Weight Loss
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Weight Loss
How to use cinnamon for weight loss

Table of Contents
- Why combine cinnamon with a diet?
- What variety of cinnamon to choose for weight loss?
- How to take cinnamon to lose weight
- Side effects of cinnamon for weight loss
- Conclusion
- Discover how to use cinnamon for weight loss.
I am often asked if, with its sweet flavour, cinnamon makes you fat: on the contrary, it is the ally of diets!
Many people use it to lose weight, without really knowing why it helps you lose weight, or how to use cinnamon for weight loss and have a flat stomach.
So let’s develop the subject to know everything about the slimming virtues of this spice from Ceylon, poor man’s insulin!
Why combine cinnamon with a diet?
It is a hot and seductive spice to be used very easily if you appreciate its flavour. We find it from the starter to the dessert (of course), through the drinks. Whatever its use, it is ideal for keeping the figure.
Its special flavour comes from cinnamic aldehyde which represents 90% of the components of Ceylon cinnamon.
This substance is the best antioxidant there is. There are as many antioxidants in a teaspoon of cinnamon as in a cup of pomegranate or blueberry juice.
Let’s see in detail these benefits that will act on the weight.
To go further, see our article which details all the health benefits of cinnamon.
Its warming virtues:
Cinnamon, whether it is the bark, cinnamon berries or cinnamon leaves, has warming properties. Indeed, a chemical reaction is created in the body, which naturally raises the body’s heat.
The body’s thermostat ensures that the internal temperature is always the same, the body’s metabolism then speeds up to fight against the excess heat so that the temperature is balanced. This process is carried out by directly burning calories
It is therefore the thermogenic response which causes the acceleration of the metabolism, which causes the action to burn fat.
Its action on blood sugar:
Cinnamon also has a direct effect on blood sugar and cholesterol, earning it the name poor man’s insulin in Asia. Indeed, many experts claim that the spice is effective for people with type 2 diabetes, by increasing the insulin sensitivity of patients.
For the record, the first to have detected this in the West is Dr Richard A. Anderson. It was by mistake, studying the chromium in food, that he noticed that apple pie stimulated insulin activity, which made no sense. After researching, he found that it was the cinnamon in the pie that had this effect.
According to the latest studies by Professor Anderson, methylhydroxychalcone polymers (MHCP), the most active compound in cinnamon, increases glucose metabolism up to 20 times, a process that converts sugar into energy. This, therefore, has a direct effect on calories and fat, and therefore a direct slimming effect.
Besides, by improving, insulin sensitivity has a beneficial effect on patients with obesity. By the way, increasing insulin sensitivity decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease, the onset of arthritis, certain forms of cancer and neurodegenerative disease like Alzheimer’s.
MHCP is also an excellent antioxidant which helps prevent the formation of free radicals, which damage DNA and can lead to chronic diseases, such as diabetes.
An Anderson study was done in patients with diabetes, eating as usual and taking their diabetes medication (but not metformin). These patients consumed doses of cinnamon daily. After 40 days, he noticed drops in blood sugar levels from 18 to 29%, triglycerides from 23 to 30%, and cholesterol from 13 to 26%, including bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) from 10 to 24%.
Its digestive virtues:
Finally, let’s mention the digestive virtues of cinnamon. Indeed, it stimulates the digestive system, making it more efficient, which also acts directly against weight gain.
Its appetite suppressant action:
A craving, a desire to snack, jump on the cinnamon! Its appetite suppressant action is very effective, especially in case of sugar craving.
Many scientific studies have highlighted this effect. Among them, a study measured the speed taken by the stomach to empty itself of 300 g of pudding. The stomachs of patients who consumed cinnamon took more than 35% longer to empty: impressive!
Besides, its sweet flavour allows you to halve the sugar in a preparation.
What variety of cinnamon to choose for weight loss?
As I explain in our cinnamon page, there are two varieties of it, which come from the bark of two very similar but different tree species:
•Cinnamomum verum, known as Ceylon cinnamon, also known as real cinnamon,
•Cinnamomum aromatic or Cinnamomum cassia, called cinnamon from Indonesia or China, also called false cinnamon.Let’s be clear: when it comes to losing weight and lowering blood sugar, variety doesn’t matter, they have the same effect. That said, for long term use, we still recommend Ceylon cinnamon.
Indeed, their health benefits are the same, with one exception that makes all the difference: coumarin. It is the coumarin concentration that differs in the two species.
Ceylon cinnamon bark (Cinnamomum Verum) hardly contains any, but on the other hand, Chinese cinnamon bark (Cinnamomum cassia) is rich in it.
Except that coumarin is potentially toxic to the liver because it has hepatotoxic properties. So for long term consumption, prefer Ceylon cinnamon.
How to take cinnamon to lose weight
For an effect on weight loss, you should consume daily between 2 and 4 g of cinnamon powder, or about 1/2 to 1 teaspoon per day. Prefer Ceylon cinnamon.
Method # 1:
The easiest way is to add 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon in your daily diet. It is very easy to use, you will manage to find a place for it very easily, for example:
For breakfast: in cottage cheese, on your cereals, on a fruit salad, etc.
In your savoury dishes: yes, especially in the Maghreb and in the East, it is found in salty dishes: couscous, tagines, etc.
In the preparation of your desserts: to add directly to your preparations.
As a drink: in milk, in your tea, in fruit juice (apple, orange, grape, etc.), smoothies, etc.Method # 2:
Prepare yourself a homemade slimming tea with famous ingredients to lose weight!
Cinnamon honey is an ancestral natural remedy, with, among other things, slimming virtues! You can replace the tea with green mate, an infusion known for its slimming properties.
Ingredients :
1 teaspoon of tea (green or black depending on your taste), or mate
1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon or a stick
1 teaspoon of honeyPreparation :
•Boil some water.
•Put the cinnamon in boiling water for 2 or 3 minutes then stop heating.
•After a few minutes, add the tea and honey, let it steep for 3 or 4 minutes and filter the tea.
•Drink twice a day.For more recipes, check out our article on how to make cinnamon tea.
Method # 3:
Prepare a glass of water with honey and cinnamon.
Ingredients :
1 glass of water
1 teaspoon of honey
1 teaspoon of Ceylon cinnamon
Optional: a squeeze of lemonPreparation :
Heat the water without boiling it.
Add the cinnamon and honey then stir until the ingredients dissolve.
Drink it every morning and if possible in the evening, but with less cinnamon. For information, it is possible to replace the water with milk to prepare good cinnamon milk, just as delicious and good for your health.Method # 4:
More amazingly, just smell the cinnamon for it to affect you!
A little tip: in a spice jar, put a vanilla pod, a little citrus zest (orange, grapefruit, etc.), and of course cinnamon. In case of a little hunger, inhale the mixture for a good minute, the appetite suppressant effect will take care of the rest!
Does cinnamon work quickly?
The first effects on blood sugar are felt after 2 weeks of daily absorption.The first effects on cholesterol and triglycerides may take months to appear.
Side effects of cinnamon for weight loss
If using Indonesian cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia), do not exceed 1/2 teaspoon per day. The coumarin present in this variety is an anticoagulant, be careful if you are on anticoagulant treatment.
Rarer, coumarin, in large amounts and over long term consumption can cause liver damage. Otherwise, check out the contraindications for cinnamon for more information.
Here! Another good reason to consume cinnamon, especially associated with honey as you can see.
We have focused the information on cinnamon on the topic of this article, that is, its action on fat and weight in general, but honey and cinnamon are remedies for many ailments, many benefits that you will also enjoy by consuming them, and participating in good general health!
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Weight Loss
Chaz Bono weight loss secret

Table of Contents
- How did Chaz Bono achieve his weight loss goal?
- Chaz Bono weight loss diet
- How did Chaz Bono lose 60 pounds?
- What has worked for him?
- Chaz Bono weight loss photos
- Lifelong battle with obesity
- Chaz Bono weight Loss Journey
- Chaz Bono weight loss Surgery
- Related
Discover Chaz Bono weight loss secret.
Chaz Salvatore Bono, is an American writer, musician, and actor. He got popular as the son of entertainers Sonny Bono and Cher.
During his adolescence years, he appeared on their television show, The Sonny & Cher Comedy Hour. He publicly proclaims himself as a transsexual man.
How did Chaz Bono achieve his weight loss goal?
In 2012, the old Dancing with the Stars contestant attempted on a weight loss journey. Chaz Bono needed to lose weight and try several things.
Subsequently tilting the scale at 250 pounds, Bono vowed to lose weight in November 2012.
He set his actual goal of lowering 50 pounds, but he has since lost more than 80 pounds.
He now sticks to a healthier lifestyle, following a diet rich in meat and vegetables.
Chaz Bono weight loss diet
Talking about his diet, Chaz says: “I really feel very satisfied and prosperous with the way I eat now. It is incredible, and for me, it feels like kind of a miracle. I never guessed I’d be that kind of a person”.
The LGBT activist moreover says he glimpsed a change in his personality. He has more confidence and feels happy with what he sees in the mirror.
How did Chaz Bono lose 60 pounds?
Chaz Bono began his weight loss journey in November 2012. In May the next year, he already plunged 60 pounds.
And he instantly declared, “Diets do not work”. He has gone through many body transformations in his life.
But the son of Cher and Sonny love his new-look slimmer frame. He got to 190 pounds in May 2013, feeling really good about himself.
He even said that he would love to contend again in Dancing with the Stars.
Mainly, he changed the way he eats. Bono says, “I cook a lot of different stuff. I still enjoy dancing. I still take classes”. But he also does martial arts training.
Talking about his new way of life, he says, “I’ve just changed the way I eat. Diets do not work. You have to change what you eat, and I have”.
In his case, he started avoiding grains and starches. At the same time, he focused more on meat and vegetables, as well as fruits for between meals. He cooks meat and vegetables in different ways to keep things interested.
In the beginning, Bono followed the Freshology meal-plan to achieve his goal of alleviating 50 pounds. But now, he finds new ways to cook and doesn’t need a meal-plan to do it.
What has worked for him?
In his own words, “no sugar, no grains, no dairy except goat cheese, no white starches, portion control, and high-intensity workouts”.
Nowadays, he finds it ironic that people ask him for diet advice. And he replies, “It is not about dieting. It is about changing habits forever”.
Chaz Bono knows one thing. If he can change his diet and give up grains and sugar, anyone can.
Lifelong battle with obesity
Chaz Bono ultimately hit the breaks in November 2012. But he has had to endure a lifelong effort with obesity and weight issues.
Bono has experienced struggles since childhood to achieve a healthy weight. He grew up in a thin family. There, being thin was prized above all else.
He was not an overweight child. But they still put him on diets all the time. Chaz grew up with continual pressure to look underweight growing up.
Chaz Bono weight Loss Journey
Chaz says that because he had been transgender his entire life, he spent that whole time-independent from his own body.
It wasn’t until he appropriately transitioned from female to male that he began to take his health and weight loss journey into his own hands.
He started at 250 pounds at 5 ft 1.5 inches. Dr. Travis Stork proposed he lose between 50 and 80 pounds to bring him down to a healthier weight.
With Dr. Stork’s help, he has been eligible to keep off his weight and stay relaxed and healthy. He ended up losing a total of 60 pounds.
So, what did he do? Dr. Stork says he incorporated enjoyable exercise with a healthy diet to keep the weight off.
Chaz enjoyed being on Parading With the Stars so much that he attends some dance classes to drip away the pounds.
It’s not realized what kind of dance classes he took, but it’s safe to say dancing is an enormous way to enjoy getting fit.
Since dancing is fun and satisfying, people are more likely to stick to dancing as exercise. The amount of calories you burn relies on each type of dance, as various dancing styles focus on several muscles and movements.
Fast dances such as hip hop and swing dancing can burn upwards of 550 calories per hour, due to the severe cardio movement. Sluggish dancing, such as ballroom dancing, can burn closer to 300 calories an hour.
Chaz Bono keeps his habit mixed with both martial arts and kickboxing. They’re fun physical activities that he appreciates, which makes it easier to commit time weekly to them.
Cardio kickboxing burns lots of calories: you can burn 350 and 450 calories an hour. It doesn’t just have physical benefits, it has mental benefits too. Hard exercises are an enormous way for the body to release stress and mental frustration.
The calories burned during a martial arts class greatly depend on if you’re practicing slower-paced or more moderately-paced martial arts.
Slower-paced martial arts can burn between 475-575 calories an hour, and moderate-paced martial arts can burn up to 900 calories.
Chaz Bono weight loss Surgery
Did Chaz Bono have bariatric surgery to loose weight?
During Female to Male transition, numerous surgery like Penile reconstruction, nipple cut off and nipple construction, etc., all are done under various complex surgeries.
But When Bono arises a smart physique’s body, stories spread that he might have undergone Bariatric surgery to lose weight.
When gossips spread across in an interview with Extra Tv, Chaz says that “He has not undergone any weight loss surgery.”
His clear cut said that his weight loss secret only depends on changing habits, proper exercise, and smart food choices in his diet plan.
Weight Loss
Kelly Osbourne weight loss 2022

Table of Contents
- Kelly Osbourne weight loss Photos
- The designer and face of the channel E! Entertainment, Kelly Osbourne, who is also the daughter of legendary rocker Ozzy Osbourne, battled against her weight for many years.
However, at 28 years old, she looks very different from her adolescence after losing about 22 kilos.
- This was detailed by the celebrity in an interview with the magazine ‘In Touch’, to which she confessed that her weight loss began in 2009 when she accepted the challenge of participating in the program ‘Dancing With The Stars’.
On the show Kelly lost about 10 kilos, but then continued a healthy lifestyle that allowed her to stay fit, losing 5 sizes in the process.
“People think I lost weight and then I was happy, but that’s not how it works. First, you must be happy, “explained the young woman as reported by Inquisitr.com .
In this context, Osbourne explained that she did all the diets imaginable and that none of them worked for her. But then she started a healthy diet and started exercising.
“I would love to tell you that there is another way to lose weight, but the boring truth is that you have to eat sensibly and exercise,” she said.
Kelly, who currently weighs 50 kilos, further noted that “For breakfast, I eat cereal or an omelet with egg whites, mushrooms and spinach.
For lunch, usually a salad or a turkey burger. And for dinner, I eat brown rice with vegetables and some kind of meat ”.
Along with eating well, Osbourne said she consistently exercises, such as a half hour of cardio, Pilates, yoga, or circuit training.
Despite this, she admits that she has a little secret to avoid falling into the eating routine and freeing herself from time to time: “I have one day a week in which I can cheat and eat everything I want,” she said.
She added that “You should never deprive yourself of anything, because later you start to get angry about it.”
Kelly Osbourne weight loss diet
Before joining Dancing With the Stars, K. Osbourne acknowledge that her diet wasn’t comprised of wholesome staples (“I used to eat chips and cookies and drink soda all day long,” she told Shape).
But after attaining a weight loss goal in 2010, Kelly said she realized it was time to stop constraining herself entirely, and add back some of her favorites in a balanced style.
“I indulge with pizza and cheese — I love Brie — and have cookies sometimes,” she told Shape. “But now, when I’m full? I stop eating! It may have taken me 26 years to figure it out, but I’ve finally learned how to do it right.”
Like most balanced diets, Kelly later disclosed that the biggest challenge is discovering a middle ground in moderation. “Everything has to be in moderation, and to find that place is easier said than done.
It really is,” she told Huffington Post. “I always ‘cheat’… I eat my fattiest meal in the [morning]. If I’m craving pizza, I’ll have it for breakfast, salad for lunch, and oatmeal for dinner.”
Kelly Osbourne surgery weight loss
For Osbourne, undergoing a gastric surgery wasn’t the “easy” alternative when it comes to weight loss; she says she had to shove through a year of rehearsals before she even went under the knife.
“I had surgery; I don’t give a f— what anyone has to say,” Kelly told the hosts of the Hollywood Rawpodcast this month, communicating her recent revelation that she’s lost 85 pounds in total. “I did it, I’m proud of it,” she expanded. “I will never ever, ever lie about it, ever. It’s the best thing I have ever done.”
Like many before her, Kelly had to make an enormous lifestyle change in order for the surgery to certainly help her maintain longterm weight loss.
“The kind of surgery I had… If you don’t work out and you don’t eat right, you gain weight. All it does is move you in the right direction,” she explained. “So, anyone who’s thinking of doing something like this, really think about that.”
K. Osbourne added that she didn’t even think of getting surgery until she received an injection to relieve pain she experienced due to a common jaw issue known as TMJ.
“It kinda made my jaw look skinnier,” she said. “That’s when people started to notice that I had reallylost weight because it changed the shape of everything.”
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