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10 shocking health benefits of rosemary tea

Table of Contents
Benefits of fasting for 24 hours

Discover the benefits of fasting for 24 hours.
24-hour intermittent fasting is often recommended for weight loss, but also its many health benefits.
In this article, I detail the benefits of intermittent fasting, and particularly its practice over 24 hours. You will also be able to find my testimonial and my advice for a successful 24-hour intermittent fasting.
24hr Intermittent fasting to live longer in good health!
This sentence comes up constantly when one is interested in the subject. Simple fashion effect or real health interest? That’s the real question.
The objective of this practice is based on calorie restriction and resting the digestive system as a whole.
When we eat too much, binge, and get too much protein, our aging process is accelerated. Our body ages faster. To counter this effect, it is, therefore, necessary to fast. You boost your production of growth hormone, a hormone of youth.
In practice, it remains very complicated. It was Dr. Valter Longo who simplified the practice of intermittent fasting to reap all the health benefits. But in reality, is it effective?
The benefits of 24 hours intermittent fasting
Many scientific studies have highlighted the following health benefits of intermittent fasting:
• Promote weight loss, maintenance, lower bad cholesterol and increase well.
• Reduce cardiovascular and cancer risks.
• Regulate blood sugar by lowering insulin production and increasing fat metabolism.
• Lower the markers of inflammation ( responsible for the aging process ).
• Stimulate growth hormone production ( 2000% during 24-hour intermittent fasting ). This molecule helps you fight to age, tap into your fat and increase your muscle mass.
• Regulate hormonal disturbances after meals.
• Diversify the composition of the intestinal flora.
• Improve the quality of sleep.
It should be noted that these benefits are mainly found in a population that is overweight or obese, sedentary, or suffering from metabolic disease. The effects of intermittent fasting in healthy, physically active, or athletic people seem small to non-existent.
Intermittent fasting and weight loss
According to scientific research, intermittent fasting is effective for weight loss.
The main reason for the effectiveness of intermittent fasting on weight loss is calorie restriction.
Indeed, skipping one or more meals considerably reduces your food consumption. You then find yourself in an energy deficit, and your body has no choice but to draw on the stock of glycogen and fats to continue to function.
Practiced 1 to 2 times a week, over 3 to 24 weeks, intermittent fasting can lead to a weight loss of 3 to 8% of the initial weight, with a non-negligible share of abdominal fat (reduction in the circumference of cut).
However, over the long term, the evidence on the effectiveness of intermittent fasting remains very weak. We don’t know if, as with all low-calorie diets, it leads to a Yoyo effect and significant regain of lost pounds.
To lose weight permanently, mainly fat, while maintaining your muscle mass, it is advisable to combine a slight caloric restriction and the practice of sport regularly.
Need to lose weight permanently?
My Sport to lose weight program has already enabled hundreds of people to lose weight, improve their health and be in better shape! It includes sports sessions in videos, tools to calculate your fat loss, tips for starting running, recipes, and much more… It’s never too late to start the sport and lose weight for your health.
Opinion on the intermittent fasting 24h
So I wanted to get to the bottom of it and test this practice. To simplify things, Dr. Longo has been testing different protocols for several years. Simpler protocols to apply daily while maintaining the benefits. For people with a healthy lifestyle, practicing 24 hours a month is very effective.
So I fasted for 24 hours. The easiest way is to start after dinner. You eat dinner normally, then nothing until dinner the next day. Hydrate well. You can also consume tea, coffee, infusions but without sugar.
I was afraid of being too hungry, of being a wreck unable to move. And not at all. I did my intermittent fast one day back from vacation, in the car. I felt good, without a stroke. What a pleasure to sit down to eat in the evening, even if the goal is to eat normally and no more than usual.
I resumed the sport the next day with a big day ( 3h30 of cycling chained to 1h of jogging ). I felt good, I didn’t have any cravings. I even recovered better. I am full faster on the meals that follow. The results are very positive.
However, here are some tips to guide you:
• No sport on the day of intermittent fasting, or a short cardio session (30 minutes).
• Take care. Get out of your house, otherwise, the day will be too long to manage unless you have plenty of tasks to accomplish.
• Don’t throw yourself on the food when you eat again. Don’t say to yourself: “it’s good, I’ve done the hardest I can let go”.
• Remember to drink well ( 1.5 to 2 liters of water ) and take hot drinks for satiety.
Be careful if you have medical treatment, do not do it. I do not know the actions of this practice under these conditions. A drug does not have the same effect in these conditions, so check with your doctor.
I await your reactions after your tests. Intermittent fasting is increasingly practiced in the United States, to fight against junk food and diseases of civilization. Its health benefits are undeniable. Live old and above all live better!
Benefits of hibiscus tea for skin

Table of Contents
- Benefits of hibiscus tea for skin
- Greater elasticity in the skin
- Prevents and fights cell damage
- Hydrates in depth
- Unifies skin tone
- Discover the benefits of hibiscus tea for skin.In today’s post we want to offer you a wonderful option to enhance your health and even take care of your beauty with a gift from nature whose qualities have been known for thousands of years.
We want to talk about the Hibiscus tea, a plant native to China and Japan, also known as China rose, whose extract has a wide range of properties, among which are antiseptic, digestive, diuretic, and others that we will detail below.
Its cosmetic properties are so amazing that it has been called “vegetable Botox”, rich in antioxidants and vitamin C.
Its effects after constant consumption in the form of an infusion, for example, have been compared to the effects of Botox injections, since its tightening effect helps to hide expression lines and sagging of the face.
Its active components act at the cellular level, nourishing and moisturizing the dermis, creating a wonderful anti-aging effect.
There are 5 different varieties of Hibiscus in the world: Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis, the best known in Spain, Hibiscus esculentus, Hibiscus sabdariffa, and Hibiscus tiliaceous.
Its flower is edible and its different forms of presentation, in powder, in preparation for infusion, or syrup, allow us to take it comfortably and prepare masks that will surely become great allies for your skin and hair.
In India, hibiscus has traditionally been used to treat hair problems, reduce dandruff, moisturize the scalp while nourishing and strengthening it, and even prevent the appearance of gray hair.
Benefits of hibiscus tea for skin
Greater elasticity in the skin
As we have previously mentioned, the Hibiscus tea will provide us with its tensor effect, greater elasticity, and firmness in the skin, keeping it looking young for longer.
Prevents and fights cell damage
Hibiscus tea fights free radicals that cause oxidation that starts the aging process in the skin, the largest and heaviest organ in the body.
Hydrates in depth
After using the usual cleansers we remove the moisture and natural agents that protect our skin, if we regularly use hibiscus masks we will ensure that our facial skin is sufficiently hydrated avoiding dryness and its unwanted consequences.
Unifies skin tone
Hibiscus is known for its exfoliating and anti-blemish action and its beneficial effects in cases of hyperpigmentation, unifying the tone and softening the features.
For all these benefits, the Hibiscus tea is considered a natural and effective anti-aging recipe, do not forget to try it.
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