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4 Benefits of damiana and side effects



Benefits of damiana

Discover the 4 shocking health benefits of Damiana and side effects.

Damiana (Turnera diffusa) is a shrub with green leaves and yellow petals born in America known as Mexican tea.

Its scientific name is Turnera diffusa, although others prefer to call it turnera, herba de la pastora, Rosemary or oreganillo.

Since ancient times, it has been attributed powers to enhance sexual appetite in men and women.

However, its medicinal capabilities are not limited to that, because it has properties that are beneficial to treat other diseases, would you like to know better the benefits of damiana?

What is damiana for?

Scientific name: Turnera diffusa

Family: Turneraceae

Species: T. diffusa; Willd. ex Schult.


Class: Magnoliopsida

Kingdom: Plantae

Division: Magnoliophyta

Damiana (Turnera diffusa) is rich in bioactive compounds, such as tetraphyllin B, arbutin, flavonoids such as gonzalitosin, and apigenin, it also contains damianin, which is its bitter principle, in addition to caffeine and beta-sitosterol.

Each of these substances gives damiana the attributes for the treatment of various conditions, although its effects on many diseases are under study.

However, many share the view that it imparts benefits, such as those that we will mention now:

Improves sexual activity

Its aphrodisiac gifts lie in flavonoids with anti-aromatase activity, as they help maintain testosterone levels, libido, energy, and muscle mass in mature men.

It stimulates the central nervous system

Its use has been suggested to combat nocturnal enuresis in children, which is often caused by nervous disorders.

On the other hand, it is considered a natural ally to mitigate the nervous states characteristic of perimenopause.

Helps treat gastric problems

It has been customary to use the infusion of damiana leaves to relieve gastric problems.

Its arbutin content, a glycoside with gastroprotective powers, is the main responsible for this characteristic.

Serves to combat fatigue

This prodigious medicinal plant stands out for having stimulating attributes that have been useful in relieving physical and mental fatigue.

Damiana properties

•Known as a virtuous aphrodisiac

•Has diuretic properties

•Considered a cleanser

•Has antiseptic qualities


•May be a laxative

•It is claimed to be a good expectorant

•It is a good stimulant

•Can be used as an energizer

Health benefits of Damiana

Turnera diffusa contains active principles that endow it with medicinal and healing virtues, such as the following:

1. Helps cure infections

Damiana performs a diuretic and antiseptic action, which contributes to the relief of urinary infections, such as cystitis and prostatitis, and is also used to treat the discomfort caused by kidney inflammation.

2. Elevate your spirits

It fulfills a function as a stimulating tonic for the central nervous system, which is why it is indicated to combat mild depressive states, lack of motivation, stress, dejection, and fatigue.

3. Increases sexual potency

Although it has been labeled an aphrodisiac and is presented as an excellent resource for correcting premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, and increasing sexual vigor, more conclusive studies are required to substantiate these claims.

4. It is invigorating

One of the most publicized properties of damiana is that it contributes to increasing energy, giving people greater well-being and willingness to perform daily physical activities.

How to use damiana

Due to its wide distribution, today it is not difficult to find damiana in different formats, in dietary centers, or in the pharmaceutical industry.

However, you must remember that although many therapeutic virtues have been attributed to it, they have not yet been scientifically established, so you must be cautious in their use.

Before deciding to include it as a treatment, common sense dictates that the approval of a specialist must be obtained, who will be able to indicate the correct form and dose to use it.

In the market you can get it in drops, tinctures, and capsules, now we will explain the destination that is customary to give each one.

Drops and tinctures.

The liquid extract of damiana is usually used for infusions, it can also be used with water or fruit juice, in the doses indicated on the product. It is claimed to increase sexual desire, as well as, alleviate depressions.


This is one of the most common presentations in pharmacies, and is generally used as an aphrodisiac to increase libido and is prescribed to calm tiredness and fatigue.

Although turnera is often sold as an herbal supplement, caution must be exercised to ensure that it is not contaminated with toxic metals or other drugs.

Therefore, the ideal is to obtain it in pharmacies, as they guarantee the use of reliable products.

Advantages and disadvantages of damiana

Didn’t you find all the applications that are given to this wild shrub interesting? Next, a synthesis of its advantages and disadvantages will be made.

Advantages of damiana

It is used to combat apathy, stress and improve mood.

It has been indicated to overcome not so severe depressive states.

It is considered a stimulant and sexual arousal for both sexes.

It has been useful to treat nocturnal enuresis, in the case of children.

It can help relieve nervous migraines, in combination with other herbs.

Helps fight urinary and kidney infections.

It is suggested to treat asthma and bronchitis.

Disadvantages of damiana

It should be avoided when a person is in conditions of anxiety attacks, suffers from chronic insomnia or tachycardia, as it can exacerbate the symptoms of these diseases.

It is not advisable to associate them with other plants that are stimulants, such as ginseng, Andean macacoffee, or guarana.

Damiana is contraindicated in the case of pregnant women, lactating women, and children.

Precautions for consuming damiana

Even being a natural remedy, damiana is powerful medicine, due to its chemical components.

For this reason, pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding should refrain from using it, for the reason that it contains active alkaloids.

Along the same lines, damiana is not compatible with anxiolytic, antidepressant, or stimulant medications.

On the other hand, it is good to note that in high doses, this plant acts as a purgative.

Finally, it is good to note that for women with a family history of breast cancer or who have suffered from it, it is not recommended that they use it.

All of the above highlights the need for caution when using damiana, to avoid unpleasant consequences.

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