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Serious side effects of enantyum



enantyum pills

Discover the side effects of enantyum.

When any part of the body hurts, we usually go to the medicine cabinet and look for anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofren or Enantyum ; both are pain relievers that help us reduce inflammation and make our cure faster and more satisfactory.

But what exactly is Enantyum for ? If you are pregnant can you take it? We will solve all these doubts in SEO by giving you detailed information about Enantyum: indications, uses and side effects .

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What is Enantyum for

It is a drug that is included within the anti-inflammatory, since thanks to the composition of Enantyum, it is a powerful analgesic that is usually prescribed to treat different pains such as the following:

•Muscle pains

•Joint pain

•Period pains

•Dental pain

How to take Enantyum

Enantyum for headaches, joints or other types of discomfort can be taken in pills or sachets and should always be accompanied by water and taken after meals, thus reducing any effect on the stomach.

However, if the pain is very strong, it is advisable to take it 30 minutes before meals to facilitate the effect of the analgesic to act more quickly.

To know the amount you should take of Enantyum, it is essential that you go to a doctor and that they indicate the necessary doses for your ailment.

In general, it is recommended that 1 tablet be taken every 8 hours without going beyond 3 doses a day but the doses may vary, so you must follow the guidelines set by a specialist. In this article we tell you how to take Enantyum .

In addition, depending on the type of ailment we want to alleviate and what our doctor prescribes, we also have injectable and gel Enantyum.

We must follow the instructions that our doctor tells us in each case to take this medicine and never self-medicate.

Enantyum contraindications

As in all medicines, there are a series of contraindications when taking Enantyum since it is not indicated for a certain type of people such as the following:

•Allergic to dexketoprofen trometamol or any of the other ingredients of this medicine.

•Pregnant or breastfeeding women

•Allergic to acetylsalicylic acid or another non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug

•Asthmatics or people with acute allergic rhinitis, hives, angioedema or wheezing in the chest

•People who have suffered from peptic ulcers, stomach or intestinal bleeding, or chronic digestive problems

•People with severe heart failure, moderate to severe kidney failure, or severe liver failure

•Those under 18 years of age

Side effects of Enantyum

Within the taking of this anti-inflammatory and analgesic medicine, there is the possibility of experiencing some side effects, some of which are frequent, others are infrequent and others occur rarely.

Read carefully the possible side effects of Enantyum to be well informed of what taking this anti-inflammatory may entail.

Common side effects:

•Nausea and / or vomiting

•Stomach ache


•Digestive disorders

•Uncommon side effects:

•Vertigo and / or dizziness

•Drowsiness and sleep disturbances




•Hot flushes

•Stomach problems



•Rash on the skin

•Feverish feeling and chills

Uncommon Side Effects:

•Peptic ulcer

•Peptic ulcer perforation or bleeding

•High blood pressure

•Slow breathing

•Fluid retention and peripheral swelling

•Laryngeal edema

•Loss of appetite

•Itchy rash

•Lumbar pain

•Frequent urine output

•Menstrual disturbances

•Prostatic disorders,

•Liver cell damage (hepatitis)

•Acute kidney failure

This article is merely informative, at SEO we do not have the power to prescribe any medical treatment or make any type of diagnosis.

We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.


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10 Benefits of matoa fruit




matoa fruit

Discover the 10 Benefits of matoa fruit.

The matoa fruit is not just another exotic fruit from Indonesia, originally from the land of Papua, the matoa becomes one of the jewels of this rich island.

Papua is well known for its natural beauty and rich collection of flora and fauna and matoa is at the top of the list. Also, since it is not a famous fruit, the health benefits of the fruit of the bush may surprise you.

What is Matoa Fruit?

Matoa has the scientific name Pometia pinnata from the Sapindaceae family, so it is closely related to the lychee and maple.

The taste of the matoa fruit is like a mixture of rambutan, lychee, and longan fruit, with a juicy texture and very sweet.

Nutritional Value of Matoa Fruit

Although the popularity of the fruit of the bush is increasing progressively lately, intensive studies are required to learn about the nutritional value of the fruit of the bush.

However, in short, the fruit of the bush is quite rich in vitamin C and vitamin E, which are the source of powerful antioxidants that are essential for human health.

10 Benefits of matoa fruit

To know more about matoa fruit, below is the list of health benefits.

1.- Excellent source of antioxidants

As mentioned above, the fruit of the bush is quite rich in vitamin C and vitamin E. The combination of these two vitamins will give you a powerful antioxidant required by your body to effectively fight free radicals.

2.- Natural stimulators of immunity

It is well known that all fruits rich in vitamin C is an excellent immunity boosters and the matoa fruit is no exception.

3.- Fight viral infection

The viral infection is not going to be deadly but fighting it is not an easy case at all. The best thing to do to combat this infection is to make sure that your immune system is in excellent condition and consuming matoa which is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants is a perfect protection against viral infection.

4.- It helps you relieve stress

It is a healthy snack that can be consumed daily because it is very rich in vitamin E, which is essential for relieving stress.

Whenever you feel stressed, sometimes your appetite is also improving, snacking on matoa fruit will not cause weight gain, but will relieve your stress effectively.

5.- Increases resistance

During a workout, you need stamina, and to improve your work productivity, you also need to expand your stamina.

The body’s stamina is closely related to its current stamina and the sugar compound found in the matoa fruit is an excellent energy booster to increase your stamina.

6.- Promotes fertility

If you have problems with fertility, perhaps putting matoa fruit in your daily diet could be the natural solution you have been looking for to promote fertility. Also, this type of fruit is quite safe to be consumed by both men and women.

7.- Prevents the development of cancer

Cancer occurs when free radicals are free to gain access to your body. Antioxidants are the real deal for free radicals because they fight them and prevent the development of cancer cells.

As rich in vitamin C and vitamin E, the matoa fruit is an excellent source of powerful antioxidants.

8.- Excellent for the heart

Vitamin E is also great for the heart because it keeps heart cells healthy and prevents cell degeneration and promotes healthy arteries and veins. Vitamin C will help improve blood flow.

9.- Promotes skin health

Surely you have known that vitamin E is excellent for the skin. While vitamin C contributes to the production of collagen to maintain the elasticity of your skin.

The antioxidants will promote optimal regeneration of skin cells so that it appears younger for a little longer.

10.- Cures dysentery

Although further studies are still required on the fruit of the bush to cure dysentery among the local population, the fruit of the bush has been used as a home remedy to cure this disease for years.

Matoa Fruit Precautions

The problem with the fruit of the bush when it comes to the precautions or inverted effects of this fruit is still unknown because the studies carried out on the fruit of the bush are not many.

Beware of allergic reactions because it is not a type of fruit commonly found on the market. If you are allergic to lychee or organized fruit, avoiding this fruit may be a good idea.

If you are not familiar with this fruit, do not try to consume fruit that looks like bush fruit because the chance that it is not bush fruit is higher and could probably be harmful to your body.

Among the locals, matoa fruit is very popular because it is easy to find and spreads naturally in their neighborhood, but outside of Papua, this fruit is a bit hard to find and quite expensive, but for all the health benefits of Matoa fruit and its unique and exotic flavor, every penny you have spent on this fruit is worth it.

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