Benefits of cranberry and side effects

Discover The Health Benefits of cranberry and side effects.
Native to North America, you may know cranberry best by its English name: cranberry. This little red berry with a lingonberry-like appearance and very tangy taste is grown almost exclusively in the United States and Canada, where it is very popular.
It’s a safe bet that its popularity is mainly linked to its many health benefits. Indeed, behind its small size, the cranberry hides a very interesting composition.
First of all, it has an exceptionally high content of antioxidants. It is also one of the richest fruits in antioxidants! It is also very rich in vitamin C and fibre, 100g serving to provide 22% and 18% of the recommended intake respectively.
Besides this, cranberries contain vitamin B, E and K, as well as a large number of minerals, such as calcium, manganese, iron, copper and potassium. Finally, it is also very rich in water and very low in calories.
As you can imagine, all of this gives it some benefits. We take them again in this article and we explain how to consume it.
What are the health benefits of cranberry?
Although cranberries have been the subject of numerous scientific studies to demonstrate their benefits, people in North America have not waited for their results to benefit from them. Indeed, cranberries have been used for centuries for medicinal reasons.
Below are the health benefits of cranberry.
1) It helps prevent urinary tract infections
This is surely the most famous benefit of cranberries. The Iroquois Indians already used it for this purpose centuries ago and if you have ever had a urinary tract infection, no doubt that you have been praised for its merits in the matter!
Indeed, cranberries are very effective in helping to prevent the onset of urinary tract infections. It is therefore generally recommended for people who are most at risk of suffering from an infection, such as cystitis, or who have repeated infections.
Its preventive action, proven by several scientific studies, is due to proanthocyanidins, antioxidants present in cranberries. These have non-stick properties that prevent bacteria, such as E.Coli, from settling on the cells in the walls of the bladder. Bacteria cannot, therefore, settle and multiply there, and they are then eliminated without hindrance as soon as we go to the toilet.
However, cranberries only have a preventative effect. Although many people claim that it can also treat the infection once it sets in, no studies have been able to show this. At most, it relieves the infection in some people. In this case, it is therefore recommended to go see a doctor for appropriate treatment.
Finally, note that to take advantage of its preventive effects, it is important to consume cranberries regularly. Some doctors recommend drinking one to two glasses of cranberry juice a day.
2) It improves cardiovascular health
Consuming cranberries regularly will also be good for your heart.
Indeed, this little fruit has very beneficial effects on cholesterol, firstly because it stops the oxidation of bad cholesterol, but also because it allows increasing the levels of good cholesterol in the blood. This is due to the flavonoids contained in the cranberry.
Flavonoids also help lower the risk of developing atherosclerosis, a disease that causes arteries to narrow due to high levels of cholesterol and fat in the blood.
Also, cranberry participates in cleansing and purifying the blood, eliminating the toxic components it contains, and helps to soften the arteries.
All of this helps lower blood pressure and lowers the risk of suffering from a heart attack or stroke.
3) It helps to lose weight
Thanks to the organic acids it contains, cranberries help eliminate the fat that your body has accumulated.
However, if you want to lose weight, it is important to combine it with a balanced diet so as not to provide your body with extra fat that is not necessary for its proper functioning.
Also note that, if you consume the cranberry in the form of juice, you should not choose just any juice. Indeed, some cranberry juices sold in stores are very sweet and will therefore not provide the desired effect.
If you have a juice extractor, the best solution is to create your juice. To cut the acidity of the cranberry, you can mix its juice in water or another fruit juice.
4) It helps protect the stomach
Cranberry helps against many bacteria, and those that can attack our stomach are no exception! Among these is the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.
By landing on the walls of our stomach, it can cause inflammation of the stomach and give rise to ulcers, chronic gastritis or, in the worst case, stomach cancer.
The flavonoids in cranberries help fight this by preventing the growth of these bacteria. Regular consumption of cranberries therefore helps prevent infections.
Also, when used in addition to conventional treatment, it joins forces with the treatment and improves its effectiveness, thus allowing the bacteria to be eliminated more quickly.
However, these effects were mostly observed in women. On this point, cranberries are therefore less effective in men.
5) She participates in oral hygiene
The proanthocyanidins found in cranberries prevent bacteria from growing and taking up residence in the mouth, especially on the teeth and gums.
Thus, cranberry helps reduce cavities and dental plaque, but also to fight against periodontal disease, a type of disease that affects the gums by causing inflammation of its tissues. Besides, thanks to its calcium content, it helps strengthen teeth.
However, in all cases, prefer the consumption of natural juices rather than juices sold in supermarkets. Indeed, remember that these often contain a large amount of sugar, which is far from good for your teeth.
6) It helps keep skin young
The antioxidants found in cranberries are very beneficial for the skin. On the one hand, they protect it against the action of free radicals, which can cause skin inflammation and contribute to ageing.
On the other hand, they stimulate the production of collagen, which helps to maintain the firmness of the skin and, thus, to fight against the appearance of wrinkles.
7) It fights against winter diseases
Thanks to its antibacterial properties, cranberry is also very useful in winter because of its high content of vitamin C helps strengthen our immune system.
Besides, in general, cranberries repel bacteria and thus offer us an additional barrier against infections and viruses. It is particularly effective against colds and flu, as well as sore throats in general.
8) It helps fight certain cancers
According to several studies, cranberries help fight colon, prostate, breast and lung cancer by stopping the development of tumours. This is due to the polyphenolic compounds it contains, but also to its content of flavonoids and salicylic acid.
Together, they help in particular to inhibit the growth of harmful and cancerous cells. Besides, salicylic acid fights the formation of clots in the blood, which can cause tumours.
For its part, the high fibre content of cranberries also has a role to play against colon cancer. This is because fibre stimulates the production of butyrate, a substance that maintains gut health, supplies colon cells with energy and prevents the development of tumours in the colon.
9) it fights against memory loss
The cranberry would reduce the risk of facing memory loss or suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. Indeed, its antioxidants eliminate free radicals that could attack neurons. However, its effects on Alzheimer’s disease have yet to be demonstrated.
How to consume cranberries?
cranberry dish
Cranberries come in many forms. It can, of course, be consumed in its natural form, although it is often preferred to add a little sugar to it to reduce the acidity of the berries. You can also find dried cranberries.
These have the advantage of being richer in antioxidants than fresh cranberries, but they are also higher in sugar. Whether fresh or dried, cranberries can be used in salads, sauces, compotes and pastries, for example.
Besides this, cranberries are frequently consumed in the form of juice. However, if you want to enjoy its benefits and maintain a healthy diet, it is important to make sure that you choose a juice with no added sugar, or with as little sugar as possible.
Finally, if you don’t particularly like its taste or want to undergo a cranberry treatment, you can find it in pharmacies in the form of tablets and capsules. In this case, it is important to follow the advice of your pharmacist, who can tell you the appropriate treatment and the doses not to be exceeded.
In this regard, it is important to note that, if consumed in too large quantities, cranberries can cause side effects in the gut, such as cramps and diarrhoea. Fortunately, a small daily dose is often more than enough to reap its benefits!
Finally, note that its consumption is not recommended if you take aspirins or anticoagulant drugs, as well as if you suffer from kidney stones or if you are predisposed to them.
And you, have you ever tasted cranberries? Do you like its tangy side?
We hope the article on the health benefits of cranberry has been of help to you.
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3 Benefits of salt water and side effects

Discover the 3 shocking health benefits of salt water and side effects.
Sometimes the best remedies in life are the simplest. This is true of an ancient skincare hack known for tightening pores, balancing oil production, and rejuvenating skin.
You won’t need fancy skin creams packed with chemicals and preservatives to achieve a youthful glow after this.
You can start to improve the quality of your skin with just two things: purified water and high-quality salt, and you will see how the benefits of saltwater will work miracles for you.
Health Benefits of saltwater
Since saltwater therapy has been used for centuries throughout the world, including ancient Greece, there is strong anecdotal evidence that it works wonders on the skin.
A handful of studies have found the saltwater bath to be particularly effective for troublesome skin conditions, such as psoriasis.
Saltwater is said to benefit your skin in the following eleven ways:
• Closes open pores
• Absorbs excess oil
• Balances oil production
• Kills acne-causing bacteria
• Diminish scars
• Heals scratches and cuts
• Exfoliates dead skin cells
• Restores the natural pH of the skin
• Improves the barrier function of the skin
• Improves hydration
• Reduces inflammation
1.- Benefits of salt water for acne
If you are lucky enough to live near the ocean, you may already know this beauty secret.
But if you don’t live on the coast, just fan warm salt water the next time you have an outbreak.
Try mixing a cup of purified water with a tablespoon of sea salt.
Use a cotton ball to gently apply saltwater to acne and allow it to dry.
By the way, if you try this treatment and your acne still isn’t clearing up within a day or two, maybe your diet is to blame.
Make sure to avoid sugar, processed junk, gluten, peanuts, yeast, and dairy for a while to see if your skin clears up.
Eat plenty of green leafy vegetables, lean protein sources, and healthy fats like coconut oil and avocados; your skin and waist will thank you.
2.- Benefits of salt water for scratches
If you’ve ever heard the expression “throwing salt on a wound,” you probably aren’t very interested in putting salt water near your scratches.
However, this treatment can be beneficial in killing harmful bacteria and speeding up the healing process.
Research shows that bathing in magnesium-rich Dead Sea salt improves the skin’s barrier function, improves skin hydration, and reduces skin inflammation, which are all the things you’ll need if you have a cut or scratch.
Fill your bathtub with warm water and pour in a cup of sea salt.
Take the experience to the next level by adding 10 drops of lavender essential oil.
The scent will promote a deep sense of relaxation – you may even feel like you are in a spa!
3.- Drink salt water to heal from the inside out
The good thing about salt water is that there are many ways to use it. A glass of warm salt water, called “Sole,” is a great way to start your day and promote internal healing.
As long as you use a natural form of salt (and avoid drinking seawater), it will promote hydration, facilitate digestion, reduce inflammation, improve your sleep, detoxify your cells, improve your bone health, and more.
What does salt do to the body
We rarely think about what goes into nature’s most common treasures, like salt.
This natural mineral comes directly from the earth, formed into crystals from a combination of sodium and chloride.
It is found naturally in seawater, making up at least three percent of our world’s oceans. And when seawater is trapped, the water evaporates and leaves salt crystals.
Despite what you may have heard about sodium and your health, a natural source of salt contains vital nutrients that are important for maintaining optimal well-being.
First, salt provides key minerals like sulfur, calcium, sodium, magnesium, silicon, boron, potassium, bromine, and strontium.
With its rich mineral content, salt can help you lose weight, reduce asthma symptoms, improve blood sugar levels, and regulate heart health.
However, keep in mind that not all salts are created equal. Table salt, for example, is highly processed and bleached before it reaches that little glass bottle.
Unfortunately, during mass production, manufacturers strip you of everything good for your health.
The result is a product that does not resemble its original form and can even harm your health. When doctors warn against consuming too much salt, table salt is what they mean.
For your skincare routine and general health, try using these unprocessed varieties:
Sea salt for skin
Natural sea salt contains the many minerals our bodies need, such as magnesium, calcium, sodium, and potassium.
All of these play a role in the health of our skin, allowing cells to communicate with each other and heal problems that arise.
When you don’t have enough minerals, you will see annoying symptoms like dry skin, dullness, irritation, and blemishes.
Fortunately, sea salt can naturally enhance hydration and strengthen the outer layer of your skin to keep it looking healthy.
Himalayan pink salt for skin
Despite the name, there are no salt mines in the Himalayas. The pink salt slabs come from the Khewra Salt Mine in Pakistan, about 300 miles west of the Himalayas.
As the second-largest salt mine in the world, people have been collecting this commodity for more than 2,000 years.
Only in the last decade has it become popular in Western culture. Salt is made up of 95 percent sodium chloride.
The rest is a mixture of polyhalite and other minerals, which give the salt its characteristic pinkish hue.
Due to the lack of processing, it still contains the beneficial minerals that your skin will love.
As you can see, saltwater provide a series of skincare benefits, so if you want to show off shiny and well-groomed skin, do not hesitate to follow each of the tips in this publication step by step.
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