Cascara sagrada: origin, benefits and possible risks
Side effects of hemp seeds
Table of Contents
- The side effects of hemp seeds
- Summary of damage
- Damage compared by product
- Discover the Side effects of hemp seeds that you should know.
Cannabis flower at the start of flowering. We can see a multitude of small white dots on the leaves, these are the trichomes that contain, among other things, THC and CBD.
The side effects of hemp seeds
The active ingredients of hemp can be beneficial for health in many pathologies but it is especially the psychoactive effects that are sought by non-medical users.
The use of hemp seeds classically causes a feeling of euphoria and a moderate psychic exaltation linked to THC, a muscular relaxation linked to THC and CBD then a slight sedation linked to CBD and certain terpenes.
The effects occur after a few minutes by inhalation and about an hour after ingestion, and last for 2 hours and 8 hours respectively on average. At the usual dosage, these effects are generally less powerful than those of alcohol or anti-anxiety drugs (Xanax ©, Lexomyl © …) but some individuals are more sensitive than others to the effects of hemp, the use of which is not not trivial, nor devoid of risks.
Some populations are more vulnerable or more at risk of developing complications from cannabis use. This is particularly the case with adolescents (risk of addiction multiplied by 2), pregnant or breastfeeding women , subjects with a history of psychiatric or cardiovascular disease (risk of decompensation).
The effects obtained depend on the quantity and chemotype of the hemp consumed (concentrations of the different active ingredients ), the subject (medical and psychiatric history), his environment and the methods of use (consumption habit and mode of administration).
The psychoactive side effect of hemp seeds is linked to the action of THC on the CB1 receptors in the brain. This interaction can have opposite effects depending on the concentration of THC which is anxiolytic at low doses and anxiogenic at high doses. The effect of THC is limited by the presence of cannabidiol (CBD), which explains why Sativex (THC + CBD) is much better tolerated than Marinol (pure THC).
Hemp contains many other active ingredients in addition to THC which can have a synergistic, complementary or antagonistic action, such as for example myrcene , responsible for a strong sedative action. The side effects are greatly reduced in ‘daily users’ by the phenomenon of tolerance, a mechanism involved in the process of drug dependence.
The physical effects of THC in the occasional user are widely described:
•The active ingredients of hemp can be beneficial for health in many pathologies
•dilation of blood vessels (red eyes)
•decreased salivary secretion (dry mouth)
•increased heart rate
•increased appetite
•dilation of the bronchi
•motor inhibition
•muscle relaxation
On the psychological level , the hold of THC causes little disturbance of behavior or judgment, unlike alcohol intoxication. It generates:
•a feeling of pleasure and well-being
•an amplification of perceptions (feeling of more intense experience)
•a development of associations of ideas (more fertile imagination)
•a spatio-temporal distortion (spatial disorientation and impression of increased time),
•a decrease in memory span (reduced ability to memorize immediately)
•coordination disorders (decreased reflexes)
A. The side effects of using hemp in the short term
Attention ! An overdose can happen with oral administration of Cannabis. Consume the product in small portions, spacing out as much as possible, even if no effect is observed. However, eating cannabis is much healthier than smoking it.
Pathological drunkenness (bad trip):
Taken in bad conditions (stressful or inappropriate circumstances overdose…), THC can cause anxiety and a feeling of persecution (paranoia) which could well be reinforced by the penalization of the use.
In rare cases, THC causes unwanted side effects such as tremors, nausea, confusion or suffocation which can lead to panic attack or vagal syncope. These effects linked to an overdose are observed above all in neophytes or in the event of oral administration.
Difficult psychic experiences, such as an acute delusional puff (cannabis pharmacopsychosis) have been reported anecdotally in the event of administration of very high doses of THC in naive subjects, without CBD in sufficient concentration, an antidote having clinically demonstrated its antipsychotic properties. .
There is no obvious causal link between the presence of THC in the blood and the increased risk of fatal accident
Road accidents
According to a study, recent cannabis use is associated with a significant impairment in driving ability, especially among occasional users . Under the influence of THC, reactions are slowed down, the field of vision is narrowed and motor coordination disorders may appear. At the same time, however, we observe in these users a more careful driving objectified by a reduction in speed and an increase in safety distances.
Many human factors influence the occurrence of traffic accidents: the main ones are alcohol use, excessive speed, fatigue and distraction. The use of alcohol in combination with cannabis increases the risks.
Although this is particularly counterintuitive, even within the user community, there is no obvious causal link between the presence of THC in the blood (without associated alcohol) and the increased risk of accidents. fatal, in particular because the observed excess risk (1.8) is too low to allow a decision. As a benchmark, the legal threshold authorized for alcohol (0.5 gr / l) entails an increased risk of 2.5.
B. The side effects of using hemp in the medium term
The medium-term risks are above all linked to THC: these are adjustment disorders and dependence . These disorders primarily concern subjects more vulnerable to abuse and addiction, ie young people and individuals losing their bearings . These disorders do not generally concern occasional or regular use (> 10 months) but daily use.
Memory and adaptation disorders
THC is not neurotoxic. If the acute use of cannabis disrupts cognitive functions in a transient and spontaneously resolving manner, regular use in the adult population is not correlated with a decline in cognitive performance outside of periods of influence.
The contribution of new imaging techniques has been able to highlight structural and functional modifications of the brain in chronic users, reversible after withdrawal, without, however, concluding that there is a reduction in clinical performance. These elements highlighted in a recent meta-analysis probably reflect a neuronal adaptation to chronic exposure to cannabis.
The influence of hemp mainly affects working memory. Sustained consumption can, however, lead to physical and intellectual fatigue. Heavy use acts as an emotional anesthetic and may promote procrastination or slow down the execution of spots.
The use of psychoactive drugs affects the limbic system, causing satisfaction outside a process of homeostatic balance and less awareness of the surrounding context. This action is not specific to cannabis, the effect on memorization of which remains weak.
While it is almost never problematic in socially integrated adults, regular use of hemp can, on the other hand, hinder the adolescent in his acquisitions, his capacity to undertake and to create, especially if the latter is already broken. or in school difficulties.
In the event of high cumulative doses during adolescence, it could cause a slight decrease in cognitive performance in adulthood according to several prospective studies, including the Dunedin cohort. However, these studies are limited by the lack of knowledge of the composition of the products consumed and their frequent association with tobacco or other toxicants.
In all cases, sustained and regular use at an early age can have lasting damaging consequences on the neurocognitive level because the brain is not yet mature, in particular the pre-frontal area, the limbic area and their connections. The endocannabinoid system would be involved in this cerebral maturation.
It is currently established that the regular use of drugs during adolescence disrupts the phenomenon of synaptic pruning , which justifies protective measures for minors extended to all products, knowing that massive alcoholism in adolescents ( binge drinking) are much more worrying in this area, resulting in cognitive disorders greater than those associated with cannabis use in adulthood.
The phenomenon of synaptic pruning is objectified by a myelination of certain neuronal circuits, the most suitable a priori, and schematically consists of selecting the behaviors to be favored over new situations.
Reasoning skills increase during adolescence, along with myelination of neurons, to enable decision-making, problem-solving, behavioral adaptation to the situation and risk-taking. The precocity and repetition of taking drugs, as well as the genetic or acquired vulnerabilities during previous relational stress, contribute to disrupting the acquisition of learning and interfere in the construction of benchmarks.
In case of daily use appears the risk of dependence and can then arise relationship problems, school and professional. Amotivational syndrome with disinterest in usual activities is actually just a possible symptom of addiction in the context of heavy drinking on a daily basis.
The addiction
Cannabis addiction is weak and reversible . It concerns 5 to 10% of hemp users depending on the studies. This risk increases with the frequency of use, the precocity of daily use (before 25 years) or the existence of underlying psychiatric disorders. This risk decreases in the event of tobacco-free use, balanced psychological structure and a favorable social environment. The penalization of use clearly creates an unfavorable environment for users which is conducive to the development of addictions.
“Although cannabinoids are considered by some to be a drug, its potential for addiction is considerably lower than that of other prescribed products or other harmful substances.”
2011 National Cancer Institute of the United States
The use of hemp can be addictive if consumed daily. This dependence, essentially psychological, can gradually set in among daily users and may be strong in chronic users, constantly under the effect of the product. In the daily user, stopping consumption can lead to a limited withdrawal syndrome for a few days, such as irritability, insomnia and sweating, with a peak between 2 to 4 days after stopping.
Hemp addiction can remain unproblematic for a long time in non-vulnerable adults, even in certain intensive users, because it does not generally lead to behavioral disorders and does little to affect the user’s social life.
The search for the pleasure provided by use contributes to the reinforcement of consumption behavior and THC acts like all psychotropic products on the circuits of motivation. A phenomenon of pharmacological tolerance to the psychoactive effects of THC is observed in daily users (reduced effects) and can lead to intensive use without obvious consequences at first glance.
This tolerance disappears quickly after stopping consumption (36 hours on average). In contrast to alcohol tolerance, this phenomenon seems to arise more from pharmacodynamic than pharmacokinetic mechanisms leading to a selective and reversible drop in the expression of CB receptors.
The long-term side effects of using hemp seeds
“Cannabis is not a benign substance. It is a powerful drug that offers a wide spectrum of effects. However, with the exception of the negative effects associated with combustion products, the unwanted side effects of cannabis remain comparable to the tolerated effects of other drugs. “
1999 United States Institute of Medicine
Respiratory and cardiovascular diseases linked to combustion.
Thanks to vaporization, the physical risks associated with the consumption of smoked hemp are minimized. The cannabinoids contained in Hemp are released from 105 °
In the event of occasional or regular use (<10 months), the risks of long-term use have not been demonstrated.
In case of daily use, the main risk in the long term is not related to the active ingredients, but to the way of consuming the hemp. In the majority of cases, cannabis is consumed mixed with tobacco and rolled in a leaf, but there are clearly less toxic modes of administration which tend to develop within the user community in recent years, for example vaporization or ingestion.
The toxicity linked to the combustion of hemp is probably close to that of tobacco in view of the similarity of the composition of the fumes resulting from the combustion of each of the products. A slightly lower toxicity than that of tobacco is possible and could be linked to the protective role of the active principles of hemp on the pulmonary and cardiovascular level.
The respiratory system is then exposed to the same risks of chronic bronchitis, emphysema and bronchopulmonary cancer, with however a lower frequency observed in several studies, potentially linked to the virtues of cannabinoids.
A recent study has shown, for example, that the relationship between the dose of smoked cannabis and ventilatory disorders was not linear as for tobacco: at low dose (2-3 episodes of consumption in the last 30 days), there is probably a protective effect of the active ingredients of cannabis on pulmonary functions, alongside deleterious effects which take over from a certain cumulative dose.
The hemp or “joint” cigarette, as toxic as that of tobacco
The toxicity related to combustion would be slightly lower than that of tobacco thanks to the protective role of the active principles of hemp on the pulmonary and cardiovascular level.
“Qualitatively, cannabis smoke contains at least the same components as tobacco smoke, with the major exception that there are approximately 60 other cannabinoids not found in tobacco. In addition, tobacco contains nicotine not found in cannabis. Many ingredients common to cannabis and tobacco are known to be toxic to the tissues of the respiratory system.
These toxic compounds include hydrocyanic acid, oxides of nitrogen, acrolein, reactive aldehydes, and several known carcinogens. It is therefore reasonable to expect that repeated inhalations of these harmful compounds in cannabis smoke could have, in the long term, deleterious effects on the lung comparable to those observed in regular tobacco smokers. ”
2001 Tashkin DP
Summary of damage
Most often, the use of hemp is not or little problematic on an individual or societal level because the users are adults and consume in moderation. The damage mainly concerns two target populations: young people and daily users.
The main damage consists of adjustment disorders and dependence in young people which can develop in the medium term in case of daily use.
In daily users, the main damage is linked to combustion, a risky practice in the long term, causing respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.
Some damage linked to the use of hemp is anecdotal by their frequency, calling into question the very imputability of hemp in the genesis of these disorders, this is the case in particular of schizophrenia and driving under the influence of THC , yet readily presented in the media as the new dangers of cannabis (see received ideas ). Other perceptions are opposed to reality, unbelievable as it sounds. Thus, the majority of French people think that hemp is a heroin step, while its use would on the contrary facilitate the withdrawal of opiates, cannabidiol (CBD) is currently being studied for its potential. anti craving (reduction of cravings to consume).
The spotlight is regularly focused on decoys which obscure the real dangers of the use of hemp and do not distinguish the target populations. It therefore seems essential to get rid of fear-mongering myths that have not been scientifically proven and to stop paying attention to anecdotal disorders that have no place in public health policy.
Damage compared by product
Scientific experts around the world agree that dependence and, more generally, the damage to individuals are significantly less than those associated with alcohol, tobacco and certain drugs. These elements have been known since the Laguardia report in 1944 but that did not prevent the demonization of this substance concomitant with its ban.
Scientific experts around the world also agree that the societal damage, in particular the social consequences of cannabis use, is significantly less than that linked to alcohol (legal cost excluded because it does not depend directly on the ‘use).
The work of Nutt (United Kingdom) is consensus in this field and the conclusions of the experts of the French Federation of Addictology go in the same direction.
We hope the article on the Side effects of hemp seeds that you should know has been of help.
6 shocking health benefits of black garlic
Table of Contents
- Health benefits of black garlic
- Black garlic nutrition
- Black garlic uses
- Precautions about the black garlic
- What are the main differences between black garlic and raw garlic?
- Conclusions
- Discover the 6 shocking health benefits of black garlic.
Once considered a secret ingredient found only on the shelves of specialty markets and upscale restaurant menus, the benefits of black garlic have recently become a favorite with foodies looking to boost the taste and nutritional content of your dishes.
This unique ingredient is made from Allium sativum or common garlic, and it even shares many of the same health benefits as raw garlic, from preserving cognitive function to protecting heart health and more.
However, there are many differences between the two, for example, black garlic is believed to contain a higher concentration of antioxidants and a distinctive texture, taste, and aroma.
- It’s also super versatile, delicious, and easy to make at home with just a few simple ingredients, giving you plenty of reasons to add this herb to your dinner rotation.
Health benefits of black garlic
1.- Loaded with antioxidants
Antioxidants are compounds that can have a powerful effect on health; They work by neutralizing harmful free radicals to prevent oxidative stress and damage to cells.
Not only that, but research shows that antioxidants can reduce the risk of developing certain types of chronic diseases, such as coronary heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.
Garlic is packed with disease-fighting antioxidants, but some studies show that black garlic may contain even more.
According to a study, allowing garlic to age for 35 days to form black garlic causes a significant increase in antioxidant content, reaching peak antioxidant levels on day 21 of aging.
2.- Helps fight cancer growth
The antioxidants found in black garlic can have several beneficial health effects, especially when it comes to preventing the development of chronic diseases such as cancer.
These antioxidants help block the buildup of free radicals to inhibit the growth and spread of cancer cells in the body.
An in vitro study showed that aged black garlic extract was able to effectively kill and reduce the growth of colon cancer cells.
Similarly, another in vitro study reported that aged black garlic extract also decreased the growth and spread of leukemic cells.
Although human research is limited, other animals and test-tube studies suggest that black garlic may also have therapeutic effects on lung cancer and stomach cancer.
This should come as no surprise, as garlic and other herbs are among the top cancer-fighting foods out there.
3.- Improves heart health
One of the best-known benefits of black garlic is its ability to protect and improve the health of your heart. Black garlic can also help improve heart health, and some studies even show that it can be just as effective as raw garlic.
An animal model compared the effects of black garlic and raw garlic on recovering heart health after damage caused by ischemia or a lack of blood supply to the heart muscles.
Interestingly, the researchers found that both raw garlic and black garlic exhibited cardioprotective effects and were equally effective in minimizing damage to the heart.
Another animal model showed that black garlic was able to lower high cholesterol and triglyceride levels to reduce the risk of heart disease.
4.- Preserves cognitive function
Like regular garlic, black garlic can have a powerful effect on brain health; Because it is rich in antioxidants, it can alleviate inflammation and can aid in the prevention of cognitive conditions such as dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease.
A recently published animal model showed that aged garlic extract improved memory in cognitively impaired rats, as well as helping to decrease inflammation in the brain as well.
Another animal study also found that black garlic protected against oxidative stress and prevented memory impairment after administration of monosodium glutamate or MSG in rats.
5.- Stabilizes blood sugar
Maintaining high blood sugar levels can have several negative health effects, in the short term, it can cause diabetes symptoms such as frequent urination and fatigue.
In the long term, it can even cause kidney dysfunction, skin infections, and an increased risk of heart disease.
Adding black garlic to a healthy, balanced diet is a simple way to help maintain normal blood sugar levels.
The aforementioned animal model showed that black garlic extract was not only effective in reducing blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels in rats fed a high-fat diet, but it could also lower blood sugar levels.
Meanwhile, an animal study reported that the high levels of antioxidants in black garlic may also help prevent diabetes complications.
6.- Kick Immunity
Your immune system plays a crucial role in your overall health; prevents diseases and infections and can even help prevent chronic diseases.
The antioxidants found in black garlic boost immunity by fighting free radicals, reducing inflammation, and preventing oxidative damage to your cells.
An in vitro study evaluated the differences between the benefits of black garlic and raw garlic and their individual effects on immune function.
Black garlic not only exhibited the strongest anti-cancer and antioxidant properties but also had a more powerful effect in stimulating immunity.
These immune-boosting benefits could have far-reaching effects on various aspects of health and can help treat everything from allergies to autoimmune disorders and acute infections.
Black garlic nutrition
Black garlic benefits contain a concentrated dose of antioxidants, and some studies suggest that it may contain even more than regular garlic.
Compared to fresh garlic, it is also slightly higher in calories, fat, and fiber, as well as sodium and iron, and slightly lower in carbohydrates and vitamin C.
40 calories
4 grams of carbohydrates
1 gram of protein
2 grams of fat
1 gram of dietary fiber
160 milligrams sodium (7 percent DV)
0.64 milligrams iron (4 percent DV)
2.2 milligrams vitamin C (4 percent DV)
20 milligrams calcium (2 percent DV)
For comparison, two tablespoons of raw garlic contain approximately:
25 calories
5.6 grams of carbohydrates
1 gram of protein
0.1 grams of fat
0.4 grams of dietary fiber
5.2 milligrams vitamin C (9 percent DV)
30 milligrams calcium (3 percent DV)
0.3 milligrams iron (2 percent DV)
3 milligrams sodium (0 percent DV)
Black garlic uses
Like regular garlic, black garlic is incredibly versatile. It can be used in most dishes where you would use roasted garlic and works well to increase the flavor of savory dishes like meats, gravies, and gravies.
You can also puree olive oil to make a black garlic oil paste that can be used in everything from dressings to marinades to crostinis.
If you’re feeling even more adventurous, you can even try making black garlic ice cream, cookies, or brownies.
For an even easier way to add a quick burst of flavor and nutrients, try black garlic powder. Available at most major retailers, as well as online, sprinkling a pinch of this powder is the perfect way to infuse the sweet and unique black garlic flavor into almost any recipe.
Add it to meat mixes for a black garlic burger, or use it to add flavor to casseroles, pasta dishes, or casseroles.
Precautions about the black garlic
Although black garlic is generally considered safe to consume, some potential side effects should be considered.
Like regular garlic, it can irritate the gastrointestinal tract and can cause symptoms such as heartburn, gas, nausea, diarrhea, and body odor, especially when consumed in large quantities.
If you notice these or other adverse side effects after consuming fresh garlic, consider tapering off its use and seeing if symptoms persist.
Some people may also experience food allergy symptoms after consuming garlic. Some of the most common side effects are asthma, runny nose, or skin problems like dermatitis, if you think you may have a garlic allergy, you should discontinue use and speak to a trusted healthcare professional.
Garlic can also lower blood pressure and increase the risk of bleeding. If you are taking anticoagulants or medications for high blood pressure, it is best to keep your intake in moderation to avoid interfering with your medications.
What is black garlic?
Black garlic is produced by allowing normal garlic to age at temperatures between 140-170 degrees Fahrenheit for a period of three to four weeks.
This allows you to experience the Maillard reaction, a chemical process that occurs between amino acids and reducing sugars.
Not only does this reaction give garlic a dark color, chewy texture, and distinctive taste and aroma, it also further increases the nutritional value of this superfood.
The taste of black garlic is generally described as sour with a syrupy and balsamic flavor. It works well in tasty and sweet dishes alike and can be used in everything from meat mixes to desserts. It’s even available in powder form to provide an extra dose of flavor with minimal effort required.
Wondering where to buy black garlic?
Thanks to its rapidly growing popularity, you can find black garlic in many major retailers and specialty Asian markets. For a convenient alternative, you can also buy it online and have it delivered right to your doorstep.
Plus, if the cost of black garlic deters you from trying it, you can even make it at home with just a few ingredients. All you need is some fresh garlic, a rice cooker, and a little patience, and you can be enjoying this unique ingredient in no time.
What are the main differences between black garlic and raw garlic?
Although black garlic is made from raw garlic that has been “fermented” in a warm, humidity-controlled environment over several weeks, there are several notable differences between black garlic and raw garlic in terms of health benefits. and flavor.
Nutritionally, the differences between black and raw garlic are minimal. Raw garlic is lower in calories and contains less sodium with slightly more vitamin C. Black garlic, on the other hand, contains more fiber and iron and is slightly lower in carbohydrates.
Raw garlic also tends to be higher in allicin, one of the key compounds found in garlic that is responsible for many of its potential health benefits, as well as its characteristic taste and aroma.
However, it is also lower in antioxidants, with studies showing that black garlic contains a more concentrated amount of these disease-fighting compounds.
How to make black garlic?
Unfortunately, the price of black garlic can turn many people away from trying this delicious, nutrient-packed ingredient. It can easily cost more than $ 20 per pound, which is significantly more expensive than fresh garlic, plus, finding black garlic for sale can also be challenging and may require you to look a little further than your local grocery store.
Making your own home is a simple and cost-effective way to enjoy the benefits of black garlic without spending a fortune. In addition, it allows you to have total control, minimizing the risk of food additives and preservatives in your diet.
Wondering how to make black garlic? One of the simplest ways consists of just two ingredients: a few garlic heads and a rice cooker; Simply toss the garlic into the rice cooker, plug it in and make sure it is set to ‘keep warm’ instead of ‘cook rice’.
Then just wait 3-4 weeks and let your black garlic slowly form; You can also use a proofer box or slow cooker and set the temperature between 140-170 degrees Fahrenheit.
Black garlic can be stored at room temperature, but it is best stored in the refrigerator to further extend its shelf life. Once refrigerated, it can last up to a month without losing its distinctive flavor and aroma.
• Black garlic is made by allowing raw garlic to age in a controlled environment between 140-170 degrees Fahrenheit for several weeks, giving it a unique sweet taste and smooth texture.
• Compared to fresh garlic, black garlic benefits contain a higher concentration of antioxidants and certain vitamins and minerals such as iron.
• Some of the potential health benefits of black garlic include reduced cancer growth, better heart health, better cognitive function, regular blood sugar levels, and better immune health.
• Like raw garlic, it is low in calories but contains some fiber, sodium, iron, and vitamin C.
• You can find it in specialty stores or online or you can even try making it at home using a rice cooker and allowing it to age for a period of three to four weeks.
• Add garlic to a healthy diet to take advantage of the various nutrients and health-promoting properties each has to offer.
Contraindications and side effects of Bupropion
Discover the contraindications and side effects of Bupropion.
This psychotropic drug is used both to treat depressive symptoms and in tobacco addiction.
A drug belonging to the IRND.
Tobacco is one of the substances with psychoactive effects that have been used the most legally since its discovery.
Even though today smoking is prohibited in establishments and closed public spaces and its price has risen based on taxes, millions of people still have the habit of smoking.
But many of these people, at some point, need to stop. Although it is possible to do it voluntarily, in some cases they may require psychological and even pharmacological help.
In the latter case, one of the existing drugs used to quit smoking is bupropion, a drug that originated as an antidepressant.
What is bupropion?
Bupropion is a well-known antidepressant drug, although more than in its application for depression it is more common and distinctive due to its efficacy in the treatment of tobacco addiction.
In this sense, it is a treatment that does not include nicotine and that is recommended together with some type of therapy or psychological treatment.
This shows that psychotropic drugs are not designed following a plan from scratch, but rather that there is a certain process of trial and error in their development, and that sometimes there are benefits for the drug that were not even taken into account at first.
Bupropion is a specific dopamine and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, or NRDI , that works by increasing the levels of these neurotransmitters in the brain.
Compared with other drugs in the group of antidepressants, bupropion has the advantage of not causing sexual dysfunctions, although, on the other hand, its effectiveness alone seems less compared to other drugs on the market.
Thus, bupropion is an example that molecules related to other substances used for a certain class of disorder may be more useful in different health conditions, no matter how similar their structure is.
Mechanism of action
The function of bupropion and its mechanism of action is based on its role as a selective inhibitor of dopamine and norepinephrine reuptake.
This implies that bupropion works by preventing these two transmitters (associated with gratification and energy) from being re-uploaded by the presynaptic neuron, in such a way that they are available to postsynaptic neurons for a longer time.
Furthermore, it appears to stimulate the secretion of these neurotransmitters.
Thus, dopamine and norepinephrine levels and their transport increase at the brain level, something that can alter the mood.
Likewise, it has also been observed that it has an effect at the level of acetylcholine, binding to nicotinic receptors and exerting a non-competitive antagonistic effect.
Although there is no total security for this, this element is one of the possible explanations for its role in smoking cessation.
However, it must be taken into account that the exact way in which the mechanism of action of bupropion and psychotropic drugs in general works is still unknown.
Its use does not guarantee that it will work to alleviate the symptoms of the disorder to be treated, and its efficacy is only slightly better than that of a placebo.
That does not mean that in many cases it is very useful, simply that the percentage of patients who try this treatment and do not obtain any benefit is relatively high.
Indications: uses in disorders
Bupropion is a drug that has had various uses throughout its history. Although it was born as an antidepressant and today it is still used to treat this condition both as monotherapy (single therapy) and combined therapy (more common, to enhance some specific antidepressants when first-line drugs are not effective), the truth is is that by itself it is generally considered less effective than other antidepressants.
Where this drug stands out and has the greatest use is in smoking cessation, being effective in reducing the consumption habit and the urge to smoke.
In this sense, its mechanism of action seems to contribute to stopping craving (possibly due, on the one hand, to its antagonism of nicotinic receptors and its interaction with brain dopamine, although the exact mechanism is not fully known).
Another disorder in which it is used is seasonal affective disorder, in which depressive episodes appear associated with certain times of the year.
In addition to the above, it has sometimes been used in the treatment of bipolar disorder, especially during the depressive episodes that can occur in this disorder (although this use requires caution since there is a risk of turning the disorder into a manic crisis).
Also in ADHD. But in any case, further research is required and possible risks must be taken into account.
Side effects of Bupropion
Bupropion is a drug that is very useful in smoking cessation and is used in cases of depression, but as with other drugs, its clinical utility is not free of risks and possible side effects.
This occurs because the active substance in bupropion affects many areas of the body, not just the areas that could produce an improvement in symptoms.
This unwanted interaction generates a chain reaction of consequences to some extent unpredictable, which can lead to new health disorders (although they tend to disappear as the substance leaves the body). Therefore, its use should always be supervised and indicated by doctors.
In this sense, among the main side effects of bupropion, we can find the cause of insomnia (being one of the most frequent), dry mouth and dizziness, headaches, nausea, constipation, rapid heartbeat, tremors, skin rashes, agitation, and nervousness. It can also cause a decrease in appetite.
In more serious cases it can generate seizures (this being one of the most well-known serious risks), arrhythmias, hallucinations, panic or difficulties in breathing or feeding, or inflammations being necessary to see a doctor. In some cases, it can cause irritability, hostility, depression, suicidal thoughts.
Contraindications of Bupropion
In addition to these side effects, this drug is contraindicated in some sections of the population.
People who are allergic to it or any of its components (something obvious on the other hand), those who consume certain medications (especially MAOS), dependence on substances other than tobacco (such as alcohol, drugs, and pharmaceuticals), and those who suffer from epilepsy, brain tumors and anorexia nervosa or bulimia (since it reduces the appetite).
It is also not recommended, although it can sometimes be used if the benefits are considered greater than the risks, in cases of people with kidney or liver failure, head trauma, insomnia, or the use of other medications that may interact with bupropion.
Diabetics, alcoholics, hypertensive or people with psychiatric disorders (since it can contribute to the appearance of mania in bipolar or psychotic crisis in schizophrenia, among others) also have it contraindicated (or at least the treatment should be done with a high level of control of the patient’s condition and the doses administered) due to the risk of seizures and other side effects.
Finally, it is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women either
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