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Benefits of cranberry and side effects



dried cranberry benefits and side effects

Discover The Health Benefits of cranberry and side effects.

Native to North America, you may know cranberry best by its English name: cranberry. This little red berry with a lingonberry-like appearance and very tangy taste is grown almost exclusively in the United States and Canada, where it is very popular.

It’s a safe bet that its popularity is mainly linked to its many health benefits. Indeed, behind its small size, the cranberry hides a very interesting composition.

First of all, it has an exceptionally high content of antioxidants. It is also one of the richest fruits in antioxidants! It is also very rich in vitamin C and fibre, 100g serving to provide 22% and 18% of the recommended intake respectively.

Besides this, cranberries contain vitamin B, E and K, as well as a large number of minerals, such as calcium, manganese, iron, copper and potassium. Finally, it is also very rich in water and very low in calories.

As you can imagine, all of this gives it some benefits. We take them again in this article and we explain how to consume it.

What are the health benefits of cranberry?
Although cranberries have been the subject of numerous scientific studies to demonstrate their benefits, people in North America have not waited for their results to benefit from them. Indeed, cranberries have been used for centuries for medicinal reasons.

Below are the health benefits of cranberry.

1) It helps prevent urinary tract infections

This is surely the most famous benefit of cranberries. The Iroquois Indians already used it for this purpose centuries ago and if you have ever had a urinary tract infection, no doubt that you have been praised for its merits in the matter!

Indeed, cranberries are very effective in helping to prevent the onset of urinary tract infections. It is therefore generally recommended for people who are most at risk of suffering from an infection, such as cystitis, or who have repeated infections.

Its preventive action, proven by several scientific studies, is due to proanthocyanidins, antioxidants present in cranberries. These have non-stick properties that prevent bacteria, such as E.Coli, from settling on the cells in the walls of the bladder. Bacteria cannot, therefore, settle and multiply there, and they are then eliminated without hindrance as soon as we go to the toilet.

However, cranberries only have a preventative effect. Although many people claim that it can also treat the infection once it sets in, no studies have been able to show this. At most, it relieves the infection in some people. In this case, it is therefore recommended to go see a doctor for appropriate treatment.

Finally, note that to take advantage of its preventive effects, it is important to consume cranberries regularly. Some doctors recommend drinking one to two glasses of cranberry juice a day.

2) It improves cardiovascular health

Consuming cranberries regularly will also be good for your heart.

Indeed, this little fruit has very beneficial effects on cholesterol, firstly because it stops the oxidation of bad cholesterol, but also because it allows increasing the levels of good cholesterol in the blood. This is due to the flavonoids contained in the cranberry.

Flavonoids also help lower the risk of developing atherosclerosis, a disease that causes arteries to narrow due to high levels of cholesterol and fat in the blood.

Also, cranberry participates in cleansing and purifying the blood, eliminating the toxic components it contains, and helps to soften the arteries.

All of this helps lower blood pressure and lowers the risk of suffering from a heart attack or stroke.

3) It helps to lose weight

Thanks to the organic acids it contains, cranberries help eliminate the fat that your body has accumulated.

However, if you want to lose weight, it is important to combine it with a balanced diet so as not to provide your body with extra fat that is not necessary for its proper functioning.

Also note that, if you consume the cranberry in the form of juice, you should not choose just any juice. Indeed, some cranberry juices sold in stores are very sweet and will therefore not provide the desired effect.

If you have a juice extractor, the best solution is to create your juice. To cut the acidity of the cranberry, you can mix its juice in water or another fruit juice.

4) It helps protect the stomach

Cranberry helps against many bacteria, and those that can attack our stomach are no exception! Among these is the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.

By landing on the walls of our stomach, it can cause inflammation of the stomach and give rise to ulcers, chronic gastritis or, in the worst case, stomach cancer.

The flavonoids in cranberries help fight this by preventing the growth of these bacteria. Regular consumption of cranberries therefore helps prevent infections.

Also, when used in addition to conventional treatment, it joins forces with the treatment and improves its effectiveness, thus allowing the bacteria to be eliminated more quickly.

However, these effects were mostly observed in women. On this point, cranberries are therefore less effective in men.

5) She participates in oral hygiene

The proanthocyanidins found in cranberries prevent bacteria from growing and taking up residence in the mouth, especially on the teeth and gums.

Thus, cranberry helps reduce cavities and dental plaque, but also to fight against periodontal disease, a type of disease that affects the gums by causing inflammation of its tissues. Besides, thanks to its calcium content, it helps strengthen teeth.

However, in all cases, prefer the consumption of natural juices rather than juices sold in supermarkets. Indeed, remember that these often contain a large amount of sugar, which is far from good for your teeth.

6) It helps keep skin young

The antioxidants found in cranberries are very beneficial for the skin. On the one hand, they protect it against the action of free radicals, which can cause skin inflammation and contribute to ageing.

On the other hand, they stimulate the production of collagen, which helps to maintain the firmness of the skin and, thus, to fight against the appearance of wrinkles.

7) It fights against winter diseases

Thanks to its antibacterial properties, cranberry is also very useful in winter because of its high content of vitamin C helps strengthen our immune system.

Besides, in general, cranberries repel bacteria and thus offer us an additional barrier against infections and viruses. It is particularly effective against colds and flu, as well as sore throats in general.

8) It helps fight certain cancers

According to several studies, cranberries help fight colon, prostate, breast and lung cancer by stopping the development of tumours. This is due to the polyphenolic compounds it contains, but also to its content of flavonoids and salicylic acid.

Together, they help in particular to inhibit the growth of harmful and cancerous cells. Besides, salicylic acid fights the formation of clots in the blood, which can cause tumours.

For its part, the high fibre content of cranberries also has a role to play against colon cancer. This is because fibre stimulates the production of butyrate, a substance that maintains gut health, supplies colon cells with energy and prevents the development of tumours in the colon.

9) it fights against memory loss

The cranberry would reduce the risk of facing memory loss or suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. Indeed, its antioxidants eliminate free radicals that could attack neurons. However, its effects on Alzheimer’s disease have yet to be demonstrated.

How to consume cranberries?

cranberry dish

Cranberries come in many forms. It can, of course, be consumed in its natural form, although it is often preferred to add a little sugar to it to reduce the acidity of the berries. You can also find dried cranberries.

These have the advantage of being richer in antioxidants than fresh cranberries, but they are also higher in sugar. Whether fresh or dried, cranberries can be used in salads, sauces, compotes and pastries, for example.

Besides this, cranberries are frequently consumed in the form of juice. However, if you want to enjoy its benefits and maintain a healthy diet, it is important to make sure that you choose a juice with no added sugar, or with as little sugar as possible.

Finally, if you don’t particularly like its taste or want to undergo a cranberry treatment, you can find it in pharmacies in the form of tablets and capsules. In this case, it is important to follow the advice of your pharmacist, who can tell you the appropriate treatment and the doses not to be exceeded.

In this regard, it is important to note that, if consumed in too large quantities, cranberries can cause side effects in the gut, such as cramps and diarrhoea. Fortunately, a small daily dose is often more than enough to reap its benefits!

Finally, note that its consumption is not recommended if you take aspirins or anticoagulant drugs, as well as if you suffer from kidney stones or if you are predisposed to them.

And you, have you ever tasted cranberries? Do you like its tangy side?

We hope the article on the health benefits of cranberry has been of help to you.


Managing Chronic Pain: Integrative Techniques for Wellness




Chronic Pain clinic near me

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding chronic pain and its various treatment options is essential for effective management.
  • Lifestyle factors, including diet, exercise, and sleep, can significantly influence chronic pain.
  • Integrative techniques, including medical treatments and complementary therapies, are vital in tackling pain holistically.

Understanding Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is a persistent type of pain that can last for months or years and may be caused by various factors. In contrast to acute pain, it can continue even after the original injury has healed. Healthcare professionals evaluate a patient’s self-reported pain level and the impact it has on their daily activities to address the complexity of chronic pain. When the underlying cause is unknown, multidisciplinary approaches are necessary to relieve pain.

The Role of Lifestyle in Chronic Pain Management

In the quest for relief, many find solace in discovering a reputable pain clinic near me that employs a range of treatment options. Diet and chronic pain have a significant, if not entirely understood, relationship. Pro-inflammatory foods, excessive caffeine, alcohol, and refined sugars tend to exacerbate inflammation, potentially intensifying pain. On the other hand, anti-inflammatory foods such as fatty fish, greens, nuts, and seeds may help reduce inflammation and, as a result, pain. Consistent hydration and balanced meals can support the body’s natural coping mechanisms. Creating a personalized diet plan with a nutritionist or dietician can be a proactive step in managing chronic pain through lifestyle. Being physically active is critical to managing chronic pain.

Medical Treatments for Chronic Pain Relief

Medications often serve as the first line of defense in chronic pain management. NSAIDs, for example, are commonly used to alleviate inflammation and pain. Antidepressants and anticonvulsants can also be prescribed for their pain-relieving properties. Caution must be taken, especially with more robust, potentially habit-forming medications such as opioids; these should only be used when necessary and with a strict plan for monitoring and tapering. Furthermore, patients are encouraged to ask their healthcare providers about potential side effects and interactions with other medications.

Beyond pharmacological measures, interventional treatments like nerve blocks, epidural steroid injections, and radiofrequency ablation offer non-surgical pain relief for various conditions. In some cases, these targeted procedures may provide lengthy periods of relief and help patients engage in physical therapy and rehabilitation more effectively.

With chronic pain being such a dynamic and individualized issue, research into new therapeutic methods is ongoing. Treatments such as platelet-rich plasma therapy (PRP) and stem cell injections are emerging as potential alternatives. They focus on repairing damaged tissues and reducing pain naturally. However, consulting with experienced pain management specialists before considering these advanced options is essential.

Psychological Approaches to Pain Management

Chronic pain has deep psychological and emotional roots in addition to physical causes. Therapies like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) address the thought patterns that can worsen pain perception and decrease the quality of life. Patients can learn to change these thoughts, engage in positive behaviors, and develop strategies to manage setbacks in their pain journey. Biofeedback is a technique that measures and provides real-time data on bodily functions, such as heart rate, muscle tension, and skin temperature. It helps patients gain voluntary control over these functions, and mastering such autonomic processes can improve pain management and give a greater sense of personal power.

Emotional well-being is integral to pain management, as negative emotions can intensify pain perception. Healthcare providers may recommend therapy sessions to address the psychological impacts of chronic pain, helping individuals cope with associated feelings of frustration, depression, or isolation. These therapeutic approaches highlight the importance of treating chronic pain as a comprehensive, biopsychosocial condition.

Navigating the Healthcare System

The complexity of healthcare systems can add a layer of stress for those managing chronic pain. Advocacy is critical. Patients must feel empowered to ask questions and make informed decisions regarding their care. Understanding how health insurance works, what treatments are covered, and how to access necessary medications is imperative. Healthcare professionals can also be invaluable allies in helping patients navigate these systems and ensure that they receive appropriate and timely care.

Looking Ahead: The Future of Pain Management

As we learn more about pain, there is hope for better pain management through new treatments and technologies. For example, virtual reality therapies can help distract patients from pain and reduce its intensity by immersing them in relaxing environments. Scientists are also exploring innovations in pharmaceuticals, non-invasive brain stimulation techniques, and cognitive behavioral therapy apps to treat chronic pain more effectively. Additionally, personalized medicine, which considers an individual’s genetic makeup, lifestyle, and environmental factors, is set to revolutionize pain management.

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10 health benefits of chicken liver and side effects




chicken liver benefits

Discover the 10 Health Benefits Of Chicken Liver and side effects.

At present, some people are on a vegetarian diet but remember that there are many nutrients that we can obtain from meats and organ meats, it is essential to think that both meat and organ meats contribute to our health, some studies have even revealed that the meat they contain High cholesterol can save your health.

For example, organ meats that are high in cholesterol contribute to balancing the human body, that is, eating or consuming foods high in cholesterol for a long time is believed to raise cholesterol levels in the blood, and this is good for those who need it, as long as they do not abuse their intake, that is why, based on this somewhat unknown theory, in the following publication we will dedicate ourselves to studying each of the benefits of chicken liver and how effective they are, in the prevention of certain pathologies

Health benefits of Chicken liver

If you love chicken, but the thought of eating poultry liver makes you feel bad, then you should explore the health benefits of chicken liver listed on this blog.

Cumulative of essential vitamins and nutrients, chicken liver is the highest protein food you can taste; but it is always good when consumed in moderation, as in some cases the high fat and cholesterol content could pose a problem.

1.- Benefits of Chicken liver for anemia

The liver is covered with vitamin A and iron. As we all know, vitamin B12 can help red blood cells and improve cell function.

Chicken liver contains vitamin B12-352% DV; supplies the body with about 3 times the DV of vitamin B12, important food that balances and supports red blood cell production and prevents pernicious anemia.

For those who are fighting anemia, eating chicken liver is the best solution; it is probably the best food to consume in the world since it provides folic acid, iron, and vitamin B12; Chicken liver benefits will effectively resolve to overcome anemia naturally.

2.- Benefits of Chicken liver for eyes

Since the chicken liver has vitamin A-288%, it is indicated that the benefits of the chicken liver are powerful support for healthy eyesight.

It will also improve our vision as it is full of vitamin A in the form of retinol, alpha, and beta carotene, including lycopene; Vitamin A is known as the first ingredient on the multivitamin bottle label and is very important for your eyesight; it will cause night vision problems by living without vitamin A and can also cause severe dry eyes which can lead to vision loss and infection.

Medical experts revealed that vitamin A can reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration later in life.

In the same case, vitamin A can treat people with eye conditions called retinitis pigmentosa; vitamin A will be required for adults in 900 micrograms. A good source of vitamin A is chicken liver which is rich in vitamin A.

3.- Good for body tissues

The problem, such as pain around the lips and tongue and also cracking or peeling of the skin at the corners of the mouth, indicates that it is a lack of riboflavin in the body.

Riboflavin is known as Vitamin B2, which is essential for normal reproduction, growth, repair, and development of body tissues, including skin, but luckily, chicken liver benefits are loaded with 2, 3 riboflavin.

4.- Supports fertility

Fertility now becomes a problem for everyone; Chicken liver benefits are also good for pregnant women and those who plan to have one soon, as it has 560 mcg of folate, helps promote fertility, and prevents neural tube defects for the development of the baby.

Chicken liver contains a large amount of pantothenic acid which turned out to be a great benefit to support the work of the adrenal system in the body, when the adrenal system works properly, it increases the system of hormones, including testosterone. Also, the chicken liver can lead to increased stamina in men and increased fertility.

5.- Fight against stress

For those who work very hard and feel stressed, eating chicken liver is the good solution to solve that problem; stress in a body condition that is affected by cortisol hormones; if that condition is not stable, unbalanced adrenal gland production will occur; if the adrenal gland is working properly, then there is some hormone system that will relieve stress.

Chicken liver benefits can support the role of the adrenal glands.

It is rich in nutrients from chicken liver leads to fighting stress; in the same way, the chicken liver can influence the best nap and will make the sleep time stable.

Furthermore, its rich pantothenic acid helps the body fight stress by supporting the adrenal glands.

6.- Boost the mind, energy, and immune system

Chicken liver has iron-72% which helps prevent anemia and also keeps the immune system healthy and this type of liver is a great source of this essential mineral, zinc, phosphorus, and magnesium.

The mineral becomes an important requirement for the body’s health; Minerals such as iron can be used to form red blood cells, it also helps maintain oxygen in the blood, while a source of the mineral zinc is also important to aid in the process of cell division, DNA formation process, healing of wounds and energy.

Later studies revealed that the benefits of the chicken liver will be the source of energy and increase the supply of red blood cells; Those nutrients can also help boost the immune system.

7.- Good for teeth and bones

Another benefit of chicken liver is related to the health of teeth and bones. Having strong, healthy teeth is all that people want; lifestyle leads people to eat foods that are sometimes not good for tooth health.

So, chicken liver is needed to solve this dental problem; chicken liver is found to have a phosphorus content of over 40% in a 1-ounce serving.

The phosphorus in chicken will generally have excellent benefits for tooth and bone health; it will also help the body to maintain the growth of teeth and bones especially for children.

The phosphorus content of chicken liver as calcium cannot form teeth and bones without the help of the mineral provided in chicken liver.

8.- Benefits of Chicken liver for skin and hair

Chicken liver contains 52% protein, which helps maintain healthy hair, skin, and nails. Chicken liver protein makes skin, hair, and nails in fantastic condition.

9.- Treat pellagra

The lack of niacin supply in the body will manifest itself in the form of pellagra and disease with symptoms such as delusions, diarrhea, inflamed mucous membranes, and scaly sores. Chicken liver tuna is one of the most important sources of niacin.

10.- Prevent memory loss or Alzheimer’s

Vitamin B12 contained in chicken liver benefits helps sharpen memory. Chicken liver is really powerful to fight Alzheimer’s disease, according to the 2010 study, this vitamin B12 in giblets can keep the brain in good condition; It only takes one cup of giblets to get 228% of the RDA for the vitamin. it can be cooked as a side dish and will also prevent memory loss syndrome.

Nutritiont facts of chicken liver

• A one-ounce serving of cooked chicken livers contains:

• 45 calories

• 1 gram of fat

• 15 milligrams of sodium

• No carbohydrates

• 7 grams of protein

  • Fat and cholesterol: a diet low in saturated fat can help maintain a healthy weight and minimize the chances of developing heart disease and chronic diseases such as cancer.

A chicken liver contains 0.9 grams of saturated fat from 2.86 grams of total fat and a whopping 248 milligrams of cholesterol, it is this cholesterol content that makes chicken liver an occasional part of your diet.

  • Iron and zinc: a single chicken liver contains 5.12 milligrams of iron and 1.75 milligrams of zinc. Iron allows the body to increase the production of red blood cells and allows it to use oxygen efficiently.

As Iron plays a vital role in cell division and building immunity, its deficiency can cause fatigue, decrease oxygen, and weaken the immune system.

Men need 8 milligrams of iron per day and women need 18 milligrams to stay fit and healthy, on the other hand, zinc plays a vital role in wound healing, immune system building, and cell division.

Men need 11 milligrams of zinc and women need 8 milligrams, and chicken liver contains 1.75 milligrams of zinc.

  • Vitamins: Chicken liver is a rich and nutritious source of vitamin B12 and vitamin A. The human body needs vitamin B12 for healthy brain and nervous system function.

A 1-ounce serving of chicken liver contains 7.41 micrograms of vitamin B12.

It also supplies 5,864 international units of vitamin A, a nutrient that contributes to the proper function of both eyes and white blood cells.

This is well over 2,300 international units prescribed for women and 3,000 international units prescribed for men.

Folate is also known as vitamin B9 reduces the risk of birth defects. A chicken liver provides 254 micrograms of the 400 micrograms of folic acid that are needed daily. It is important for pregnant women as it helps create new cells.

Side effects of chicken liver

Consuming chicken liver in the proper form is very safe for health, but you should be aware of the side effects of the chicken liver as it ranks first among all high cholesterol foods.

Since we can’t eat enough cholesterol, we have to consider consuming chicken liver, when we eat or consume more foods rich in cholesterol, our bodies may have some health problems.

If we consume this food rich in cholesterol, such as chicken liver, our body will accelerate its synthesis of cholesterol.

The chicken liver will cause an increase in blood cholesterol levels if we consume more, which can lead to heart disease.

While the consumption of vitamin A, especially the chicken liver, can be harmful to the baby in pregnant women. Do not take more than 2,800 micrograms (9,333 IU) per day; If you use oral acne medications that contain isotretinoin, you do not have to take supplements that contain vitamin A.

How to serve chicken liver?

The consumption of chicken liver should be the most important thing to consider, consuming it is very safe for health in a good way, but you should also consider how to cook it very well. The best cook is that the chicken liver should be cooked until it prevents the food from the toxins, bacteria, or germs that cause disease.

1 tablespoon of cooked chicken liver provides about 45 calories with just 1 gram of fat 15 milligrams of sodium and contains no carbohydrates.

Chicken liver provides approximately 7 grams of protein in a serving, if you cook chicken liver in oil, you should consider the additional calories and fat in the oil when determining the total nutrition in your serving of chicken livers.

Shouldn’t the liver be eaten during pregnancy?

It is a myth that vitamin A toxicity can cause congenital disabilities. But it is suitable only if synthetic vitamin A is consumed in the form of vitamin pills, liver is a superfood for pregnant women, it must be included in the prenatal and prenatal diet; vitamins in the liver are essential for the development of the baby.

It is recommended that the mother consume at least 3-4 ounces of chicken liver once or twice a week; So simply put, chicken liver should be consumed as it offers:

• High-quality protein

• Natural vitamin A

• All types of abundant B vitamins, especially vitamin B12

• Healthy folic acid

• A lot of iron

Tracing elements such as copper, zinc, and chromium

• Anti-fatigue factor (not identified)

• CoQ10 – an important nutrient for cardiovascular function

• A good source of purines, nitrogen-containing compounds that act as precursors to DNA and RNA

But remember to select your raw chicken liver source carefully. Choose organically raised, grass-fed offal as there is a negligible chance that it may contain pesticides, hormones, or other antibiotic residues.

Second, select the liver from a young animal; check that it is not pale, slimy, and full of odor or with dry patches; before cooking, first rinse and dry with a damp cloth; then get rid of all veins, ducts, and connective tissues or ask your butcher to do it for you.

While preparing, make sure the liver is cooked until it is a light pink color – overcooked liver tends to become hard, and undercooked is not good for your health.


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