10 Benefits of long bell peppers

Discover the 10 health benefits of long bell peppers.
The long peppers may sound unfamiliar to some, but not in the ears of the Javanese. In Java, it is also known as Javanese pepper, with the scientific name of Piper Retrofractum Vahl.
It is considered as a spice and is commonly used for jamu, which is an Indonesian traditional herbal drink, hence its nickname is “cabe jamu” or jamu pepper.
If you want to learn more about long peppers, you are absolutely on the right track! For your information, long peppers grow at a maximum altitude of 600 m with 1,259 mm/year of rain. Anyway, what exactly is a long pepper?
Long peppers are also known as Balinese pepper or Indian pepper, following their original roots in South Asia, particularly India and Sri Lanka.
In India, long peppers are called ‘pippali’. Long peppers have four main functions, especially as a home remedy, cooking ingredient, medicinal herb, and catalyst to enhance the effects of other herbs.
The benefits of Javanese long peppers are somewhat similar to the health benefits of Indian long peppers.
Just as their scientific name suggests, long peppers contain piperine. Piperine is an alkaloid that works as a stimulant for poor blood circulation. Piperine is also found in black pepper and is also responsible for making both of them spicy.
Now here is the main question; Do long peppers have other uses besides being spices and a cooking ingredient? Yes, it does, and here are the health benefits of long pepper.
10 health benefits of long bell peppers
1.- Good for liver ailments
• Liver disease arises from our habit of indulging in unhealthy junk foods.
• At the end of the day, the liver becomes overworked.
• Long bell peppers balance the liver’s workload by removing toxins that have built up in the liver and that have been produced by digesting these types of foods.
• Here are also the best quick way to detox the liver after several years of drinking.
2.- Helps to lose weight
• The long pepper can burn fatty acids similar to other types of pepper without any side effects.
• In fact, it is considered a safer and healthier alternative compared to its clinical counterparts.
3.- Reduces the risk of diabetes
• Like the health benefits of red rice for diabetics, long bell peppers help alleviate diabetes by regulating the rate of glucose released into the blood system.
• Long peppers also stimulate insulin production.
• That is the main reason why long pepper is highly recommended for diabetic patients.
4.- Decreases bacterial infection
• The risk of bacterial infection may incline as the daily temperature increases.
• Unhygienic food, as well as unsterile water, can be prone to bacterial infection, causing an upset stomach.
• Long peppers can be used to counter these occurrences.
5.- Serves as a cough treatment
Long peppers treat a cough by making it a simple remedy. This is how you do it:
Step 1: Take 1 to 2 grams of the spice and fry it with a little ghee. Ghee is a kind of Indian butter.
Step 2: Bring it in while it cools.
If ghee is not available, you can use honey instead.
6.- Relieves indigestion
• The content of long peppers is capable of curing digestive problems.
7.- Decrease fever
• The antiseptic and antiseptic properties of long pepper can reduce fever or relax the throat.
• You can easily reduce a fever by mixing long pepper with a hot bowl of soup.
8.- Relieves toothache
• You can also cure a toothache by making a paste with pepper, salt, and water.
9.- Cure diarrhea
• Diarrhea can be cured by consuming a long pepper soup.
10.- Relieves asthma
• Long peppers are an alternative to relieve occasional asthma attacks and other asthma symptoms.
• However, you should not use it as a substitute for respiratory medicine.
How to use long peppers for traditional cures
About the previous pointers on the health benefits of long pepper, here are the simple recipes to make your long pepper remedy.
1.- To lower the fever
• Step 1 – Prepare 3g of dried long peppers
• Step 2 – Smooth until it reaches its softest state.
• Step 3: Infuse with hot water and consume.
• Despite its hot taste, it is suitable for both children and adults.
2.- It is a cure for toothache
• Step 1 – Prepare 3 long pepper leaves
• Step 2: squash them, but not to their smoothest shape.
• Step 3: prepare it in warm water
• Step 4: Use the gargle formula. Do it regularly until the toothache is completely gone.
3.- To overcome «Masuk Angin»
Masuk angin is an Indonesian term to describe the uneven distribution of gases within the body characterized by cold-like symptoms.
It has no direct translation into English, and no specific knowledge of this ‘disease’, therefore making ‘masuk angin’ is a large loose term. Long peppers can be treated ‘masuk angin’ by following this simple formula:
• Step 1 – Prepare 3g of long peppers, some brown sugar, ginger, and “temulawak” (Curcuma Zanthorrhiza).
• Step 2 – Boil until everything is softened and add warm water.
• Step 3 – Drink that formula while it’s still hot.
4.- Prevents abdominal spasm
• Step 1: Take 3 long pepper leaves and add a glass of water.
• Step 2: Boil both of them fully and let them cool for a while.
• Step 3: consume completely.
5.- Clean the postpartum ovary
• Step 1: Prepare 3 grams of long pepper roots.
• Step 2: Add warm water and bring to a full boil.
• Step 3 – Filter the water when you are done.
• Step 4: Consume the boiled water until done. It is suggested to consume it while it is still hot.
Those are just the healthy creations you can make with long bell peppers. The recipes are not proprietary so you can easily adjust them to better suit your preferences or requirements.
However, it is still highly recommended that you follow exactly what is written above. In addition to the long bell pepper uses listed above, there will be more below, however, the ones below are not specifically categorized by disease.
Generic long pepper recipe
Step 1 – Boil 150cc of water.
• Step 2 – Make it with 4 grams of pepper powder.
• Step 3: Consume while hot to get your maximum benefit.
If there are still long pepper powders left, you can also use them like this:
• Fill it inside the capsules for consumption at any time.
• Apply the powders directly to the affected area for toothache.
• Use it to treat swollen gums.
• In addition to health, long peppers are equally useful for planting and soil fertility.
• Thirty-eight uses of long peppers can be obtained by using them in a “jamu” or a traditional herbal drink, which has the potential to cure practically everything but the insecticide.
• Long pepper does not work with insecticide because it kills the reaction of the insecticide inside the plants.
Those are just the top long pepper health benefits that may sound unfamiliar to you, especially among the youngest these days. Either way, hope it helps!
14 Benefits of Oolong tea and side effects Table of Contents
Contraindications of drinking green tea

Discover the contraindications of drinking green tea.
Drinking green tea in excess can cause some harmful side effects for the body, which are necessary to know
Green tea is one of the most popular in the world. In addition to having a characteristic flavor, its different properties make it a highly beneficial drink for health, mainly due to its antioxidant power. However, its consumption also includes a series of contraindications
Among the benefits of green tea highlights its ability to improve memory, helps lose body fat, increases physical performance, is stimulating, can prevent different types of cancer, and even reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Among all the types of green tea that exist, matcha stands out, a tea of oriental origin with important properties for health and that stands out for its powder composition. In recent years it has become the travel companion of celebrities, athletes, and famous people.
Contraindications of drinking green tea
Many people have incorporated green tea into their day-to-day. The truth is that it is a great choice since it can provide energy to face the workday, accelerate the metabolism, and can even help improve mood.
However, like any food, the consumption of green tea carries a series of contraindications that it is necessary to know.
Thus, from ‘Todo Disca’ we are going to expose some of the negative effects that the ingestion of this type of infusions can produce.
In this sense, researchers from the National Institute of Health of the United States affirm that the consumption of green tea mixed with different medications, such as contraceptive pills, antibiotics, stimulants, or alcohol can be harmful to health.
And these are some of the side effects that excess green tea consumption can generate for the body:
1. Irritability: Some people feel some discomfort at the time of their intake. That is to say, it produces an effect contrary to the one they seek at first.
2. Insomnia: Green tea can cause sleep problems for many people. And is that it is a stimulating drink that contains some doses of caffeine, although in a lower proportion than traditional coffee.
3. Dizziness and nausea: This infusion can be heavy for delicate stomachs and generate some type of gastrointestinal discomfort. Therefore, it is not advisable to take on an empty stomach.
4. Palpitations: Due to its stimulating characteristics, it can sometimes cause palpitations. Along these lines, experts recommend reading the indications and ingredients of all types of tea.
5. Disadvantages during pregnancy: Green tea is rich in tannins, so it can reduce the absorption of folic acid and iron. Due to this, this drink is not recommended for pregnant or lactating women.
Generally, green tea is an infusion with excellent health properties. In this way, moderate consumption usually brings different benefits to the body.
However, it is advisable to take these contraindications into account, and if you feel any side effects, see a medical specialist.
Through the following link, you will be able to know the contraindications to drink matcha tea, a variety of oriental origin widely established in Europe and whose consumption has become popular in recent years
Contraindications and side effects of Trazodone

Discover the Contraindications and side effects of Trazodone.
Trazodone is used in a wide variety of disorders, although it is an antidepressant.
Being depression one of the most prevalent mental disorders worldwide and one of the major causes of disability, its treatment is a matter that the scientific community has taken into account for many years.
The suffering it generates requires sometimes immediate attention since it is one of the disorders with the highest risk of suicide and that generates the most pain both for the person and for those around him.
The treatment of depression is carried out from different areas, one of them being psychopharmacology.
One of the drugs used in the treatment of depression is trazodone, which we are going to talk about in this article.
Trazodone: what type of substance is it?
Trazodone is a psychotropic drug classified within antidepressants, substances that generate a neurochemical change at the brain level, causing alterations in the levels of certain neurotransmitters, specifically serotonin.
Among antidepressants, it is part and is the main representative of the group of serotonin-2A antagonists and reuptake inhibitors or SARIs, a type of atypical antidepressant.
This drug was designed in Italy in 1966 under the assumption that depression could be based on the existence of low thresholds regarding the perception of pain and suffering, being the product of the lack of integration of aversive experiences.
Trazodone has proven to be an efficient and effective drug in the treatment of depression, reducing passivity and inactivity, as well as the discomfort and suffering associated with said ailment, and facilitating an increase in mood.
However, in addition to this, it also has an anxiolytic and tranquilizing action.
This substance is considered a second-generation antidepressant, along with specific serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), with which it shares part of its mechanism of action, and different dual antidepressants.
Trazodone is sometimes considered to be dual as it has two different effects, although they focus on the same neurotransmission system, compared to the rest, and in addition to an antidepressant effect, it also has calming effects.
How does it work? Mechanism of action of the drug
As we have indicated previously, trazodone is classified as SARI, having a somewhat special mechanism of action among the rest of antidepressants.
Trazodone acts at the serotonergic system level (like most antidepressants) in two specific ways.
In the first place, this substance produces a blockage of brain serotonin reuptake, in such a way that said neurotransmitter remains in the synaptic space for a longer time.
This supposes that it has an agonist effect on the synthesis and maintenance of serotonin at the brain level, it increases its levels (which are decreased during the depression and this is something that correlates with the decrease in the mood).
The aforementioned mechanism of action is the one used by SSRIs, which is why these and trazodone are related and sometimes the latter is included among the first.
However, trazodone has a second effect that differentiates it from other drugs, and that seems contrary to the previous mechanism of action.
And it is also that it acts as an antagonist of serotonin 5-HT2A receptors, preventing or hindering these receptors from being activated.
This second aspect is what makes trazodone have a slightly different profile and effects than other antidepressants.
Regarding its interaction with other neurotransmitter systems, it does not present great anticholinergic effects, something that has made this drug a better option than tricyclics (although the doses must also be regulated) in patients with cerebrovascular and cardiac pathology and dementias.
However, it must be taken into account that it can generate arrhythmias.
It also has a minor effect on the adrenergic (blocking some receptors) and histaminergic systems, something that can lead to the generation of side effects.
Main indications
The main indication for trazodone is obviously, as an antidepressant that it is, major depression. Its effectiveness is also high in those depressions that appear together with anxiety symptoms.
Its clinical utility has also been observed in other disorders in which there are components of anxiety or that are based on it, such as generalized anxiety disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, or bulimia.
In addition to this, it has also been observed to be useful for the treatment of substance addictions, being a good alternative for patients with withdrawal syndrome to benzodiazepines, and in the treatment of alcoholism (including the presence of delirium tremens).
Another of its indications is insomnia, which is effectively reduced by increasing sleep time without greatly affecting the deep sleep phase.
Although in general, most antidepressants can have the presence of erectile dysfunction or ejaculation problems as a side effect, this effect does not usually occur in trazodone, which seems to generate an increase in libido and is even used as a treatment indicated in erectile dysfunction.
Finally, trazodone has been applied (largely for its relaxing properties) in some cases of schizophrenia, motor problems such as Gilles de la Tourette syndrome, the presence of manic episodes in bipolar disorder, and the behavioral disorders of Alzheimer’s. although a greater amount of study is required regarding the latter.
On a medical level, it has also been used as a sedative in HIV-infected patients and diabetic neuropathies, as well as in other disorders that cause pain such as fibromyalgia. It has a very slight effect at the level of muscle relaxant.
Side effects and contraindications
Trazodone is a very useful drug that has been used in multiple pathologies and disorders, both mental and medical.
However, it can have undesirable consequences in the form of side effects and is even contraindicated in some situations and pathologies.
Secondary symptoms, sedation, and fatigue, the presence of headaches, nausea, and vomiting, gastric disturbances (diarrhea or constipation), appetite disturbances, sweating, tremors (which may lead to seizures in some cases), are common. ringing, numbness, and vision problems.
In some cases, it can also cause chest and muscle pain, altered consciousness, breathing problems, and arrhythmias. Like other antidepressants, trazodone can also contribute to the genesis of suicidal ideation in the first moments of use.
Although, unlike other antidepressants, it does not seem to generate contributes to improving cases of erectile dysfunction or ejaculatory problems, the use of trazodone has been observed and associated with the appearance of priapism, erections that do not disappear on their own. alone and that cause pain to those who suffer from them (which may require urgent and even surgical treatment).
Although it is sometimes used in dementias and has a lower risk than tricyclics of generating heart problems, it requires a high degree of caution in its use and dosage carefully prescribed by the doctor, since it can generate arrhythmias.
It is contraindicated in patients who have just suffered a heart attack, as well as in those with liver or kidney disease.
Caution should be exercised in subjects with bipolarity because if the medication is not regulated, the consumption of trazodone can cause a shift from depressive to manic phase.
It is also contraindicated in people who have suffered from priapism or have Peyronie’s disease.
Finally, it must be taken into account that trazodone can be excreted in breast milk and transmitted through the placenta so that pregnant and lactating women have contraindicated its use.
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