5 Benefits of drinking black tea with lemon

6 Benefits of sweet orange essential oil

Table of Contents
13 Health Benefits Of Consuming Figs

Table of Contents
- What is the fig?
- Types of figs
- History of figs
- Health Of Benefits of figs
- 1.- Avoid cancer
- 2.- Rich in fiber
- 3.- Blood pressure lowering effect
- 4.- Strengthen your bones
- 5.- Reduces the risk of macular degeneration
- 6.- Reduces a sore throat
- 7.- Helps with cardiovascular function
- 8.- Improve reproductive health
- 9.- Helps lose weight
- 10.- Natural cure for anemia
- 11.- Improve digestion
- 12.- Promote hair growth
- 13.- Soft and flexible skin
- Related
The health benefits of consuming figs are due to their nutritious compounds, their sweet taste is the nectar of flavor, they are rich in sugar which makes them a delicious fruit, but is their consumption healthy for the body?
Figs are good sources of dietary fiber, antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins.
They are rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, and iron and contain vitamins A, B6, E, and K, which contribute to optimal health and well-being.
Figs are a sweet fruit with multiple seeds and smooth skin, which can be eaten ripe or dried.
Figs are also called nature’s sweets because they are high in natural sugar.
It is the fruit of the fig tree, which is a member of the blackberry family, generally found in Asia. In India, the fruit is called anjeer.
Different varieties of the fruit can have different colors of purple, red, green, and golden yellow. The most popular types of figs include:
Types of figs
There are five common varieties of figs. Each type differs subtly in taste and sweetness. They are:
1.- Black Mission: Black Mission figs are black-purple outside and pink inside.
They are incredibly sweet and even ooze syrup.
They are perfect for eating as a dessert or mixing cake or cookie recipes to increase flavor.
2.- The kadotas: They are green with purple pulp and less sweet among all the varieties of figs.
They are great to eat raw and also taste good if heated with a pinch of salt.
3.- Cali Myrna: They are greenish-yellow figs on the outside and amber on the inside.
They are larger compared to other types of figs and have a unique and strong nutty flavor.
4.- Brown Turkey: Figs of this type have purple skin and red meat.
Its flavor is mild and less sweet than the other type of figs. They work well in salads.
5.- Adriatic: Adriatic figs have light green skin and are pink on the inside.
These figs are often used to make fig bars.
They are also called white figs as they are very light in color. They are extremely sweet and can be enjoyed as a simple fruit dessert.
History of figs
The name ‘fig’ originates from a Latin word called ‘ficus’ and an older Hebrew name called ‘flag.
They were native to India and Turkey and came to America in the 17th century.
Neolithic excavations of fig remain to date back to 5000 BC were discovered.
They are even mentioned in the Bible as a sign of peace and prosperity.
Figs were widely cultivated in the Middle East and Europe and reached China in the mid-17th century.
Spanish missionaries planted the world-renowned fig orchards in California in the late 1800s.
The Assyrians used figs as sweeteners in 3000 BC. The fig plant is known to be the first plant cultivated by humans.
Aristotle described fig cultivation in Greece in his works. Figs were also a common food source for the Romans.
The Greeks and Romans distributed the fruit in the Mediterranean region.
Figs are sweet and soft and their paste is often used as a substitute for sugar.
Fig spread is used as a healthier option in place of corn syrup and sucrose.
It is incorporated into cakes, puddings, pies, assorted baked goods, and preserves. Figs are considered a healthy snack.
Health Of Benefits of figs
The health benefits of consuming figs reduce the risk of cancer since they contain various substances such as the flavonoid quercetin and several studies have shown that it can contribute to a lower risk of lung cancer and colon cancer.
1.- Avoid cancer
Besides quercetin, figs also contain luteolin; Another type of flavonoid.
This substance can stop the growth of tumors because it neutralizes free radicals.
Luteolin primarily affects preventing the development of skin cancer, but it can also be important during skin cancer treatment.
2.- Rich in fiber
Fiber may protect against breast cancer in postmenopausal women.
This is possible because the hormonal balance of these women can fluctuate a lot, causing the hormones to affect the immune system.
This can prevent the body from fighting cancer-causing free radicals.
However, by getting enough fiber, the body can protect itself against this.
3.- Blood pressure lowering effect
Figs contain a large amount of potassium.
This is an important mineral that maintains heart rate and blood pressure.
Eating figs can have a blood pressure-lowering effect for this reason.
4.- Strengthen your bones
Eating figs can strengthen your bones.
This has to do with a large amount of calcium you get when you eat figs regularly.
Calcium is known to be important for strong bones and can reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
In addition to calcium, figs also contain phosphorus.
This substance promotes bone growth, causing the bone to heal faster after damage.
5.- Reduces the risk of macular degeneration
Macular degeneration is an eye condition in which visual acuity decreases.
This often happens as people age.
If you eat 3 or more servings of fruits (such as figs, strawberries, olives, or avocado) per day, you could reduce your chance of macular degeneration by 36%.
This is compared to people who eat less than 1.5 servings of fruit per day.
6.- Reduces a sore throat
Figs contain a large amount of mucilage. This is a sticky substance that is also known as plant glue.
It is a natural remedy that works very well against a sore throat.
7.- Helps with cardiovascular function
Figs are a good source of potassium, a mineral that helps lower blood pressure.
In animal studies, pectin is a soluble fiber in fig leaves and has been shown to contribute to lower triglyceride levels in the body.
Figs also contain high levels of antioxidant polyphenols that have been shown to help prevent atherosclerosis.
8.- Improve reproductive health
Clinical studies have shown that figs help increase sperm motility, this is essential for reproductive health.
Researchers believe that this compound can be linked to the amino acids, magnesium, and calcium found in figs.
9.- Helps lose weight
The dietary fiber and low-calorie count in figs were found to have positive correlations with weight loss It also helps intestinal transit and promotes good digestion.
10.- Natural cure for anemia
Anemia is a condition in which your body does not have enough healthy red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen to your tissues.
Figs contain copper and iron, two minerals that are necessary for the formation of red blood cells and cell oxidation.
Figs also contain prebiotics, which helps the good bacteria already in the intestine.
Good bacteria are essential to maintain optimal digestion.
12.- Promote hair growth
Hair loss usually occurs due to a lack of proper nutrition.
Figs contain hair-friendly nutrients like magnesium, vitamin C, and vitamin E that promote hair growth
The essential nutrients present in this fruit stimulate blood circulation in the scalp to accelerate hair growth.
13.- Soft and flexible skin
Figs contain a high amount of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that helps to brighten and balance skin tone.
Blend five figs for a smooth paste.
Add a teaspoon of powdered oatmeal and milk and a half teaspoon of powdered dried ginger.
Mix well to form a smooth paste.
The potential health risks associated with figs are:
1) High sugar content
Dried figs are high in sugar and calories compared to fresh figs, 55 percent of their weight is sugar.
This equates to 185 calories per 1/2 cup. If you have diabetes or prediabetes, don’t eat figs too often and only on the advice of your doctor or nutritionist.
2) Laxative effect
Due to its high fiber content, it can have a mild laxative effect and should not be eaten in excess, especially when it comes to dried figs.
3) Oxalates
Figs also contain natural substances called oxalates.
When oxalates are concentrated in body fluids, they can crystallize and cause health problems like gallbladder and kidney stones.
Therefore, people with kidney or gallbladder problems should avoid eating figs.
4) Contains sulfites
Dried figs can be treated with sulfur dioxide gas during processing to help prevent oxidation.
They can also be treated with sulfites to extend their shelf life.
People who are sensitive to sulfites should avoid foods that contain sulfites, such as dried figs.
Five percent of asthmatics can be exposed to sulfites that cause an allergic reaction in them.
Note: Never eat green figs.
They produce white latex that contains compounds like furocoumarins and 5-methoxy psoralen (5-MOP), which can cause a severe allergy around the mouth and lips that can spread rapidly to other parts of the body.
We hope the article on the health benefits of 13 Health Benefits Of Consuming Figs has been of help to you.
16 Benefits of corn and side effects

Table of Contents
- 16 health benefits of corn
- A.- Benefits of corn for health
- 1.- Good for digestion
- 2.- Prevents anemia
- 3.- Greater energy
- 4.- Lowers LDL cholesterol
- 5.- Facilitates weight gain
- 6.- Prevents diabetes and hypertension
- 7.- Stronger connective tissue
- 8.- Benefits of corn for eyes
- 9.- Anti-cancer properties
- 10.- Benefits of corn during pregnancy
- 11.- Benefits of corn for heart
- 12.- Prevents Alzheimer’s disease
- B.- Benefits of corn for the skin
- C.- Benefits of corn for hair
- Nutritional value of corn
- Discover the 16 shocking Health Benefits Of Corn and side effects.The corn, also known as corn or Bhutta / Makkai / Challi Hindu, Mokka Jonnalu Telugu, Tamil Makkacholam, ‘Makai’ in Marathi and Punjabi, and ‘Butta’ in Bengal.
Corn is a large grain plant that is said to have originated in Mexico and Central America. Although it looks like a vegetable, it is a food grain.
The leafy stem of the plant produces spikes, which contain the grains known as kernels.
For every grain on the cob, there is a silk thread.
White and yellow kernels are the most popular, but today corn is also available in red, brown, blue, and purple.
The white and yellow hybrids are known as butter and sugar corn that contain both types of kernels.
Young or baby corn is available in cans or jars in supermarkets and is used in Asian cuisine.
This grain is generally available in summer and can be cooked in several ways.
Sweet corn can be used to garnish fresh rice or cooked with onion and chili peppers for a snack. It can even be eaten straight from the cobs.
In India, vendors are often seen selling corn, which is known as ‘button.
The best part is that corn is not only delicious, but it is also rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, offering several health benefits.
16 health benefits of corn
A.- Benefits of corn for health
In addition to its delicious sweet taste, corn is rich in fiber, low in fat, and a great source of essential nutrients that offer several health benefits detailed below.
1.- Good for digestion
• Corn has a large amount of dietary fiber that is made up of both soluble and insoluble fiber.
Soluble fiber helps block the absorption of cholesterol by turning into a jelly-like consistency.
• While insoluble fiber prevents constipation and intestinal problems by promoting loose and bulky stools that can easily move through the intestine, reducing the chances of diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome.
• Therefore, it helps prevent digestive problems like constipation and hemorrhoids, as well as colon cancer.
Although corn contains both types of fiber, it has a higher content of insoluble fiber.
2.- Prevents anemia
• Anemia is caused by a deficiency of vitamin B12 and folic acid.
Corn contains a significant amount of these in addition to iron, which is one of the essential minerals necessary to form new red blood cells. Iron deficiency can also cause anemia.
3.- Greater energy
• Corn is considered a starchy vegetable, as it contains a large number of carbohydrates that provide energy in the short and long term.
They also ensure the proper functioning of the brain and nervous system.
• One cup of corn provides about 29 grams of carbohydrates.
This is particularly beneficial for athletes as they require more carbohydrates to optimize exercise performance.
• Additionally, corn is a complex carbohydrate so it is digested at a slow rate, providing you with balanced energy levels that are free of peaks and valleys.
It is advisable to eat corn a couple of hours before exercising to obtain lasting energy.
4.- Lowers LDL cholesterol
• Cholesterol is produced by the liver and there are generally two types of cholesterol, HDL or good cholesterol and LDL or bad cholesterol.
• Bad cholesterol increases due to the intake of fatty foods, which weakens the heart and causes cardiovascular disease.
• Sweet corn is rich in vitamin C, carotenoids, and bioflavonoids that keep the heart healthy by controlling cholesterol levels and increasing blood flow.
5.- Facilitates weight gain
• Corn is a great option for underweight people, known as ‘hard winners’.
They need to increase their caloric intake to put a few pounds on their frames.
• Corn is rich in calories and rich carbohydrates which helps to increase your body. Therefore, it can be a healthy addition to your meals if you are underweight.
One cup of corn kernels provides up to 130 calories.
6.- Prevents diabetes and hypertension
• Organic fruits and vegetables like corn are effective in reducing the signs of diabetes.
• Regular consumption of corn kernels helps control non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) and protects against hypertension due to the presence of phenolic phytochemicals in whole corn.
• Phytochemicals regulate the absorption and release of insulin in the body, which reduces the chances of spikes and falls for diabetic patients and allows them to maintain a normal lifestyle.
This B vitamin helps in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids.
Therefore, it prevents stress by supporting the functioning of the adrenal glands.
7.- Stronger connective tissue
• Connective tissue is made up of bones, ligaments, tendons, muscles, and cartilage. Corn contains the trace mineral manganese that strengthens connective tissue.
• In addition to these, manganese keeps blood sugar levels stable and breaks down carbohydrates and fat to provide energy.
• One cup of corn provides about 12 percent of the recommended daily value for manganese.
Corn also contains a large proportion of minerals such as magnesium, iron, copper, and phosphorus that are necessary for healthy bones.
• These nutrients prevent your bones from cracking as you age.
8.- Benefits of corn for eyes
• The yellow kernels of corn contain substances called carotenoids that reduce the risk of macular degeneration, that is, deterioration of vision in the center of the line of vision.
Beta-carotene helps make vitamin A, which supports the better vision.
9.- Anti-cancer properties
• Research has shown that the antioxidants found in corn can fight and scavenge cancer-causing free radicals.
Also, this grain is a good source of the phenolic compound, ferulic acid, which is effective in fighting tumors in the chest and liver.
10.- Benefits of corn during pregnancy
• Being a rich source of folic acid, corn is particularly beneficial for pregnant women.
Folic acid deficiency in pregnant women can cause low birth weight babies and also cause neural tube defects at birth.
• Therefore, pregnant women should include corn in their diet, as it benefits the health of both the child and the pregnant mother.
However, in case of high blood pressure or swelling of the hands or feet, it is advisable to consult the doctor first.
11.- Benefits of corn for heart
• Corn oil is said to have an antiatherogenic effect on cholesterol levels, thus protecting against cardiovascular disease.
• Corn oil is particularly beneficial for heart health, as it has an optimal combination of fatty acids, allowing omega-3 fatty acids to remove harmful bad cholesterol and replace them at binding sites.
• As a result, it prevents clogged arteries, lowers blood pressure, and reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.
12.- Prevents Alzheimer’s disease
• Corn is a good source of thymine, which is an integral participant in enzymatic reactions critical to energy production, as well as brain / cognitive function.
B.- Benefits of corn for the skin
Corn is a good source of several vitamins including vitamin C, thiamine, and niacin, as well as minerals and antioxidants that play an important role in skincare. Below are the benefits of corn for the skin.
13.- Maintenance of healthy skin
• Yellow corn is a rich source of beta-carotene that forms vitamin A that is vital for the maintenance of healthy skin.
• Vitamin C and lycopene are potential antioxidants that prevent free radicals generated by UV light from damaging the skin and increase collagen production that helps keep skin smooth.
14.- Prevents skin problems
• Corn starch is used as an ingredient in many cosmetic products and can even be applied topically to soothe skin rashes and irritation.
• Carcinogenic petroleum products can be substituted for corn products in cosmetic preparations, as skin creams use petroleum jelly as a base material that can block pores and worsen skin conditions.
C.- Benefits of corn for hair
Regular consumption of a cup of corn strengthens hair follicles, as it contains powerful antioxidants, such as vitamin C and lycopene, which help in the production of collagen and keep hair smooth.
Corn oil is particularly beneficial for adding shine to your hair and many other hair care benefits detailed below.
15.- Combat hair loss and dryness
• Corn oil offers a great combination of fatty acids and nutrients such as vitamin E.
Therefore, the topical application of this oil helps to keep the hair follicles hydrated, well-nourished and prevents premature aging.
• Antioxidants prevent cell damage by trapping free radicals. Therefore, it is effective in combating dryness and hair loss due to the action of free radicals. It also contains vitamin K which helps calcium absorption and prevents hair loss.
16.- Maintenance of healthy hair
• Hot oil treatment with corn oil can give you silky smooth hair.
It has the right balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids that controls inflammation and prevents the scalp from becoming dry and flaky.
• These fatty acids are important components of the cellular structure that facilitate the transport of fat and a deficiency of any of these can cause brittle hair or hair loss.
To do this, heat the corn oil for half a minute and massage your scalp with your fingertips.
• Leave it on for 15 minutes and then a shampoo for smooth, lustrous hair.
Nutritional value of corn
Corn does not contain large amounts of vitamins and minerals, but it does contain a lot of water and is rich in dietary fiber.
It has a moderate glycemic index that allows the body to break it down more slowly than other high-glycemic foods such as white bread.
Amount Per 100 Grams 1 Cup (166 G) 100 Grams
• Total Fat 4.7 G 7%
• Saturated fat 0.7 g 3%
• Polyunsaturated fat 2.2 g
• Monounsaturated fat 1.3 g
• Cholesterol 0mg 0%
• Sodium 35 mg 1%
• Total carbohydrates 74 g 24%
• Protein 9 g 18%
• Vitamin A 0%
• Vitamin C 0%
• Calcium 0%
• Iron 15%
• Vitamin B-6 30%
• Magnesium 31%
1.- Carbohydrates
Corn is significantly lower in saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium.
It is high in carbohydrates that provides almost 82 percent of the calories in this food grain.
A half-cup of corn contains about 80 calories of which 10 calories are from fat, while a 5-inch ear of corn contains 65 calories.
2.- Fiber
Corn is high in dietary fiber, and sweet corn contains both soluble and insoluble fiber. A medium-sized ear of corn provides almost 10 percent of the required daily value (DV) for corn.
3.- Vitamins
Corn is a good source of vitamin C, although processed forms like popcorn or cornmeal contain less of this nutrient.
Corn is also rich in B vitamins like thiamine and niacin. Pantothenic acid is a vitamin that is vital for the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids in the body, and corn contains it in significant amounts.
Besides, it provides a large proportion of the daily requirement for folate and is a rich source of beta-carotene that is required for the formation of vitamin A. Corn kernels contain vitamin E which is a natural antioxidant for growth.
4.- Antioxidant phytonutrients
Corn contains antioxidant phytochemicals that vary with different varieties of corn.
Yellow corn is rich in carotenoids that provide high concentrations of lutein and zeaxanthin.
Blue corn is rich in anthocyanin antioxidants while purple corn contains a particular acid called protocatechuic acid which is a strong antioxidant.
Corn contains very high levels of this acid that can increase up to 900 percent when cooked.
Therefore, corn can be a healthy addition to your diet, but certain things must be kept in mind.
Corn contains a large number of fatty acids and is therefore not suitable for those at high risk for heart disease.
Too much corn or corn oil can make these conditions worse and cause unnecessary weight gain.
Therefore, it is advisable to consume it in moderation to enjoy the maximum health benefits of this delicious cereal.
We hope the article on the 16 Shocking Health Benefits Of Corn has been of help to you.
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