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15 Benefits of coconut oil for hair



coconut oil for hair

Discover the 15 benefits of coconut oil for hair.

Coconut oil is very popular and often preferred as a hair oil throughout the world. And it is a very popular ancient elixir in Asia. We tell you why.

Many people who live in the coastal areas of the world, more specifically in areas where coconuts grow in abundance, know that pleasant coconut oil is their only hair oil. These are the areas like the Indian subcontinent, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Malaysia, Burma, the Philippines and parts of the Caribbean.

Coconut oil is rich in carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals that are good for the human body. However, coconut oil is not limited to hair; It is used in the preparation of cosmetic creams and soaps, and in Asian countries, it is also used to prepare various types of food and salads.

Coconut oil has been used as hair oil for thousands of years and has shown remarkable results. Certain components of coconut oil keep hair strong, nourished, and protected from the effects of premature aging, such as baldness and hair loss. Let’s take a look at some of those hair benefits, and what components of coconut oil are responsible.

Benefits of coconut oil for hair

1. Hair loss:

Coconut oil has been used since ancient times in India for hair grooming. Various remedies using herbs and coconut oil were prepared to prevent hair loss. One such remedy can be prepared in modern times by boiling Salvia leaves in coconut oil.

This mixture can be applied to the scalp for the improvement of healthy hair, and its use will also prevent hair loss. Applying a mixture of coconut oil and lemon water can also provide relief from hair loss, as does the mixture of coconut oil and gooseberries. They boil gooseberries in coconut oil and then apply it to their hair.

2. Hair damage:

Using coconut oil on hair helps reduce protein loss in both damaged and intact hair. Rich in lauric acid, coconut oil has a high affinity for hair protein and easily penetrates the hair shaft due to its low molecular weight. It can be used for pre-wash or post-wash hair grooming.

3. Cooling Properties:

Applying coconut oil to the head and scalp also has a cooling effect. It can cool and soothe people with hotheads, or those who suffer from severe scalp sweating.

4. Moisture retention:

Coconut oil can retain moisture, as it does not break down or evaporate easily, it remains very stable. It does not let moisture escape, thus keeping hair moist and soft, preventing hair breakage.

5. Hair Conditioning:

Coconut oil is the best hair conditioner than any synthetic available on the market. Using warm coconut oil helps keep hair shiny and smooth. Apply the warm oil at night and wash your hair the next morning. This can be repeated from time to time for healthy, strong, and conditioned hair.

6. Anti-dandruff:

Various fatty acids available in coconut oil serve as very good anti-dandruff agents and are much better than any anti-dandruff shampoo. Regular application of coconut oil can help you get rid of dandruff for good.

Coconut oil mixed with warm water and castor oil can also be effective in treating dandruff. Massage the scalp and hair with this mixture for best results.

Another home remedy for dandruff can be prepared by mixing coconut oil with sesame oil. Apply this mixture for about 30 minutes and then wash your hair.

7. Styling:

Coconut oil can be a good styling oil for hair, as it melts and then condenses when cooled. Therefore, when you apply it to your hair, it is diluted and spread evenly due to the heat of the scalp. Soon after, as the hair comes into contact with air, the oil in the hair condenses, thus working as a hair cream or gel.

8. Head Lice Protection :

Head lice are a very common hair pest and can cause embarrassment for anyone. Also, they tend to come back again and again.

There are many chemical products for the treatment of lice, but unfortunately, they can also damage the scalp and hair due to their strong chemical components.

Combing through wet hair with a fine comb is a good remedy for getting rid of lice, but it can also damage wet hair. However, if one covers the wet hair with coconut oil, it becomes much easier to comb and subsequently remove the lice.

9. Hair care for dry hair:

For people with dry hair and who have dry and thin hair, taking care of their hair is a big concern. However, using strong hair care products for cleansing, toning and conditioning can lead to a dry and flaky scalp. Coconut oil can be effective in caring for this type of dry hair.

10. Hair toning:

Coconut oil also helps tone hair, especially dry hair. Apply a warm mixture of coconut oil and lavender essential oil to your scalp at night, then wash and rinse your hair the next morning. You can repeat this as often as you like until you see the desired results.

11. Hair Conditioning:

Hair conditioner can be easily prepared at home using coconut oil. Not only is it effective; but It also has no side effects. Mix a little henna with coconut oil and hot milk to form a paste. Apply this to your hair for 20 minutes and then rinse your hair properly. This hair conditioner is very effective, especially for dry hair.

12. Boils:

Some people experience the condition of boils on the scalp, especially during the winter. This can also happen if it is exposed to heat or sun for a long duration.

It is important to keep the hair and scalp clean and occasional hair massage with a mixture of coconut oil and olive oil can provide relief from the uncomfortable and unsightly problems of boils. However, if the problem persists, you should contact your health care specialist.

13. Split Ends:

If you have a lot of split ends in your hair, it is generally recommended to cut them, but in case this problem appears in a small number of your hair strands, then you could use simple home remedies to solve the problem.

Massage the hair with a mixture of coconut oil and almond oil for a few minutes; This will help minimize split ends and bring them back together.

14. Healthy Hair:

With various benefits such as hair nourishment, anti-aging properties, moisture retention, and vitamin E supplementation, coconut oil in shampoo is one of the best things that helps your hair.

15. The Oily Factor:

Detergent or soap-based shampoos leave your hair dry, rough, hard, and bleached. Therefore you will sometimes find that you cannot gently comb your hair after you have washed it.

The oil in the shampoo counteracts this effect. In coconut oil, that component comes from natural saturated fats and keeps hair smooth and shiny.

How to apply coconut oil to hair

Before fully entering into the different ways of using coconut oil in hair care, it is important to know the objective that we intend to achieve with its use. In other words, we will not apply it the same if we want to combat dandruff or, on the contrary, if we are looking for a hydrated and nourished mane.

Moisturize the hair

Take two tablespoons of coconut oil and spread this amount through your hair and scalp.

Cover the hair with a shower cap or something similar and let it act for an hour.

Rinse the hair with water, then comb the hair.

Curb frizz

Apply a tablespoon of coconut oil to your hair. On this occasion, it is not necessary to rinse the hair with water.

Fight dandruff

Mix two tablespoons of coconut oil with sesame or tea tree oil, whichever you prefer.

When the combination is homogeneous, apply it to the hair.

Let the mixture act for 30 minutes and rinse it off.

And you, do you know how you want your hair to look? Take a few minutes to look at your hair and try the star ingredient!

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7 Benefits of Epazote and side effects




Discover the 7 shocking health benefits of Epazote and side effects.

Epazote, also known as paico or acahualillo, is a widely used medicinal plant, as its essential oils contain vermifuge, antibiotic, digestive properties, and strengthen the immune system.

This plant, whose scientific name is Chenopodium Ambrosioides, grows spontaneously in lands that surround the houses, it has elongated leaves of different sizes and dark green, its flowers are small and whitish.


Epazote can be bought in certain markets or health food stores, in its natural form, in dehydrated leaves, or essential oil.

Because it is considered a plant with a degree of toxicity, it should preferably be used under the guidance of a health professional, in addition to the use of tea from its leaves instead of essential oil, since it contains a higher concentration of potentially toxic substances.

Health Benefits of Epazote

Although epazote is a plant that is widely used in traditional medicine, it has few studies that confirm its properties in the body.

Despite this, several investigations have been carried out with this plant in animals, concluding that it has effects such as:

1. Eliminate intestinal parasites

This is one of the most popular uses of epazote and, according to some human studies, the use of this plant has a strong action against different intestinal parasites, such as worms and tapeworms.

This action seems to be related to the main active substance in epazote, ascaridol, which is similar in efficacy to some antiparasitic drugs, such as Albendazole.

2. Benefits of epazote for immune system

According to research carried out in animals, the use of epazote extract seems to be able to regulate the production of some cells important for the body’s defense, such as macrophages and lymphocytes, strengthening the immune system.

The mixture of epazote leaves with milk is popularly used to help in the treatment of respiratory diseases, such as bronchitis and tuberculosis, due to the union of the strengthening effects of the immune system and expectorants that these substances possess.

3. Benefits of epazote for inflammation

Another common use of epazote is in the relief of inflammation, mainly joint problems, such as osteoarthritis. Additionally, the plant also helps relieve pain from inflammation.

This analgesic action was observed in the use of the alcoholic extract of the plant, which seems to act on the NMDA receptors.

4. Benefits of epazote for digestion

Although there are no studies that prove the action of this plant on poor digestion, this is one of the popular uses in which it is used the most.

According to its use, epazote tea can be taken after large meals, to improve digestion, as it could be able to increase gastric juice production.

5. Benefits of epazote for  blood pressure

In Morocco, epazote is frequently used to help treat high blood pressure and, according to studies in mice, this property is due to the stimulation of type 2 muscarinic receptors in the heart that slightly decrease the heart rate. , in addition to relaxing the heart muscle.

6. Combat bacterial, viral, and fungal infections

Both the use of epazote extract and essential oil has shown a powerful antimicrobial action that is capable of eliminating various types of bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

7. Avoid osteoporosis

In some investigations carried out in laboratory mice, the use of the hydroalcoholic extract of epazote was able to prevent the loss of bone density and can be applied to prevent the onset of osteoporosis, especially in women who are close to entering menopause.

Is epazote used to treat coronavirus?

study carried out in 2020 by the Oswaldo Cruz Institute, confirmed the hypothesis that the flavonoids present in epazote may be able to prevent the replication of the new coronavirus, accelerating the recovery and cure of COVID-19.

However, the study was conducted on a computer model and has not been tested in a laboratory, nor living organisms.

For this reason, the dose necessary for treatment is not known, nor are the possible side effects.

For this reason, no health organ recommends the use of epazote as a treatment for COVID-19 until new studies are carried out.

How to use epazote

The most common way to take advantage of the properties of this plant is by infusing its leaves, preparing a tea:

Epazote tea: place a cup of the fresh plant with the seeds in boiling water and let it rest for 10 minutes. Afterward, strain and drink a cup up to 3 times a day.

In addition to infusion, another popular way to use epazote is an essential oil, however, its use must be guided by a naturopath, psychotherapist, or a health professional with experience in the use of medicinal plants.

How to Make epazote tea

8 large stems and leaves of fresh epazote
2 quarts boiling water


  • Add epazote to boiling water and let simmer for 2 minutes.
  • ove from heat and let steep for another 3 minutes.
  • Strain and serve.
Side effects of epazote

Side effects of epazote include irritation of the skin and mucous membranes, headache, vomiting, nausea, palpitations, damage to the liver or kidneys, visual disturbances, and seizures, in case of doses higher than recommended or for a time. longer than 3 days in a row.

Is epazote abortifacient?

In high doses, the properties of epazote can act by altering the contractility of the body’s muscles; For this reason, it can have an abortive effect in certain people, not advising its use in pregnant women.


Epazote is contraindicated in pregnant women and children under 2 years of age.

This medicinal herb can be toxic, requiring a medical indication to establish the recommended dose

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3 Good Reasons To Never Throw Avocado Skins Again




throwing for skins

Health Benefits of Avocado Skins

I love avocados, and today I’m showing you everything you can do with their skins. Because yes, what do we do with the skin after eating the fruit?

Some throw it in the garbage, in the composter, or give it to the chickens. But ultimately, we do nothing concrete.

However, these peels are really useful: throwing them away without using them, it’s a shame!As I hate mess, I researched how to use avocado skins and take advantage of their virtues.

So here are 3 very simple tips to give a second life to these peelings with multiple virtues. Look :

1. Fight against dry feet

Do you have dry or cracked feet? This recipe is made for you! Avocado skin is there to remedy that. To reap the benefits of avocado peels, first, rub the inside of the skin on your feet.

Then wrap them in plastic wrap for about 20 minutes. Then remove the plastic and wipe your feet with a towel. You don’t even need to rinse them.

Your feet are now all soft! Avocado softens and regenerates the epidermis of the skin naturally.

And it doesn’t cost a dime! To make it even more effective, you can also put socks on all night. And if you have dry hands, this recipe works too.

2. Deeply moisturizes facial skin

The skin of your face also has the right to help from the benefits of avocado! It could not be easier: Once the avocado is peeled, pass the skin on the flesh side over your face.

Leave it on for at least 10 minutes and rinse it off with lukewarm water. Your skin is now deeply rehydrated. This is perfect for sensitive skin that feels tight or very dry skin.

As for oily skin, avocado regulates sebum production. It will therefore normalize after a few regular applications.

And for problem skin, it’s good too! The acne gradually disappears. You will understand, whatever the type of your skin, the avocado peel is a 100% natural treatment that is suitable for everyone.

3. Erases wrinkles naturally

With age, wrinkles are more and more visible on the face. Fortunately, the virtues of avocado can also help remedy this.

To do this, cut the skin of the avocado into strips about 4 cm wide. Place a coverslip under each eye, press lightly to hold, and leave to act for at least 10 minutes.

Rinse it off with lukewarm water. Or even better: dab with a tissue to make the benefits of avocado last longer. Avocado has the power to regenerate the skin.

Results? Fine lines and bags under the eyes will fade. It is only necessary to apply this remedy regularly. Nothing simpler, right? In addition, it is 0 waste and it costs nothing.

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