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Benefits of yoga for men



Benefits of yoga for men

Discover the benefits of yoga for men.

If you are a man and reading this blog, it is quite likely that you are already interested in yoga. I think that this article that I bring you can inspire you to continue deepening your practice.

If you are a woman, I bring you resources to motivate your partner, or any other man in your life, to do yoga. Right, you and I know that it would be great for him?

My story with yoga

For 7 years my ex-girlfriend tried to convince me that I should do yoga. I told him that it was a girl thing and that I was a man and that’s why I played soccer or went running.

That relationship ended. And how curious, that for the next few years almost every woman he knew was a yoga teacher. I have always thought that this was not a coincidence, but something karmic, and that the universe pushed me towards yoga. And besides, he did it with pretty women: he knew that would catch my attention.

In the end, I decided to try. First I started practicing at home with videos because I was embarrassed to go to a class.

Later I met another teacher, a beautiful and very interesting girl who invited me to her class. Of course, I went, and that day, when I saw her sitting in that strange position with her eyes closed, between that music, the candles, and the intense smell of incense, I realized what I had been missing for so many years: it seemed that I was in the presence of a goddess.

That day I understood that doing yoga in a class is something different from what I thought, and not because I liked the teacher.

Sometime later I quit my job and went to India, where I did my TTC to become a yoga teacher. Since then I have not stopped practicing, learning, and sharing yoga with other people, especially men.

I’ve stopped eating meat, drinking alcohol, smoking (I don’t do it even sporadically), playing soccer, and even ejaculating, and my life has changed radically.

Benefits of yoga for men

In this article, I want to present 8 reasons why all men should do yoga

1. Reduce stress level

If you’re like most men, you may be stressed all day. You think that the world constantly demands that you do everything well, and above all without losing your temper or saying no to anything.

The worst judge is yourself: you are never satisfied and always believe that everything can be done better and faster. For you, the world is like a constant competition against others, or even worse: against yourself.

Yoga offers you the possibility of dedicating some quality time to yourself: to your body, your mind, and your spirit. The practice of yoga helps calm your mind and reduce stress.

After my first yoga class, when I was in final relaxation, in savasana, I entered a state of relaxation that I hadn’t experienced in months.

Recommended practice to relax: Yoga Nidra.

2. Emotions

It is evident that, in general, men have greater problems than women in identifying their emotions. Since you were little you have been told that you cannot cry “because you are a man”, that you cannot be afraid “because you are not a girl”… and other phrases that, surely, you have also heard.

Little by little, all this is permeating your subconscious. In the end, you become the iceman and do not allow yourself to feel any of the so-called “negative” emotions (which do not exist, because in reality, each emotion is a signal that your body gives you to inform you of something).

Benefits of yoga for men: Not allowing yourself to feel these emotions can cause several problems:

• – If you don’t feel fear, anger, or disgust you can’t feel joy or happiness either. You will live a life without ups and downs, but also passion.

• – Even if you don’t want it, those emotions are permeating your body and make your life more difficult. You will always feel a sense of carrying something, or what is worse, you will explode without knowing why.

– Recommended practice to work emotions: Osho Meditation.

3. Sex energy

Whether you like it or not, if you are a man you have testosterone – if you are a woman you also have it, but in a proportion 10 times lower. This hormone ensures that you do not lack the desire to, say, “spend time with a woman.”

There is nothing negative about this as long as it is under control. However, many men are victims of their sexual desire.

Benefits of yoga for men: This can become a big problem. It is only necessary to see what the industries of pornography or prostitution bill.

The ancient yogis, who realized this thousand years ago, discovered techniques to solve it. Yoga is great for refining this sexual energy that is linked to the second chakra, Svadistana.

Through the practice of some asanas, pranayama, or meditation you can sublimate that energy, that is, refine it. In this way, it can be converted into creative energy that is located in the same chakra and can also be transferred to the higher chakras.

Recommended practice for the sublimation of sexual energy: Uddhyana Bhanda.

4. Heal your masculine and feminine sides

Benefits of yoga for men: Yoga says that we are all made up of two parts, one feminine, and one masculine or yin and yang.

Hatha Yoga is an ideal tool to balance your feminine and masculine sides. Whether you are a man or a woman, by connecting these two parts and making peace between them, you will be able to perform 100% of your possibilities in any aspect of your life, including those that you feel you could develop more of.

Benefits of yoga for men: The yang part gives you direction, the ability to make decisions, and the presence of Shiva.

The ying part gives you the emotions and enjoyment of worldly things and the manifested world, Shakti.

Practice balancing the two sides: Trikonasana to the right and the left.

5. Concentration

Benefits of yoga for men: We live in the world of overstimulation, of constant distraction. In addition, men are especially visual, which means that we spend the whole day looking here and there (and this without talking about mobile phones, the number 1 enemy of presence).

Several studies show that the male brain works better if it stays focused on a single task. For its part, the female brain works better if it does several things at the same time.

Benefits of yoga for men: Thanks to yoga you can develop the ability to concentrate located in the Ajna chakra, the third eye.

By working on your concentration through yoga, you will become a more productive and efficient person.

Practice to develop concentration: Trataka

6. Willpower

Benefits of yoga for men: Willpower is a masculine value. However, today it is greatly missed in both men and women.

Yoga indicates that this value is found in Manipura chakra, the third, located in the navel.

Yoga is not a competitive sport, but it can enhance self-improvement. It doesn’t matter how flexible you are or how you build the poses at first. The important thing in yoga is the perseverance to demand a little more of yourself every day, to go one centimeter further, always within the healthy limits of your body.

If you are constant, you will see truly formidable changes.

When I started doing yoga, I came from playing soccer in the 1st regional division of Madrid. I remember our stretches, especially the one where you lean forward to stretch your lower back and hamstrings. I think I could go down to my knees; come on, it was just as flexible as a piece of chewing gum.

Now, when I practice Padahastasana, I arrive smoothly with my palms on the ground.

Practice to improve your willpower: Nabhyasana

7. Self-knowledge

Benefits of yoga for men: Another masculine value that men and women have is the will to find a purpose in life, something greater than yourself that helps you transcend and live a meaningful life.

The first step to finding your mission in life is self-knowledge. If you don’t know who you are, you can never find out what you came into this world to do.

Benefits of yoga for men: We live in a time where many men give up on their dreams and true motivations for many reasons. This makes them frustrated, and their environment is the first to be affected.

Yoga gives you the chance to look inside yourself, to peel back layers of the onion that you have been building around your true essence.

Meditation or Dhyana is the seventh step within the 8 that Patanjali described in his sutras. This practice is one of the most efficient ways to know yourself.

Benefits of yoga for men: In silence and solitude is where you can connect with your essence.

Practice: Meditation.

Practice meditation. It is something essential. Once you enjoy it, you can’t give it up, and the benefits are immediate. Dalai Lama

8. Be a better person

Many people think that yoga is just a physical practice. However, as the title of this blog says, yoga is more.

Benefits of yoga for men: Yoga is an integral and holistic path that begins with the Yamas, the aspects of personal behavior that must be avoided to be a more conscious person and advance on the spiritual path.

• Ahimsa – Non-violence, do no harm, respect life of any kind, including animals.

• Asteya – Do not steal, do not pretend to be or pretend.

• Satya – Do not lie, tell the truth, maintain purity and wisdom.

• Brahmacharya – Containment, avoiding the unnecessary waste of energy, including sexual energy.

• Aparigraha – Detachment, not hoarding, not getting caught up in passions.

Benefits of yoga for men: I’ve been trying for a couple of years to make my life follow these basic rules. Although it is not an easy road, I keep moving forward every day:

• – I have stopped eating meat and killing animals, although I still eat fish from time to time.

• – I try never to steal, not even content on the Internet.

• – I exhaust all the possibilities of living without lies, although when you want to surprise your mother after spending six months living in Thailand and you come back unannounced, it gets difficult if she starts asking questions the days before your trip…

• – Brahmacharya is probably the one that has changed my life the most, and I currently follow it very strictly.

• – I think that detachment is the subject that I have the weakest, but it is a very good path in which to continue advancing.

I try not to become an extremist. However, the fact of improving in these aspects (bearing in mind that I am a human and that I have much to learn) is helping me to be aware of how I am advancing on this path of yoga towards enlightenment, or at least towards a higher level of consciousness.

Yoga is a path for life

Benefits of yoga for men: If you are a man, I hope this article has inspired you to start your yoga practice or go deeper into it.

If you are a woman, I hope I have given you more reasons to motivate the men in your life to practice some form of yoga.

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14 Benefits of Oolong tea and side effects Table of Contents




wulong tea side effects

For those who do not know anything about Oolong tea, we must start by telling you that it is a drink that is processed and grown in large quantities in both Taiwan and China, the benefits of oolong tea are well recognized in much of the world because being semi-fermented usually obtains a very particular flavor that differs from black and green tea respectively.

Also known as wu long, this tea takes its name from the Chinese harvester of the same name who created it, being native to China, it is often served in Chinese restaurants with meals and is commonly known as “Chinese restaurant tea”, which More importantly, Oolong tea is believed to be good for treating a myriad of medical conditions and for caring for both hair and skin health.

What is Oolong tea?

Although this tea is located in the same family as green tea and black tea, the main difference between all of them is that the processing of all these infusions is different, for example, the sachets or leaves with which you make green tea, raisins previously by a heating process to eradicate the oxidation of this plant, but when these leaves are allowed to oxidize, the popular oolong tea is formed.

While, when it is left to oxidize for a longer time, these same leaves obtain a darker hue that finally gives way to the popular and traditional Chinese black tea.

Thus, green tea is unoxidized, oolong tea is semi-oxidized, and black tea is fully oxidized.

Fresh tea leaves are high in catechins. Having an oxidation rate of about 10%-70%, this tea is the richest among all other varieties in that it not only tastes strong and refreshing but is also clear and fragrant.

Oolong tea benefits health care.

In addition to its pleasant flavor and refreshing aroma, oolong tea benefits health in several ways.

It is more beneficial than other tea varieties because it has the combined qualities of green and black teas.

Since it contains significantly smaller amounts of caffeine compared to the other varieties, it is considered a suitable choice for those who are sensitive to caffeine. Some of the benefits of oolong tea for your health are the following:

1.- Cardiovascular benefits

Regular consumption of oolong tea is known to lower cholesterol levels, thereby reducing the risk of heart attacks.

For years it has been studied and proven that all those people who eat or have access to at least one or six cups of oolong tea per week have a greater chance of not relapsing or catching certain diseases that can affect the proper functioning of the heart.

2.- Fight free radicals

Skin lipids are essential for vibrant-looking skin. Free radicals speed up the aging process by converting skin lipids into lipid peroxide, this produces dark spots and skin pigmentation.

The polyphenols found in oolong leaves eradicate free radicals from our bodies, thus slowing down the aging process.

3.- Control obesity

The polyphenol compound present in oolong tea benefits improves enzymes.

Therefore, daily consumption of oolong tea promotes weight loss and reduces obesity by accelerating the lipolysis process that allows the body to burn more fat.

What is meant by this? Well, the benefits of oolong tea are excellent for a healthier way to lose weight, so consider it a good option for you.

4.- Prevents dental caries

Oolong tea improves oral health by inhibiting the growth of bacteria that cause tooth decay and oral cancer.

Among the great benefits of oolong tea are some famous antioxidants known as polyphenols, which are quite functional because they can contribute to the comprehensive improvement of health and dental hygiene, which is why it is considered that intake.

The consequence of oolong tea helps prevent plaque build-up, fights cavities, and decreases the appearance of cavities.

5.- Properties against cancer

All those people who add oolong tea to their diet have the advantage of considerably reducing the risk of suffering from some types of cancer but in particular skin cancer.

The concentration of polymeric polyphenols like thearubigin and theaflavin is higher in oolong tea compared to other varieties, these antioxidants fight carcinogens and help reduce cancer risk.

In addition, they can promote what is known as apoptosis, which is nothing more than the programmed cell death of any cancerous growth that may occur in the stomach, the best thing about this is that they can act as chemopreventives that suppress other forms of cancer, such as ovarian cancer in women for example.

6.- Development of healthy bones

The antioxidants present in oolong tea protect against tooth decay and strengthen bone structure. It is very effective in preventing osteoporosis in the human body.

7.- Treatment of diabetes

Oolong tea has higher concentrations of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, calcium, potassium, selenium, fluoride, magnesium, and phosphorous.

These nutrients rid the body of toxins, optimize digestion and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes.

8.- Relieves stress

The natural polyphenols present in most oolong tea act as stress busters and ease mood swings.

Some claim that those who drink a little oolong tea for part of the day can maintain better brain focus and extraordinary mental health.

9.- Fight Bacterial Infections

Another particularity certified within the benefits of oolong tea is that thanks to its antioxidants this drink can effectively combat all bacterial infections that can attack the body, this is achieved thanks to the inhibition of the growth of some varieties of streptococcus.

Benefits of Oolong tea for the skin.

Regular consumption of oolong tea works wonders for the skin, but let us detail one by one what are those benefits of oolong tea that can work wonders for skincare.

10.- Treatment of atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis or eczema is a chronic skin disease characterized by itching, redness, swelling, scarring, and sometimes infection of lesions due to frequent scratching.

Various studies and medical research have determined that people who unify their dermatological treatment with the consumption of oolong tea have a greater chance of showing prompt relief than those who only limit themselves to biological treatment.

11.- Anti-aging benefits

It is well known that when a person is frequently exposed to free radicals, the more opportunities they will have to age, this is because the skin’s natural exfoliation process slows down and results in the appearance of premature wrinkles and dark spots. dark.

Around this, it has been proven that within the benefits of oolong tea are the necessary antioxidants that work to slow down cellular oxidation, this guarantees healthy and lush skin.

12.- Improves the vitality of the skin

Many are the people who want to show off a more elastic and more youthful skin, unaware that one of the benefits of oolong tea is precisely this, in case you did not know, this infusion regulates wrinkles and improves the tone of your skin.

The polyphenols present in the tea protect the skin from any damage it may cause due to sun exposure.

Oolong tea benefits hair

The benefits of tea for healthy hair have just come to light and are being used more and more in several hair care products.

Oolong tea, being an herbal infusion created from tender parts of the plant such as flowers, buds, and leaves, promotes healthy hair growth.

13.- Prevention of hair loss

The antioxidants that are added within oolong tea benefits are known to ensure proper metabolism of the male hormone, DHT, as any change in its metabolic activity results in hair loss.

Making a tea rinse with these leaves is of great benefit in preventing excessive shedding of hair.

14.- Promotes healthy and shiny hair

A tea rinse made with oolong tea is mild and pleasant. It not only softens but also provides extra shine to your hair.

Oolong Tea Nutrition Facts.

Oolong tea is rich in antioxidants. It contains various minerals such as calcium, manganese, copper, carotene, selenium, potassium, and vitamins A, B, C, E, and K; In addition to these, it contains folic acid, niacinamide, and other detoxifying alkaloids.

Due to its semi-fermented nature, oolong tea contains numerous polyphenolic compounds that provide additional health benefits.

These tea leaves, like all the others, also contain trace amounts of caffeine.

The steeping process during tea preparation significantly reduces the caffeine content. A one-minute soak time reduces the caffeine content below 50 mg.

Oolong tea preparation method.

Oolong tea has a great flavor and can be consumed hot or cold. The maceration time of the leaves and the number of infusions depend on the variety of tea leaves used. The preparation method is simple and easy, here is what you need to do:

•Start by boiling some water in a kettle. Meanwhile, she rinses and heats the tea set.

•Add some oolong tea leaves to the pot so that they take up almost 5% of the space in the pot.

•Now pour boiling water (180-200 F) into the pot and push out the white floating bubbles that form on top with the help of the cover.

•Cover the kettle for a few minutes and let it steep.

The tea is now ready to drink. Pour it into teacups and savor its delicate aroma and rich flavor.

Precautions about Oolong tea.

Oolong tea is a wonderful tea, as is evident from the variety of benefits it offers. However, it is advisable to exercise caution and consume it in moderation, since this tea contains a certain amount of caffeine, drinking too much can cause side effects ranging from mild to severe headaches, nervousness, irritable bowel syndrome, irregular heartbeat, vomiting, heartburn, etc.

Pregnant women are advised to keep a tab on the number of cups of tea they consume in a day, as too much caffeine could harm the baby. Keep these tips in mind and keep enjoying your cup of tea!


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Contraindications of drinking green tea




Discover the contraindications of drinking green tea.

Drinking green tea in excess can cause some harmful side effects for the body, which are necessary to know

Green tea is one of the most popular in the world. In addition to having a characteristic flavor, its different properties make it a highly beneficial drink for health, mainly due to its antioxidant power. However, its consumption also includes a series of contraindications

Among the benefits of green tea highlights its ability to improve memory, helps lose body fat, increases physical performance, is stimulating, can prevent different types of cancer, and even reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Among all the types of green tea that exist, matcha stands out, a tea of oriental origin with important properties for health and that stands out for its powder composition. In recent years it has become the travel companion of celebrities, athletes, and famous people.

Contraindications of drinking green tea

Many people have incorporated green tea into their day-to-day. The truth is that it is a great choice since it can provide energy to face the workday, accelerate the metabolism, and can even help improve mood.

However, like any food, the consumption of green tea carries a series of contraindications that it is necessary to know.

Thus, from ‘Todo Disca’ we are going to expose some of the negative effects that the ingestion of this type of infusions can produce.

In this sense, researchers from the National Institute of Health of the United States affirm that the consumption of green tea mixed with different medications, such as contraceptive pills, antibiotics, stimulants, or alcohol can be harmful to health.

And these are some of the side effects that excess green tea consumption can generate for the body:

1. Irritability: Some people feel some discomfort at the time of their intake. That is to say, it produces an effect contrary to the one they seek at first.

2. Insomnia: Green tea can cause sleep problems for many people. And is that it is a stimulating drink that contains some doses of caffeine, although in a lower proportion than traditional coffee.

3. Dizziness and nausea: This infusion can be heavy for delicate stomachs and generate some type of gastrointestinal discomfort. Therefore, it is not advisable to take on an empty stomach.

4. Palpitations: Due to its stimulating characteristics, it can sometimes cause palpitations. Along these lines, experts recommend reading the indications and ingredients of all types of tea.

5. Disadvantages during pregnancy: Green tea is rich in tannins, so it can reduce the absorption of folic acid and iron. Due to this, this drink is not recommended for pregnant or lactating women.

Generally, green tea is an infusion with excellent health properties. In this way, moderate consumption usually brings different benefits to the body.

However, it is advisable to take these contraindications into account, and if you feel any side effects, see a medical specialist.

Through the following link, you will be able to know the contraindications to drink matcha tea, a variety of oriental origin widely established in Europe and whose consumption has become popular in recent years

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pumpkin seeds benefits

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