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Benefits of dates with milk at night



benefits of dates with milk at night
In this short guide, we will discuss some possible health benefits of consuming dates with milk and also discuss recipes to get the most out of it.

 Benefits of dates with milk

Did you know that drinking milk with dates could help you avoid going to the doctor? Milk and dates are nutritious and healthy nutrients that provide several health benefits.

Particularly in the Muslim community, this habit of drinking milk with dates is quite common. Drinking milk with dates is suitable for people of all ages, from children to the elderly.

Dates with milk are nutritious and beneficial foods for the human body. Dates contain a high concentration of iron.

Milk lacks this chemical, so the combination of the two is a good nutritional supplement. They also protect against a variety of diseases. For young and old, but also ideal for people of all ages.

Pour a glass of milk over seven dates and stir well. Pour the mixture into a cup and consume it immediately.

↑ muscle strength

Dates and milk are rich in protein. When combined, they provide additional protein content, which promotes bone density and muscle health. This is commonly used during workouts and activities.

↑ Healthy Sex Life

Dates are widely believed to be aphrodisiacs that improve sexual health and desire.

· Soak dates in milk overnight.

· Drink all the milk with dates the next morning.

↑ Restores energy

In the morning, we prefer to eat less and on a half-empty stomach, which causes tiredness and weakness. With milk, this can be sorted by date. Dates contain glucose and fructose, which provide you with energy and keep you active throughout the day.

½ liter milk

· Put the dates in the milk after removing the seeds from the dates.

· For 15 minutes, let the milk boil.

Let it warm up before drinking

· But only after a full meal in the morning.

↑ Fight anemia

Iron is found in dates and milk. You will have a rich blood supply and be free from anemia if you consume this drink regularly.

· Three date palms in a glass of milk is a minimum need.

↑ Radiant Skin

If you have wrinkles, acne, or any other skin problem, drinks are the best solution. Incorporating dates with milk in your diet will help improve the appearance of your skin by stimulating blood circulation.

4 date palms in 1 glass of milk

· Try it for at least a month and you will see the difference.

↑ digestible

Dairy products and dates are rich in fiber, which helps regulate the digestive system. This allows for smooth digestion and bowel movements. This drink is liked by older people who suffer from constipation and are between 60 and 70 years old.

↑ Improve brain health

The presence of vitamin B6 in this drink improves brain function and memory. This drink should be given to the little ones on an empty stomach as it improves memory.

↑ Relief of joint pain

Date milk is high in calcium, which promotes bone health, relieves joint discomfort, and improves bone density. It should be taken by women over 40 years of age. Because bone density decreases after the age of 40, leading to joint discomfort.

· Start drinking this drink regularly with 5 date palms.

↑ Helps gain weight

Weight growth is helped by the combination of milk and dates. Calorie intake will be greater than calories burned. As a result, it is a simple diet to gain weight. If this drink is consumed regularly, young people aged 9 to 14 years will experience an easy gain process.

· Every night, drink 2 to 3 cups of milk with dates and 1 cup before going to bed.

↑ Eliminate allergy

With the arrival of the rainy and winter seasons, comes the appearance of seasonal allergies. Here’s a plate for parents who are sick of being surrounded by doctors. This healthy drink is a standout drink for kids as it includes antimicrobial qualities that protect against disease and infection.

↑ Vision and release stress

· Improves eyesight by including milk in vitamins A and B, as well as helps dates to keep moisture in the eyes, reduce blindness and make the eyes cautious.

· Reduces tension, relieves stress and irritation, and provides a sense of calm.

Milk, when combined with dates, is an amazingly healthy drink that can be consumed by people of all ages. Every day, drink at least one glass of milk with dates.

↑ How to do it?

· Pour a glass of warm milk over some freshly cleaned dates.

· Let them sit in the milk for 15 minutes so that the milk components soak in.

· Mix everything well and serve.

For additional health benefits,

Soak dates in milk overnight

Drink it the next morning


· Reheat the milk and consume it.

Can I eat dates with milk at night?

  1. Take some seedless dates and soak them in milk. 2. Leave it overnight and blend them to make a thick paste with honey.

Do dates with milk increase weight?

  • These fruits are high in potassium and low in sodium, which helps regulate your nervous system. – It is believed that dates with milk can help thin people to gain weight. – You can eat these soft dried fruits right out of the box or you can cover them with melted chocolate.

Can we eat dates before sleeping?

They are an excellent snack at bedtime due to their high fiber content. Fiber takes longer to digest, which can help keep you full and keep those midnight hunger pangs at bay.

What happens if you eat dates every day?

They are high in various nutrients, fiber, and antioxidants, all of which can provide health benefits ranging from improved digestion to reduced risk of disease. There are several ways to add dates to your diet. A popular way to eat them is as a natural sweetener in various dishes.

Can dates be boiled in milk?

Cook 5-8 dates in half a liter of milk, let it cool down, and drink it in the morning on an empty stomach. You can add the remaining dates that were boiled with your porridge in the morning breakfast.

How many dates do you eat a day?

It is ideal to have 100g of dates or a handful of dates every day to get all the essential nutrients. Although the amount to consume may differ from person to person depending on caloric needs and underlying health conditions.

Do Dates Increase Body Weight?

Dates can help you lose weight only when you eat them in moderation. Too much of anything can lead to weight gain. Have 4-5 appointments every day to satiate your sweet tooth and keep your hunger pangs at bay. Add chopped dates to your fruit salad or dessert or you can have it with a glass of warm milk.

Does Dates Make You Gain Weight?

Dates are rich in iron and dietary fiber, but eating too many of them will lead to weight gain, as 70 percent of their weight comes from sugar, reports CalorieKing suggests that there are 66 calories on a single date, so avoid eating too many if you’re trying to lose weight.

When do you gain weight with milk?

Based on these results, the best time to drink milk to promote muscle growth and weight loss appears to be right after exercise. However, keep in mind that drinking excessive amounts of milk can lead to weight gain due to high-calorie intake.

Do Dates Increase Sperm Count?

Improve sexual health in men: Dates have been consumed for centuries as a fabulous food that also enhances sexual health in men. Some research claims that dating can improve your sexual stamina. Increase sperm count – Dates contain flavonoids and estradiol which have positive effects in increasing sperm count and sperm quality.

Should you eat dates every day?

Improves your bone health

These fruits are incredibly rich in selenium, manganese, copper, and magnesium, which are essential for your bone health. Experts agree that eating dates regularly could significantly lower your chances of developing osteoporosis later in life.

Can I eat dates on an empty stomach?

From helping kill intestinal worms to cleansing vital organs and improving heart and liver health, dates are best eaten early in the morning to benefit from their much-needed energy boost.


Benefits of lemon water for skin




benefits of lemon water for skin

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How to use fenugreek for diabetes and side effects




Discover how to use fenugreek for diabetes and side effects.

Among the treatments in traditional medicine against diabetes and cholesterol, we find fenugreek!

Many spices have a regulating effect on the level of sugar in the blood, among all these spices, we find fenugreek, also called trigonellin.

In this article, we will tell you about the effects of fenugreek on diabetes, how can it be used, and in which cases, as well as the side effects and contraindications for the use of the small yellowish seed.

To prepare the remedies in this article, you will need fenugreek powder or seeds of the species Trigonella foenum-graecum, the seeds of which have been used in Ayurvedic medicine since ancient times for their medicinal properties.

Diabetes: Origin, symptoms, and different types:

Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects many people in France. There is no cure for a cure, we just learn to live with, with the help of insulin, a hormone that is used to control the level of sugar in the blood.

When you have diabetes, insulin is no longer effective enough in this control, or the pancreas, the organ that creates insulin, no longer produces enough of this hormone, which causes an accumulation of sugar in the blood. blood.

However, several types of diabetes are differentiated, namely, prediabetes, type I diabetes, type II diabetes, and pregnancy diabetes.

There are mainly two types of diabetes:

• Type 1 diabetes: or insulin-dependent diabetes, about 6% of diabetics. It is characterized by insufficient production of insulin.

• Type 2 diabetes: or non-insulin-dependent diabetes, 92% of diabetics. It is characterized by initially an insulin resistance of certain organs which prevents the entry of insulin.

This resistance to the action of insulin leads to an overproduction of insulin by the pancreas to compensate, a pancreas that gets tired and after twenty years, no longer produces enough insulin: this is insulin deficiency.

You should know that this type of diabetes increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases by 2 to 4 times (heart attack, high blood pressure, etc.) and causes numerous disorders on the eyes, kidneys, etc.

What are the effects of fenugreek on diabetes?

Fenugreek is used in many traditional medicines, particularly in India, or Africa, for reasons as diverse as increasing the size of the breast or gaining weight naturally with fenugreek. It is also the oldest spice consumed for its aphrodisiac properties on women.

Among these uses, it is often used to aid in the control of glucose metabolism, in the prevention and treatment of diabetes, more specifically for pre-diabetics or people with type 2 diabetes, mild to moderate.

Its direct effect on diabetes:

Western medicine research tends to prove the effectiveness of spice. Among the many studies, 3 shows that fenugreek lowers and regulates blood sugar levels while reducing insulin resistance in patients with type 2 diabetes.

One of those studies involved taking 4 teaspoons of fenugreek powder every day for 8 weeks. Result: 25% drop in fasting blood sugar levels, as well as a 30% drop in triglycerides and LDL cholesterol, known as “bad cholesterol”.

Indeed, the small seed contributes to a better secretion and assimilation of insulin. The seeds contain an amino acid, 4-hydroxy isoleucine, known to stimulate insulin secretion by the pancreas.

This amino acid also helps reduce the body’s insulin resistance, characteristic of type 2 diabetes. The direct consequence is therefore a drop and regulation of blood sugar levels in the blood.

In addition, the spice contains essential compounds such as antioxidants and anti-inflammatories: quercetin, apigenin, genistein, rutin, kaempferol, or even selenium.

It is also rich in alkaloids such as gentian, campaign, or trigonelline. This exceptional composition makes fenugreek an effective spice in preventing cell degeneration, allowing, among other things, to protect the liver and pancreas.

The seed is rich in soluble fiber, which also affects the blood glucose level by delaying the digestion process, increasing the absorption of sugar in the intestines, and therefore reducing the level of sugar in the blood.

NB: By naturally regulating the insulin level, fenugreek will thus limit the production of androgen and sebum. This is what also makes it an acne remedy.

Other benefits for blood sugar:

Fenugreek has a regulating effect on the blood lipid level, making it possible to reduce LDL cholesterol, called bad cholesterol while increasing the good one.

At the same time, it helps reduce platelet aggregation in arteries and veins, which significantly reduces the risk of blood clotting associated with strokes and heart attacks.

Its dietary fiber reduces the absorption of fat and cholesterol in the intestines.

The seed is also rich in vitamins B1, B3, A, and C. It is also rich in vegetable proteins (30% of the weight of the seed), as well as calcium, phosphorus, iron, sulfur, and magnesium. It is also thanks to this exceptional composition that fenugreek is used for the health of the hair.

How to use fenugreek for diabetes

Be careful, always seek the advice of your doctor before embarking on any cure, particularly cures involving an effect on a disease such as diabetes.

Fenugreek is mainly consumed in three forms: seeds, powder, or capsules.

Use in seeds and powder:

The ideal amount seems to be 4 teaspoons of seeds per day, taken at different times of the day.

Prefer to use seeds that you will reduce to powder as and when you need it, using a spice mill, rather than fenugreek powder which will have undergone oxidation and will have lost its virtues.

Two ways to do it:

• Prepare an infusion by boiling a cup of water and infusing a tablespoon of fenugreek seeds (if possible ground) for 10 min. Drink this decoction 2 times a day.

• Integrate fenugreek powder into your diet by integrating it into all your recipes, it is a spice that will bring a very pleasant but rather discreet scent, so you can use it everywhere.

In the diet, it is excellent to germinate fenugreek seeds before consuming them, it is delicious and even better for your health!

Use in capsules:

The capsules are available in pharmacies, ask your pharmacist for advice and follow the instructions provided with the instructions for use.

Contraindications and side effects:

Always seek the advice of your doctor before undergoing a cure. If you have diabetes, you should take fenugreek under medical supervision.

There are few known side effects. Overconsumption can cause mild gastric disorders, due to the fibers in the spice. It is then sufficient to reduce the doses.

Also, you should know that fenugreek being detoxifying, tends to give a certain odor to sweat and urine which evacuates toxins, depending on the quantities consumed.

Pregnant women should not consume fenugreek, or else with caution and no more than dietary doses, as it is known to stimulate contact. It is also traditionally used to facilitate childbirth.

The dosages, natural home remedies, benefits, opinions, and contraindications of this article are given for information only. For any medical prescription and dosage, consult your doctor or pharmacist.

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8 benefits of dandelion tea and side effects




dandelion tea

Discover the 8 shocking benefits of dandelion tea and side effects.

What most people find to be an annoying weed, can be a healthy drink and a tasty tea.

Dandelions grow in gardens around the world every spring and last all summer.

Their bright yellow leaves are easy to spot and their seed pods are often used to make wishes.

These herbs offer powerful health benefits when consumed as food or in drinks such as tea.

We’ve put together a list of the health benefits of dandelion tea that will inspire you to brew a cup of this vibrant tea.

Whether you love the light floral flavor or prefer strong tastes like coffee, dandelion tea has something for everyone.

First, learn the health benefits of each type of tea here.

What is dandelion tea?

Dandelion tea is an herbal tea made from various parts of the dandelion plant. It is known as Taraxacum officinale.

There are several different types of dandelion tea depending on whether the tea is made from:



or the roots of the plant.

One of the most common is known as roasted dandelion root tea or “ dandelion coffee ”.

The tea gets its name from the dark color of the roasted root, which resembles coffee beans.

This type of dandelion tea is often used as a coffee substitute.

Flavor profile

Dandelion tea made from flower petals offers a delicate and sweet taste.

Roasted dandelion teas offer a bolder flavor with smoky and toasted notes that are paired with a robust flavor.

Dandelion leaf teas offer an earthy, herbaceous flavor that may have astringent notes.

Health Benefits of Dandelion Tea

1. Contains large amounts of fiber

Dandelion leaves contain high concentrations of fiber, which helps to streamline digestion and improve overall health.

Eating a diet high in fiber can help improve digestive health and relieve intestinal tension.

The dietary fiber in dandelion leaves can also help prevent digestive system problems such as:

irritable bowel syndrome

kidney stones.

2. Rich in vitamin A

Dandelion leaves are full of vitamin A, which can help improve the appearance of your skin. They also reduce inflammation.

Vitamin A is also essential for healthy vision and can prevent serious problems like macular degeneration.

Dandelion tea is known for its cleansing properties

Vitamin A may also ease symptoms of measles, a disease rare in the United States, but which has recently increased in frequency due to anti-vaccination movements.

Taking vitamin A can shorten the duration of symptoms, including:

upset stomach


and fever.

3. Good for bone health

Dandelion root tea contains high amounts of vitamin K, which is known to help strengthen bones.

Studies show that vitamin K, especially K2, may be a better choice than calcium for bone health.

Calcium can cause stiffness in the arteries, which can increase the risk of blood clots.

Vitamin K2 offers the same mineral properties for bone health, with no side effects on heart health.

Drinking dandelion tea helps prevent fractures and breaks in bones that do not have high bone mineral density.

4. Helps target free radicals

Dandelion tea contains antioxidants that fight free radicals – compounds that can cause oxidative stress and damage to healthy cells.

Antioxidants work to remove free radicals from the body, thus protecting against long-term damage.

Free radicals have been linked to a host of health problems, including cancer and premature aging.

5. Benefits of dandelion tea for liver

Dandelion leaf tea can help protect liver function and aid digestion in general.

study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food found that the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of dandelion leaves help prevent liver damage in mice caused by unhealthy eating.

Dandelion tea contains vitamin C, which improves the absorption of minerals.


It also strengthens the immune system and prevents illnesses, including colds and flu.

The antioxidants in this tea also help stimulate bile production, which helps the body to break down and process food.

6. May help fight cancer

Dandelion root tea can cause certain types of cancer cells to die.

study published in Evidence-Based Complementary Alternative Medicine looked at these cancer-fighting properties.

Researchers found that dandelion root extract – when combined with the diabetes drug metformin – could treat human melanoma G361.

7. Benefits of dandelion tea for urinary tract infections

Dandelion tea has natural diuretic properties.

These diuretic properties can also help regulate blood sugar levels. They improve the general state of health.

Consuming dandelion tea can help the body flush out toxins and wastes. This prevents bacterial infections in the urinary tract.

This happens because the healthy compounds in dandelion tea decrease inflammation and the diuretic effect increases urine output.

One study showed that these effects were most pronounced when dandelion was combined with uva ursi, known as bearberry.

8. Dandelion tea for weight loss

Dandelion teas can help speed up weight loss when used in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise program.

Since tea has natural diuretic properties, it helps reduce water weight.

Dandelion tea is a natural diuretic

The antioxidants in dandelion leaves, dandelion flowers, and dandelion root extract also help speed up metabolism and improve fat burning.

Replacing sugary drinks with dandelion tea can also help reduce calories.

You still get a sweet and delicious flavor without the extra calories that can add up to the pounds.

The flavor of dandelion tea is also more exciting than that of plain water, so it’s easier to stay hydrated and stick to your diet.

Side effects of dandelion tea

If you are allergic to ragweed, you may also have an allergic reaction to dandelion tea.

Avoid drinking this herbal tea if you are allergic to dandelion or related plants including daisies and chrysanthemums.

Stop use immediately and contact a healthcare practitioner if you experience symptoms, including:

a rash

breathing difficulties

and an itchy throat.

Drugs interactions

Dandelions can inhibit the absorption of certain antibiotics, effectively decreasing the effectiveness of drugs.

If you are taking antibiotics, including Cipro and norfloxacin, talk to your health care provider before taking dandelion.

Dandelion can also interfere with certain diuretics and cause other side effects.

Dandelion tea is naturally caffeine-free

The main thing to watch out for is the potassium content.

Some diuretics contain potassium which when taken with dandelion herbal tea can reach unhealthy levels in the human body.

If you are taking any medication, always talk to your doctor before using any herbal or herbal teas.

Significantly increasing the consumption of dandelion tea in conjunction with medications for the liver may also decrease the effectiveness of these medications.

Consume this tea in moderation and check that the tea does not interact with your medications.

How to make dandelion tea

The process of brewing dandelion tea differs depending on the type of dandelion tea you are brewing.

In general, dandelion tea should be brewed using hot water or boiling water.

It is also better to use:

loose leaves,

fresh flowers

or dried roots rather than tea bags.

Leaves and flowers should steep for about 5-10 minutes, while roots are best 6-8 minutes.

Sunny and bright dandelion tea

Dandelion herbal tea is a delicious herbal tea that can bring sunshine to your world.

Vibrant flowers look gorgeous when infused in hot water and provide endless health benefits.

You can also opt for dandelion leaf or root teas if you prefer stronger flavors.

Pour yourself a delicious cup of dandelion tea and soak up the health benefits.

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