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How to remove facial hair with turmeric



turmeric powder facial hair removal

Why and how to use turmeric to remove facial hair?

This turmeric never ceases to amaze us, and if it doesn’t, it will be after reading this article. Indeed, we are going to see how and why to use turmeric to fight against unwanted facial hair.

I suggest here some methods, soft or strong, with different levels of effectiveness, to eliminate those hairs that annoy you! They are effective for the face, but also, of course, for the whole body!

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It is a predominantly female concern, with every woman wishing to have a radiant face and, at a minimum, without any hair. To do this, they practice waxing, hair removal with thread, tweezers, or they use dyes, in short: they struggle!

The abnormal growth of hair, hirsutism in medical terms, often happens to women with dark hair, because even if all women are hairy, in them it is more visible. So that can become an embarrassing problem, especially as they get older and their estrogen levels drop.

There are many natural, inexpensive, and good facial methods to get rid of unwanted facial hair, and that’s thanks to turmeric, a perfect ingredient for external use. Turmeric is also used to have beautiful skin.

These recipes allow either permanent hair removal, or in the medium term allow hair to be refined, bleached, or prevent regrowth. In any case, they leave the skin of the face healthy, soft, without blackheads and above all: without hair!

Turmeric will act on 4 levels: hair removal, hair colouring, hair thickness, slowing down or even stopping hair regrowth. Well, more should be said about these methods:

A permanent hair removal mask? Yes for some and no for others.
Hair removal or a mask? Both my captain.
Hair removal in one application? No! As I will specify later, it must be applied 2 or 3 times a week for one or two months to have a concrete result.
In all the methods that we are going to see, do not put the mask or the balm on the eyebrows, that goes without saying, but I prefer to specify!

Recipes of turmeric depilatory masks:

Turmeric and chickpea flour:

Effective for both light hair and thick hair, this is my favourite gentle method, a traditional Indian method.

Chickpea flour is traditionally used in India in combination with turmeric to suppress and prevent hair growth all over the body.

Women are used to using this method on themselves, but also on children to keep their skin soft, clean and hairless.

Ingredients :

1/2 bowl of chickpea flour
1/2 bowl of milk
1 heaped teaspoon of ground turmeric
1 teaspoon of fresh cream

Preparation :

Mix the turmeric and the chickpea flour, then mix with the milk and the fresh cream until you obtain a homogeneous and smooth paste.

Apply liberally to the face in the direction of hair growth, until the preparation covers all the hair.

Leave the mask on for 30 minutes, then rub the face with your hands or a slightly moistened glove, against the grain.

Then finish rinsing your face so as not to leave yellow marks.
This method should be repeated at least 2 or 3 times a week, for at least 1 or 2 months, before you see any obvious effect.

In the long term, it will allow a decrease in hair growth, a decrease in thickness, until total disappearance.

Turmeric, honey and lemon juice:

Effective on fine hairs by exfoliating effect, lemon cleanses and gum, and honey helps to soften the hairs. They both slow down hair growth, and “colour”, or rather whiten hair.

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It is a remedy widely used in Egypt.

Ingredients :

4 tablespoons of honey
1 tablespoon of lemon
1 teaspoon of turmeric

Preparation :

Mix all the ingredients and apply to the face. Leave on for 20 minutes then rub with a glove and rinse with fresh water.

This method should be repeated at least 2 or 3 times a week, for at least 1 or 2 months, before you see any obvious effect.

In the long term, it will allow a decrease in hair growth and a decrease in thickness.

Turmeric and red lentils

Also thanks to its exfoliating and exfoliating effect, a mask with red lentils (masoor dal in Indian) is ideal for getting rid of hair. It is a mask used in India to purify and remove hair from the whole body.

Ingredients :

2 tablespoons of red lentils
1 or 2 tablespoons of almond milk
1/2 teaspoon of turmeric

Preparation :

Mix the red lentils until you obtain a fine powder, and mix this powder with the turmeric, pour in the milk and mix until you obtain a very smooth paste.

Apply the paste on the face, leave to act for 20 min then rub with the hands or a glove.

This method should be repeated at least 2 or 3 times a week, for at least 1 or 2 months, before you see any effect.

Turmeric and wheat flour

Ingredients :

1 teaspoon of turmeric
1 teaspoon of wheat flour
olive oil

Preparation :

Mix the flour and turmeric. Pour in the olive oil very slowly while mixing until you get a thick paste.

Apply on your face and let sit for 30 min.

Remove by rubbing with your hands or a glove.

You will have noticed that all these methods are more or less the same, you can vary them, use other ingredients for the skin like rose water or orange blossom water.

Honey, turmeric and milk: one of the remedies for facial hair!

The harsh, but very effective methods:

Why hard method? Because these are recipes for preparing depilatory waxes, so you will have to remove the wax with a snap to depilate the hair and that: it stings!

Turmeric and egg white:

It’s a recipe that comes to me from a market client, tested by my wife who approved it 100%!

Ingredients :

1 egg white
1 teaspoon of turmeric
1 teaspoon of flour

Preparation :

Mix all the ingredients to obtain a mixture neither too liquid nor too thick, otherwise, add dry ingredients to thicken it, a little water to liquefy it.
Spread the mask liberally on the face and put toilet paper on top.

Leave to dry for 30 minutes, and once dry and hard, pull sharply against the grain. Finish by rinsing with fresh water.

Turmeric and sugar

Simple, fast and effective. Sugar has always been used as a natural treatment for hair removal in Egypt. Unlike conventional hair removal, you have to pull the hairs in the direction of the hair growth, it hurts less and irritates the skinless.

Ingredients :

2 teaspoons of powdered sugar
1 teaspoon of honey
1 teaspoon of water
1 or 2 knife tips of turmeric

Preparation :

Mix the sugar and turmeric, then mix the mixture with the honey and water.
Heat the mixture for about 30 seconds in the microwave, until it boils and browns.

Mix, and let cool so as not to burn your skin. Apply the wax with a spatula on the areas to be depilated.

Place a strip of fabric on the wax, smooth with your fingers in the direction of the hair, and tear in the direction of the hair growth.

Variation: same recipe, but with 1/4 cup of water, 2 cups of powdered sugar and 1/4 cup of lemon juice, heat in a saucepan until boiling, then 25 min over low heat at a simmer until it reaches a dark amber colour.


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10 Benefits of long bell peppers




Discover the 10 health benefits of long bell peppers.

The long peppers may sound unfamiliar to some, but not in the ears of the Javanese. In Java, it is also known as Javanese pepper, with the scientific name of Piper Retrofractum Vahl.

It is considered as a spice and is commonly used for jamu, which is an Indonesian traditional herbal drink, hence its nickname is “cabe jamu” or jamu pepper.

If you want to learn more about long peppers, you are absolutely on the right track! For your information, long peppers grow at a maximum altitude of 600 m with 1,259 mm/year of rain. Anyway, what exactly is a long pepper?

Long peppers are also known as Balinese pepper or Indian pepper, following their original roots in South Asia, particularly India and Sri Lanka.

In India, long peppers are called ‘pippali’. Long peppers have four main functions, especially as a home remedy, cooking ingredient, medicinal herb, and catalyst to enhance the effects of other herbs.

The benefits of Javanese long peppers are somewhat similar to the health benefits of Indian long peppers.

Just as their scientific name suggests, long peppers contain piperine. Piperine is an alkaloid that works as a stimulant for poor blood circulation. Piperine is also found in black pepper and is also responsible for making both of them spicy.

Now here is the main question; Do long peppers have other uses besides being spices and a cooking ingredient? Yes, it does, and here are the health benefits of long pepper.

10 health benefits of long bell peppers

1.- Good for liver ailments

• Liver disease arises from our habit of indulging in unhealthy junk foods.

• At the end of the day, the liver becomes overworked.

• Long bell peppers balance the liver’s workload by removing toxins that have built up in the liver and that have been produced by digesting these types of foods.

• Here are also the best quick way to detox the liver after several years of drinking.

2.- Helps to lose weight

• The long pepper can burn fatty acids similar to other types of pepper without any side effects.

• In fact, it is considered a safer and healthier alternative compared to its clinical counterparts.

3.- Reduces the risk of diabetes

• Like the health benefits of red rice for diabetics, long bell peppers help alleviate diabetes by regulating the rate of glucose released into the blood system.

• Long peppers also stimulate insulin production.

• That is the main reason why long pepper is highly recommended for diabetic patients.

4.- Decreases bacterial infection

• The risk of bacterial infection may incline as the daily temperature increases.

• Unhygienic food, as well as unsterile water, can be prone to bacterial infection, causing an upset stomach.

• Long peppers can be used to counter these occurrences.

5.- Serves as a cough treatment

Long peppers treat a cough by making it a simple remedy. This is how you do it:

Step 1: Take 1 to 2 grams of the spice and fry it with a little ghee. Ghee is a kind of Indian butter.

Step 2: Bring it in while it cools.

If ghee is not available, you can use honey instead.

6.- Relieves indigestion

• The content of long peppers is capable of curing digestive problems.

7.- Decrease fever

• The antiseptic and antiseptic properties of long pepper can reduce fever or relax the throat.

• You can easily reduce a fever by mixing long pepper with a hot bowl of soup.

8.- Relieves toothache

• You can also cure a toothache by making a paste with pepper, salt, and water.

9.- Cure diarrhea

• Diarrhea can be cured by consuming a long pepper soup.

10.- Relieves asthma

• Long peppers are an alternative to relieve occasional asthma attacks and other asthma symptoms.

• However, you should not use it as a substitute for respiratory medicine.

How to use long peppers for traditional cures

About the previous pointers on the health benefits of long pepper, here are the simple recipes to make your long pepper remedy.

1.- To lower the fever

• Step 1 – Prepare 3g of dried long peppers

• Step 2 – Smooth until it reaches its softest state.

• Step 3: Infuse with hot water and consume.

• Despite its hot taste, it is suitable for both children and adults.

2.- It is a cure for toothache

• Step 1 – Prepare 3 long pepper leaves

• Step 2: squash them, but not to their smoothest shape.

• Step 3: prepare it in warm water

• Step 4: Use the gargle formula. Do it regularly until the toothache is completely gone.

3.- To overcome «Masuk Angin»

Masuk angin is an Indonesian term to describe the uneven distribution of gases within the body characterized by cold-like symptoms.

It has no direct translation into English, and no specific knowledge of this ‘disease’, therefore making ‘masuk angin’ is a large loose term. Long peppers can be treated ‘masuk angin’ by following this simple formula:

• Step 1 – Prepare 3g of long peppers, some brown sugar, ginger, and “temulawak” (Curcuma Zanthorrhiza).

• Step 2 – Boil until everything is softened and add warm water.

• Step 3 – Drink that formula while it’s still hot.

4.- Prevents abdominal spasm

• Step 1: Take 3 long pepper leaves and add a glass of water.

• Step 2: Boil both of them fully and let them cool for a while.

• Step 3: consume completely.

5.- Clean the postpartum ovary

• Step 1: Prepare 3 grams of long pepper roots.

• Step 2: Add warm water and bring to a full boil.

• Step 3 – Filter the water when you are done.

• Step 4: Consume the boiled water until done. It is suggested to consume it while it is still hot.

Those are just the healthy creations you can make with long bell peppers. The recipes are not proprietary so you can easily adjust them to better suit your preferences or requirements.

However, it is still highly recommended that you follow exactly what is written above. In addition to the long bell pepper uses listed above, there will be more below, however, the ones below are not specifically categorized by disease.

Generic long pepper recipe

Step 1 – Boil 150cc of water.

• Step 2 – Make it with 4 grams of pepper powder.

• Step 3: Consume while hot to get your maximum benefit.

If there are still long pepper powders left, you can also use them like this:

• Fill it inside the capsules for consumption at any time.

• Apply the powders directly to the affected area for toothache.

• Use it to treat swollen gums.

• In addition to health, long peppers are equally useful for planting and soil fertility.

• Thirty-eight uses of long peppers can be obtained by using them in a “jamu” or a traditional herbal drink, which has the potential to cure practically everything but the insecticide.

• Long pepper does not work with insecticide because it kills the reaction of the insecticide inside the plants.

Those are just the top long pepper health benefits that may sound unfamiliar to you, especially among the youngest these days. Either way, hope it helps!

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