16 Benefits of Taurine and side effects
Discover the 16 Benefits of Taurine and side effects.
Taurine is a semi-essential organic compound. Although scientists have known it for more than two centuries; The health benefits of taurine have recently become clear.
A diet rich in taurine can protect the body and promote longevity.
Taurine supplements are non-toxic, cheap, and freely available. Read on to understand why you should consider taurine supplementation and not believe its bad reputation.
Benefits of Taurine
Taurine supplements are recommended for some people, depending on their specific health goals and medical conditions, but it’s important to understand the details of dosage and potential effects.
The most impressive taurine benefits include the following:
•Treatment of Parkinson’s disease
•Improving athletic performance
•Preventing heart disease
•Reducing the risk of diabetes
•Preventing metabolic syndrome
•Reduce periodontal disease
•Improving muscle growth
1.- Antioxidants
Tissues exposed to oxidative damage have particularly high concentrations of taurine. Like other antioxidants, taurine benefits by directly and indirectly removing harmful oxidants to minimize tissue damage.
Through its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities, taurine can protect our bodies from unnecessary cell death and tissue damage.
2.- Reduce inflammation
The antioxidant action of taurine benefits produces taurine chloramine (Taul) and bromine (TauBr), which also have anti-inflammatory properties.
Taurine supplementation enhances the formation of TauCl and TauBr in the body and may be effective in treating inflammatory conditions.
Taurine is very effective in treating acute inflammation (caused by infection, irritants, damaged cells, or cancer). However, its role in the progression of inflammatory diseases (such as arthritis) is less clear.
Decreased Taul generation in the body can worsen inflammation-related joint damage in rheumatoid arthritis.
Taul injections improved arthritis symptoms in various experimental animal models.
The gene for the taurine transporter (TauT) has also been linked to the inflammatory response.
3.- Fight infections
The antimicrobial effects of taurine benefits in the body come from taurine chloramine (Taul) and taurine bromine (TauBr) formation.
Taul and TauBr are capable of killing a wide spectrum of bacteria, fungi (yeasts and molds), viruses, and parasites.
Both Taul and TauBr are promising treatments for infections such as chronic sinusitis, otitis media (swimmer’s ear), acne vulgaris, and gum disease.
Taul and TauBr break down quickly in our bodies and are only effective if used topically, not supplemented. However, taurine supplementation can increase the production of these compounds in our bodies.
Taurine’s role as an antioxidant is also important for the protection of the cells of our immune system.
Taurolidine, another taurine derivative, is commonly used in Europe and the US to help treat various infections.
The white blood cells (neutrophils) of rats supplemented with taurine have an increased ability to destroy invading bacteria.
4.-Help fight cancer
Taurolidine, a taurine derivative that is converted to taurine within the body, increased cancer survival rates in animal models; it also blocked the growth of colorectal cancer in rats.
Cancer patients have reduced levels of taurine. Surgery and chemotherapy further lower taurine levels and can reduce taurine in cancer patients. Therefore, taurine supplementation can be very beneficial for cancer patients.
5.-Treat diabetes
Antioxidants, such as taurine, are low in diabetic individuals. This increases the risk of oxidative damage; diabetes decreases the body’s ability to absorb taurine.
Diabetic complications, such as heart, kidney, and nerve damage, can be attributed to high oxidative damage as a result of low taurine levels.
In a study of 39 types 1 diabetic patient, oral supplementation with 500 mg of taurine three times daily for 3 months restored blood taurine levels. Taurine supplementation also prevented blood cells from clotting, lowering the risk of a heart attack.
In rats, taurine also lowers blood glucose by interacting with insulin receptors on cells.
The role of taurine benefits in protecting the kidneys from damage in diabetes is well documented in animal models and human cells.
One and a half grams of taurine daily for two weeks improved early cardiac abnormalities in a study (DB-RCT) of nine types of diabetic patients.
6.-Protects the heart
Cells of the heart and blood vessels contain the taurine transporter, suggesting that the benefits of taurine are important for heart function.
Heart disease induced by taurine-deficient diet in various animal studies.
The risk of chronic heart disease is lower in individuals with a high urinary production of taurine.
In a study of 22 healthy middle-aged women, 3 g of taurine supplements daily for 4 weeks lowered homocysteine levels. Since homocysteine correlates with heart disease, taurine may help prevent heart attacks or high cholesterol.
Taurine can also prevent abnormal heartbeats (AFib)
Taurine supplementation is effective in treating the hardening and narrowing of blood arteries in animals.
Although more research is needed, the positive effects of taurine’s benefits on the heart are thought to:
•Improves fat profile
•Helps control calcium ion uptake and thus cell excitation
•Acts as an antioxidant
•Prevents contraction of blood vessels
7.- Prevents hypertension
Taurine can increase the production of endorphins by the brain (hypothalamus). This calms the brain’s fight or flight response, which is overactive during stress, and lowers blood pressure.
Low levels of taurine are associated with increased blood pressure.
Oral taurine supplementation is potentially a very safe and convenient regimen for the control of high blood pressure.
Consumption of 3g of taurine per day for 2 months in hypertensive patients reduced both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
It also plays a protective role in the heart and kidneys in rats with hypertension.
8.- Reduces cholesterol
Taurine supplementation can improve bile secretion and activity and improve the body’s breakdown of cholesterol.
It is also essential for the formation of bile salts and as such plays an important role in the absorption and breakdown of fats and cholesterol.
Additionally, taurine can lower blood and liver cholesterol levels in animals fed a high-fat diet.
9.-Protects the liver
Taurine supplementation in the diet at doses greater than 500 mg daily for 3 months reduced liver injury in 24 patients with chronic hepatitis.
In rats, dietary taurine protected their livers from damage related to heavy metals and oxidized fat.
Taurine availability in the body is low in various forms of liver cirrhosis. In 35 patients with liver cirrhosis, daily taurine supplementation increased taurine levels and also reduced painful muscle cramps that are associated with cirrhosis.
In animal models, taurine is effective in preventing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. It reduced oxidative stress, cell death, and fat accumulation in the liver.
Taurine supplementation also prevented alcoholic fatty liver disease in animals by decreasing alcohol-induced oxidative stress and inflammation. It also increased the production of proteins associated with the breakdown of fats in the liver.
Animal studies suggest that taurine prevents long-term liver damage and helps liver cells recover more quickly from fatty and alcoholic liver disease.
10.- Parkinson’s disease
Research has shown that when people have adequate or high levels of taurine in their system, neuronal cell regrowth is possible, which may help reverse or mitigate the effects of certain neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease.
11.- Weight loss
Lowering fat levels in the bloodstream and helping the body deal with excess blood glucose are two of the best benefits of taurine; therefore, they can help optimize the process of weight loss and fat burning.
12.- Athletic performance
This organic compound has become a very popular training supplement as it is known to allow muscles to work longer, safer, and more efficiently, which means your workouts will have better results and your recovery time will be faster. shorter.
13.- Immune function
Having adequate levels of taurine in your body can help your immune system regulate its actions, meaning your body is less likely to experience allergic reactions and other unnecessary energy expenditure.
14.- Muscle development
Taurine benefits are known to aid in skeletal muscle differentiation, and later in life, having adequate levels can help you grow and strengthen your muscles more effectively, making it a popular additive for bodybuilders and powerlifters. dumbbells.
15.- Protects vision
Taurine benefits protect retinal cells from damage caused by oxidants and bright light; In a study (DB-CT) of 62 patients, a combination of taurine, diltiazem, and vitamin E helped decrease vision loss by protecting against oxidative damage.
Low levels of taurine are associated with cataract formation in humans.
In cats, taurine deprivation causes vision loss.
In rats, the antiepileptic drug Vigabatrin depletes retinal taurine. As a result, prolonged use of this drug can lead to irreversible vision loss.
16.- It is good for lung health
The antioxidant activity benefits of taurine can protect the lungs from damage caused by exposure to toxins such as cigarette smoke.
Taurine-fed hamsters can resist lung damage caused by exposure to air pollutants.
Maintenance of tissue taurine levels is critical for the prevention of oxidant-induced lung injury in rats.
In sheep, the taurine-derived taurolidine (which is converted to taurine in the body) prevents lung damage caused by bacterial toxins.
Frequently asked questions about the benefits of taurine
-What is taurine?
Taurine (L-taurine or 2-aminoethane sulfonic acid) is a sulfur-containing amino acid.
Mammals have taurine in almost all tissues, but the heart, brain, retina, platelets, and glands contain particularly high amounts.
Taurine plays a crucial role in the development and protection of cells within mammals; controls multiple important biological processes in the body.
In this sense, taurine could be more easily compared to sodium or calcium ions than to a drug that targets a specific receptor in our body.
Humans are capable of producing taurine, but not in sufficient quantities. Therefore, taurine is a conditionally essential amino acid for humans; Some conditions in which patients may be deficient in taurine include premature infants, newborns, and patients with chronic liver, heart, and kidney disease.
This supplement is also an osmolyte. This means that it controls the entry and exit of water in the cells and prevents them from changing the cell too much; It interacts with fats in cell membranes and stabilizes them, preventing structural changes in the cell.
Despite the impressive range of positive effects that taurine has on the body, its exact mechanisms of action remain largely unknown.
-How does the body produce taurine?
Taurine is synthesized in the body from the only other two sulfur-containing amino acids, methionine and cysteine.
Taurine synthesis occurs primarily in the liver, with the help of the enzyme cysteine sulfinic acid and vitamin B6 (pyridoxine).
Other cells in our body can absorb taurine from the blood thanks to the special taurine transporter molecule (TauT) found in cell membranes.
Taurine is an essential nutrient for newborns as they are not yet able to synthesize or retain taurine within their bodies. Breast milk contains the full taurine requirement for infants, as does modern infant formula.
-How does the body eliminate taurine?
Taurine leaves the body as part of the bile or urine.
The kidneys can increase or decrease taurine excretion depending on the dietary availability of taurine. High amounts of taurine in urine indicate high dietary intake.
Taurine carrier molecules in the kidneys use energy to reabsorb and retain taurine in the body.
People with compromised kidney function or defective taurine transporters may not be able to retain sufficient amounts of taurine.
Taurine Side Effects
Taurine remains one of the most important organic compounds within the body, but there are some potential side effects when consuming too much, such as pregnancy complications and worsening of certain nervous system disorders.
Bipolar Disorder: Studies have found that regular or prolonged use of this compound can worsen the symptoms of bipolar disorder, although, in moderate amounts, it may have a mitigating effect on this condition.
Pregnancy: Some of the more popular taurine supplements also contain other active ingredients, including caffeine, that may pose a risk to pregnant or lactating women, so these individuals should avoid the use of this non-essential amino acid.
Up to 3 g of supplemental taurine per day is safe for consumption in adults. There is strong evidence that there are no side effects at doses up to and below this value. Scientists do not recommend a dose greater than 3 g per day.
Relatively high amounts of taurine are safe for consumption because any excess can be passed harmlessly through urine.
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6 Benefits of cuttlefish and side effects
Table of Contents
- Characteristics of cuttlefish
- Nutritional value of cuttlefish
- Health benefits of cuttlefish
- Side effects of cuttlefish
- Discover the 6 shocking benefits of cuttlefish and side effects.
Would you eat cuttlefish? This mollusk is beneficial for your diet. We tell you how it contributes and how you can get the most out of it.
Cuttlefish, also known as choco, or cuttlefish is a mollusk with cephalopod ten tentacles. It lives at the bottom of shallow seas of sand or sediment.
There it is partially buried and feeds on small fish, other mollusks, and crustaceans.
This being has an important nutritional value. It has a low fat and cholesterol content. In addition, it is a source of proteins, fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins.
Characteristics of cuttlefish
This mollusk is flattened and oval. Your shell is made up mostly of calcium and covers your entire body.
Its arms are arranged in four pairs around the mouth with numerous suction cups on the inside.
One pair is the longest and serves to capture prey and another contains sepia-colored ink.
It has thin fins that help it swim. But it also has a siphon behind the head. This allows it to emit a high-pressure jet of water to swim at high speed for short distances.
Around there he also releases the ink to avoid his enemies. Lays eggs in corals, algae, and shells.
They can be found in the eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean, the North Baltic seas, or South Africa. Therefore, it is a fairly common dish in these areas.
It is a cephalopod that can be found in markets throughout the year. It is sold fresh and its meat must be shiny, firm, moist, and soft.
Nutritional value of cuttlefish
Cuttlefish is one of the mollusks that provide the least calories. While octopus provides 86 calories and squid 97, cuttlefish only 71 per 100 grams.
As for fat, it has 0.7 grams. Squid has 1.4 and octopus 0.9 grams. Regarding protein, octopus provides 18 grams, squid 15.6, and cuttlefish 16.1 grams.
It is also an important source of sodium, potassium, iodine, and phosphorus. It contains 370 milligrams of sodium, 310 milligrams of potassium, 64 milligrams of iodine, and 270 milligrams of phosphorus per 100-gram serving.
If we compare it with other mollusk dishes, such as octopus, we will find that cuttlefish is the least caloric.
Health benefits of cuttlefish
The benefits and properties of cuttlefish are related to the number of minerals it has. Here we explain each one to you.
1. Benefits of cuttlefish for iodine deficiency
Iodine is a necessary mineral for the proper functioning of the body. Its absence can cause retardation in physical and mental growth, muscle stiffness, and even deafness.
In addition to being linked to a disease known as hypothyroidism. It occurs when the thyroid does not produce enough hormones. This can lead to fatigue, muscle weakness, dry skin, and muscle stiffness.
2. Helps tissue regeneration
Being high in folic acid, cuttlefish helps tissue regeneration. Regeneration is the natural process to replace or repair damaged body parts.
In humans, it is the formation of thick scars, the growth of hair, and the healing of broken bones.
3. Benefits of cuttlefish for immune system
Sepia contains 2.4 milligrams of vitamin E . If this vitamin is deficient, there is a destabilization of the membranes in the cells of the immune system and a decrease in the production of immunoglobulin. The recommended levels of vitamin E per day are 12 milligrams.
It is also associated with reduced cell-mediated immunity and deficits in interleukin-2 production. Interleukin is a protein that is responsible for the growth of white blood cells.
4. Prevents cardiovascular diseases
Selenium is an important mineral for the body. Cuttlefish provides 65 milligrams of this compound.
Therefore, there is the possibility that it helps prevent cardiovascular disease. Those with low selenium levels are more likely to suffer from heart-related pathologies.
5. Benefits of cuttlefish for cancer
The possible anticancer effects of selenium are under study.
It is estimated that those who consume low amounts of this compound have a greater risk of suffering from different types of cancers.
However, more information is needed in this regard to concluding.
6. Benefits of cuttlefish for Weight loss
Cuttlefish is low in calories, as we already said. It can help you lose weight and is ideal for dieting.
The nutritional benefits of cuttlefish are derived, to a large extent, from its mineral compounds.
Side effects of cuttlefish
Cuttlefish are high in cholesterol. Therefore, it should be consumed in moderation, since these high levels can affect heart health.
High cholesterol promotes the accumulation of atheroma plaques in the arteries.
This reduces blood flow and is associated with heart attacks and strokes.
Therefore, it should be included in the diet in moderation
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