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Benefits of yoga for men



Benefits of yoga for men

Discover the benefits of yoga for men.

If you are a man and reading this blog, it is quite likely that you are already interested in yoga. I think that this article that I bring you can inspire you to continue deepening your practice.

If you are a woman, I bring you resources to motivate your partner, or any other man in your life, to do yoga. Right, you and I know that it would be great for him?

My story with yoga

For 7 years my ex-girlfriend tried to convince me that I should do yoga. I told him that it was a girl thing and that I was a man and that’s why I played soccer or went running.

That relationship ended. And how curious, that for the next few years almost every woman he knew was a yoga teacher. I have always thought that this was not a coincidence, but something karmic, and that the universe pushed me towards yoga. And besides, he did it with pretty women: he knew that would catch my attention.

In the end, I decided to try. First I started practicing at home with videos because I was embarrassed to go to a class.

Later I met another teacher, a beautiful and very interesting girl who invited me to her class. Of course, I went, and that day, when I saw her sitting in that strange position with her eyes closed, between that music, the candles, and the intense smell of incense, I realized what I had been missing for so many years: it seemed that I was in the presence of a goddess.

That day I understood that doing yoga in a class is something different from what I thought, and not because I liked the teacher.

Sometime later I quit my job and went to India, where I did my TTC to become a yoga teacher. Since then I have not stopped practicing, learning, and sharing yoga with other people, especially men.

I’ve stopped eating meat, drinking alcohol, smoking (I don’t do it even sporadically), playing soccer, and even ejaculating, and my life has changed radically.

Benefits of yoga for men

In this article, I want to present 8 reasons why all men should do yoga

1. Reduce stress level

If you’re like most men, you may be stressed all day. You think that the world constantly demands that you do everything well, and above all without losing your temper or saying no to anything.

The worst judge is yourself: you are never satisfied and always believe that everything can be done better and faster. For you, the world is like a constant competition against others, or even worse: against yourself.

Yoga offers you the possibility of dedicating some quality time to yourself: to your body, your mind, and your spirit. The practice of yoga helps calm your mind and reduce stress.

After my first yoga class, when I was in final relaxation, in savasana, I entered a state of relaxation that I hadn’t experienced in months.

Recommended practice to relax: Yoga Nidra.

2. Emotions

It is evident that, in general, men have greater problems than women in identifying their emotions. Since you were little you have been told that you cannot cry “because you are a man”, that you cannot be afraid “because you are not a girl”… and other phrases that, surely, you have also heard.

Little by little, all this is permeating your subconscious. In the end, you become the iceman and do not allow yourself to feel any of the so-called “negative” emotions (which do not exist, because in reality, each emotion is a signal that your body gives you to inform you of something).

Benefits of yoga for men: Not allowing yourself to feel these emotions can cause several problems:

• – If you don’t feel fear, anger, or disgust you can’t feel joy or happiness either. You will live a life without ups and downs, but also passion.

• – Even if you don’t want it, those emotions are permeating your body and make your life more difficult. You will always feel a sense of carrying something, or what is worse, you will explode without knowing why.

– Recommended practice to work emotions: Osho Meditation.

3. Sex energy

Whether you like it or not, if you are a man you have testosterone – if you are a woman you also have it, but in a proportion 10 times lower. This hormone ensures that you do not lack the desire to, say, “spend time with a woman.”

There is nothing negative about this as long as it is under control. However, many men are victims of their sexual desire.

Benefits of yoga for men: This can become a big problem. It is only necessary to see what the industries of pornography or prostitution bill.

The ancient yogis, who realized this thousand years ago, discovered techniques to solve it. Yoga is great for refining this sexual energy that is linked to the second chakra, Svadistana.

Through the practice of some asanas, pranayama, or meditation you can sublimate that energy, that is, refine it. In this way, it can be converted into creative energy that is located in the same chakra and can also be transferred to the higher chakras.

Recommended practice for the sublimation of sexual energy: Uddhyana Bhanda.

4. Heal your masculine and feminine sides

Benefits of yoga for men: Yoga says that we are all made up of two parts, one feminine, and one masculine or yin and yang.

Hatha Yoga is an ideal tool to balance your feminine and masculine sides. Whether you are a man or a woman, by connecting these two parts and making peace between them, you will be able to perform 100% of your possibilities in any aspect of your life, including those that you feel you could develop more of.

Benefits of yoga for men: The yang part gives you direction, the ability to make decisions, and the presence of Shiva.

The ying part gives you the emotions and enjoyment of worldly things and the manifested world, Shakti.

Practice balancing the two sides: Trikonasana to the right and the left.

5. Concentration

Benefits of yoga for men: We live in the world of overstimulation, of constant distraction. In addition, men are especially visual, which means that we spend the whole day looking here and there (and this without talking about mobile phones, the number 1 enemy of presence).

Several studies show that the male brain works better if it stays focused on a single task. For its part, the female brain works better if it does several things at the same time.

Benefits of yoga for men: Thanks to yoga you can develop the ability to concentrate located in the Ajna chakra, the third eye.

By working on your concentration through yoga, you will become a more productive and efficient person.

Practice to develop concentration: Trataka

6. Willpower

Benefits of yoga for men: Willpower is a masculine value. However, today it is greatly missed in both men and women.

Yoga indicates that this value is found in Manipura chakra, the third, located in the navel.

Yoga is not a competitive sport, but it can enhance self-improvement. It doesn’t matter how flexible you are or how you build the poses at first. The important thing in yoga is the perseverance to demand a little more of yourself every day, to go one centimeter further, always within the healthy limits of your body.

If you are constant, you will see truly formidable changes.

When I started doing yoga, I came from playing soccer in the 1st regional division of Madrid. I remember our stretches, especially the one where you lean forward to stretch your lower back and hamstrings. I think I could go down to my knees; come on, it was just as flexible as a piece of chewing gum.

Now, when I practice Padahastasana, I arrive smoothly with my palms on the ground.

Practice to improve your willpower: Nabhyasana

7. Self-knowledge

Benefits of yoga for men: Another masculine value that men and women have is the will to find a purpose in life, something greater than yourself that helps you transcend and live a meaningful life.

The first step to finding your mission in life is self-knowledge. If you don’t know who you are, you can never find out what you came into this world to do.

Benefits of yoga for men: We live in a time where many men give up on their dreams and true motivations for many reasons. This makes them frustrated, and their environment is the first to be affected.

Yoga gives you the chance to look inside yourself, to peel back layers of the onion that you have been building around your true essence.

Meditation or Dhyana is the seventh step within the 8 that Patanjali described in his sutras. This practice is one of the most efficient ways to know yourself.

Benefits of yoga for men: In silence and solitude is where you can connect with your essence.

Practice: Meditation.

Practice meditation. It is something essential. Once you enjoy it, you can’t give it up, and the benefits are immediate. Dalai Lama

8. Be a better person

Many people think that yoga is just a physical practice. However, as the title of this blog says, yoga is more.

Benefits of yoga for men: Yoga is an integral and holistic path that begins with the Yamas, the aspects of personal behavior that must be avoided to be a more conscious person and advance on the spiritual path.

• Ahimsa – Non-violence, do no harm, respect life of any kind, including animals.

• Asteya – Do not steal, do not pretend to be or pretend.

• Satya – Do not lie, tell the truth, maintain purity and wisdom.

• Brahmacharya – Containment, avoiding the unnecessary waste of energy, including sexual energy.

• Aparigraha – Detachment, not hoarding, not getting caught up in passions.

Benefits of yoga for men: I’ve been trying for a couple of years to make my life follow these basic rules. Although it is not an easy road, I keep moving forward every day:

• – I have stopped eating meat and killing animals, although I still eat fish from time to time.

• – I try never to steal, not even content on the Internet.

• – I exhaust all the possibilities of living without lies, although when you want to surprise your mother after spending six months living in Thailand and you come back unannounced, it gets difficult if she starts asking questions the days before your trip…

• – Brahmacharya is probably the one that has changed my life the most, and I currently follow it very strictly.

• – I think that detachment is the subject that I have the weakest, but it is a very good path in which to continue advancing.

I try not to become an extremist. However, the fact of improving in these aspects (bearing in mind that I am a human and that I have much to learn) is helping me to be aware of how I am advancing on this path of yoga towards enlightenment, or at least towards a higher level of consciousness.

Yoga is a path for life

Benefits of yoga for men: If you are a man, I hope this article has inspired you to start your yoga practice or go deeper into it.

If you are a woman, I hope I have given you more reasons to motivate the men in your life to practice some form of yoga.

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9 Benefits of strawberries and side effects




strawberry side effects

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7 Benefits of Epazote and side effects




Discover the 7 shocking health benefits of Epazote and side effects.

Epazote, also known as paico or acahualillo, is a widely used medicinal plant, as its essential oils contain vermifuge, antibiotic, digestive properties, and strengthen the immune system.

This plant, whose scientific name is Chenopodium Ambrosioides, grows spontaneously in lands that surround the houses, it has elongated leaves of different sizes and dark green, its flowers are small and whitish.


Epazote can be bought in certain markets or health food stores, in its natural form, in dehydrated leaves, or essential oil.

Because it is considered a plant with a degree of toxicity, it should preferably be used under the guidance of a health professional, in addition to the use of tea from its leaves instead of essential oil, since it contains a higher concentration of potentially toxic substances.

Health Benefits of Epazote

Although epazote is a plant that is widely used in traditional medicine, it has few studies that confirm its properties in the body.

Despite this, several investigations have been carried out with this plant in animals, concluding that it has effects such as:

1. Eliminate intestinal parasites

This is one of the most popular uses of epazote and, according to some human studies, the use of this plant has a strong action against different intestinal parasites, such as worms and tapeworms.

This action seems to be related to the main active substance in epazote, ascaridol, which is similar in efficacy to some antiparasitic drugs, such as Albendazole.

2. Benefits of epazote for immune system

According to research carried out in animals, the use of epazote extract seems to be able to regulate the production of some cells important for the body’s defense, such as macrophages and lymphocytes, strengthening the immune system.

The mixture of epazote leaves with milk is popularly used to help in the treatment of respiratory diseases, such as bronchitis and tuberculosis, due to the union of the strengthening effects of the immune system and expectorants that these substances possess.

3. Benefits of epazote for inflammation

Another common use of epazote is in the relief of inflammation, mainly joint problems, such as osteoarthritis. Additionally, the plant also helps relieve pain from inflammation.

This analgesic action was observed in the use of the alcoholic extract of the plant, which seems to act on the NMDA receptors.

4. Benefits of epazote for digestion

Although there are no studies that prove the action of this plant on poor digestion, this is one of the popular uses in which it is used the most.

According to its use, epazote tea can be taken after large meals, to improve digestion, as it could be able to increase gastric juice production.

5. Benefits of epazote for  blood pressure

In Morocco, epazote is frequently used to help treat high blood pressure and, according to studies in mice, this property is due to the stimulation of type 2 muscarinic receptors in the heart that slightly decrease the heart rate. , in addition to relaxing the heart muscle.

6. Combat bacterial, viral, and fungal infections

Both the use of epazote extract and essential oil has shown a powerful antimicrobial action that is capable of eliminating various types of bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

7. Avoid osteoporosis

In some investigations carried out in laboratory mice, the use of the hydroalcoholic extract of epazote was able to prevent the loss of bone density and can be applied to prevent the onset of osteoporosis, especially in women who are close to entering menopause.

Is epazote used to treat coronavirus?

study carried out in 2020 by the Oswaldo Cruz Institute, confirmed the hypothesis that the flavonoids present in epazote may be able to prevent the replication of the new coronavirus, accelerating the recovery and cure of COVID-19.

However, the study was conducted on a computer model and has not been tested in a laboratory, nor living organisms.

For this reason, the dose necessary for treatment is not known, nor are the possible side effects.

For this reason, no health organ recommends the use of epazote as a treatment for COVID-19 until new studies are carried out.

How to use epazote

The most common way to take advantage of the properties of this plant is by infusing its leaves, preparing a tea:

Epazote tea: place a cup of the fresh plant with the seeds in boiling water and let it rest for 10 minutes. Afterward, strain and drink a cup up to 3 times a day.

In addition to infusion, another popular way to use epazote is an essential oil, however, its use must be guided by a naturopath, psychotherapist, or a health professional with experience in the use of medicinal plants.

How to Make epazote tea

8 large stems and leaves of fresh epazote
2 quarts boiling water


  • Add epazote to boiling water and let simmer for 2 minutes.
  • ove from heat and let steep for another 3 minutes.
  • Strain and serve.
Side effects of epazote

Side effects of epazote include irritation of the skin and mucous membranes, headache, vomiting, nausea, palpitations, damage to the liver or kidneys, visual disturbances, and seizures, in case of doses higher than recommended or for a time. longer than 3 days in a row.

Is epazote abortifacient?

In high doses, the properties of epazote can act by altering the contractility of the body’s muscles; For this reason, it can have an abortive effect in certain people, not advising its use in pregnant women.


Epazote is contraindicated in pregnant women and children under 2 years of age.

This medicinal herb can be toxic, requiring a medical indication to establish the recommended dose

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Contraindications and side effects of Trazodone




trazodone contraindications

Discover the Contraindications and side effects of Trazodone.

Trazodone is used in a wide variety of disorders, although it is an antidepressant.

Being depression one of the most prevalent mental disorders worldwide and one of the major causes of disability, its treatment is a matter that the scientific community has taken into account for many years.

The suffering it generates requires sometimes immediate attention since it is one of the disorders with the highest risk of suicide and that generates the most pain both for the person and for those around him.

The treatment of depression is carried out from different areas, one of them being psychopharmacology.


One of the drugs used in the treatment of depression is trazodone, which we are going to talk about in this article.

Trazodone: what type of substance is it?

Trazodone is a psychotropic drug classified within antidepressants, substances that generate a neurochemical change at the brain level, causing alterations in the levels of certain neurotransmitters, specifically serotonin.

Among antidepressants, it is part and is the main representative of the group of serotonin-2A antagonists and reuptake inhibitors or SARIs, a type of atypical antidepressant.

This drug was designed in Italy in 1966 under the assumption that depression could be based on the existence of low thresholds regarding the perception of pain and suffering, being the product of the lack of integration of aversive experiences.

Trazodone has proven to be an efficient and effective drug in the treatment of depression, reducing passivity and inactivity, as well as the discomfort and suffering associated with said ailment, and facilitating an increase in mood.

However, in addition to this, it also has an anxiolytic and tranquilizing action.

This substance is considered a second-generation antidepressant, along with specific serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), with which it shares part of its mechanism of action, and different dual antidepressants.

Trazodone is sometimes considered to be dual as it has two different effects, although they focus on the same neurotransmission system, compared to the rest, and in addition to an antidepressant effect, it also has calming effects.

How does it work? Mechanism of action of the drug

As we have indicated previously, trazodone is classified as SARI, having a somewhat special mechanism of action among the rest of antidepressants.

Trazodone acts at the serotonergic system level (like most antidepressants) in two specific ways.

In the first place, this substance produces a blockage of brain serotonin reuptake, in such a way that said neurotransmitter remains in the synaptic space for a longer time.

This supposes that it has an agonist effect on the synthesis and maintenance of serotonin at the brain level, it increases its levels (which are decreased during the depression and this is something that correlates with the decrease in the mood).

The aforementioned mechanism of action is the one used by SSRIs, which is why these and trazodone are related and sometimes the latter is included among the first.

However, trazodone has a second effect that differentiates it from other drugs, and that seems contrary to the previous mechanism of action.

And it is also that it acts as an antagonist of serotonin 5-HT2A receptors, preventing or hindering these receptors from being activated.

This second aspect is what makes trazodone have a slightly different profile and effects than other antidepressants.

Regarding its interaction with other neurotransmitter systems, it does not present great anticholinergic effects, something that has made this drug a better option than tricyclics (although the doses must also be regulated) in patients with cerebrovascular and cardiac pathology and dementias.

However, it must be taken into account that it can generate arrhythmias.


It also has a minor effect on the adrenergic (blocking some receptors) and histaminergic systems, something that can lead to the generation of side effects.

Main indications

The main indication for trazodone is obviously, as an antidepressant that it is, major depression. Its effectiveness is also high in those depressions that appear together with anxiety symptoms.

Its clinical utility has also been observed in other disorders in which there are components of anxiety or that are based on it, such as generalized anxiety disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, or bulimia.

In addition to this, it has also been observed to be useful for the treatment of substance addictions, being a good alternative for patients with withdrawal syndrome to benzodiazepines, and in the treatment of alcoholism (including the presence of delirium tremens).

Another of its indications is insomnia, which is effectively reduced by increasing sleep time without greatly affecting the deep sleep phase.

Although in general, most antidepressants can have the presence of erectile dysfunction or ejaculation problems as a side effect, this effect does not usually occur in trazodone, which seems to generate an increase in libido and is even used as a treatment indicated in erectile dysfunction.

Finally, trazodone has been applied (largely for its relaxing properties) in some cases of schizophrenia, motor problems such as Gilles de la Tourette syndrome, the presence of manic episodes in bipolar disorder, and the behavioral disorders of Alzheimer’s. although a greater amount of study is required regarding the latter.

On a medical level, it has also been used as a sedative in HIV-infected patients and diabetic neuropathies, as well as in other disorders that cause pain such as fibromyalgia. It has a very slight effect at the level of muscle relaxant.

Side effects and contraindications

Trazodone is a very useful drug that has been used in multiple pathologies and disorders, both mental and medical.

However, it can have undesirable consequences in the form of side effects and is even contraindicated in some situations and pathologies.

Secondary symptoms, sedation, and fatigue, the presence of headaches, nausea, and vomiting, gastric disturbances (diarrhea or constipation), appetite disturbances, sweating, tremors (which may lead to seizures in some cases), are common. ringing, numbness, and vision problems.

In some cases, it can also cause chest and muscle pain, altered consciousness, breathing problems, and arrhythmias. Like other antidepressants, trazodone can also contribute to the genesis of suicidal ideation in the first moments of use.

Although, unlike other antidepressants, it does not seem to generate contributes to improving cases of erectile dysfunction or ejaculatory problems, the use of trazodone has been observed and associated with the appearance of priapism, erections that do not disappear on their own. alone and that cause pain to those who suffer from them (which may require urgent and even surgical treatment).

Although it is sometimes used in dementias and has a lower risk than tricyclics of generating heart problems, it requires a high degree of caution in its use and dosage carefully prescribed by the doctor, since it can generate arrhythmias.

It is contraindicated in patients who have just suffered a heart attack, as well as in those with liver or kidney disease.

Caution should be exercised in subjects with bipolarity because if the medication is not regulated, the consumption of trazodone can cause a shift from depressive to manic phase.

It is also contraindicated in people who have suffered from priapism or have Peyronie’s disease.


Finally, it must be taken into account that trazodone can be excreted in breast milk and transmitted through the placenta so that pregnant and lactating women have contraindicated its use.

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