant is the first weapon to fight free radicals that attack the skin.

• As a result, your skin can stay hydrated and stay smooth and glowing.

19.- Benefits of red meat for hair

• Lack of red meat can cause anemia and it can also lead to health problems like hair loss.

Therefore, those are all the benefits of red meat for our bodies. Also, red meat is the source of protein and carbohydrates. Therefore, it is very beneficial for our daily needs.

Side effects of red meat

• Unpleasant body odor


• Colon cancer risk

• Breast cancer risk

• Risk of heart disease

• Obesity

• Renal insufficiency

• Constipation

• Cause Diabetes

• Meanwhile, red meat also has negative effects, like all the above lists.

• Like everything it has its own positive and negative points.

• However, it is all up to you to take red meat or not.

• There are still many health benefits of red meat.

• So if you do, be careful with the portion for better health benefits.

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