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11 Benefits of pepper and side effects



Discover the 11 shocking health benefits of pepper and side effects.

The bell pepper (Capsicum) an ancestral spice, is a diverse and spicy edible fruit of any of the varieties within the Capsicum genus.

With the well-known popular use of the pepper, multiculturally, and for generations around the world, interest is developing in knowing the medicinal benefits of this natural plant food and culinary spices.

Many people are familiar with the use of bell peppers in the preparation of spicy foods, but what is it that makes them spicy?

The answer is capsaicin, an odorless and tasteless phytochemical that produces the heat in bell peppers.

With the varieties of peppers available, it is important to know that the capsaicin content of each type varies and that it is possible to get less heat and still receive the health benefits of the active ingredient capsaicin from chili peppers.

Capsaicin is found in the fleshy membrane of sweet and hot peppers and a higher concentration in the seeds.

This natural fruit can be used fresh or dried as a culinary spice, added to teas, or taken in capsules to reap its medicinal benefits.

The health benefits of pepper include relief from stomach problems, back pain, muscle spasms, headaches, cancer, aging skin, peptic ulcers, menopausal problems, lower risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, and it can also provide relief from arthritis-related pain. Capsicum also helps with fibromyalgia and psoriasis

Nutrition facts of Capsicum

• The use of whole chili peppers of the genus Capsicum provides nutritional value, including high amounts of vitamin C and vitamin A.

• These vitamins are best obtained from fresh fruit.

• Chili peppers harvested when the color is red rather than orange or yellow have higher concentrations of these beneficial nutrients.

• Other beneficial bioactive components of bell pepper are the flavonoid content.

• Alkaloids and tannins are some of the other important bioactive compounds contained in it.

• Alkaloids work as anti-inflammatory, pain relievers, and antioxidant agents.

11 Health Benefits of Pepper

Adding capsicum to your daily diet can provide great health benefits against many ailments. Let’s see the benefits in detail:

1.- Benefits of pepper for inflammation

• The phytochemical constituents of bell pepper have been shown to produce an anti-inflammatory response that alleviates peripheral neurogenic pain related to Crohn’s disease, an inflammatory disease of the intestines.

• Another example of peripheral neurogenic inflammation in cutaneous pain of the skin.

• Pepper creams and balms are often applied by massaging topically onto the skincare to avoid open areas and mucous membranes.

• The burning effect of capsicum is felt when applied to the skin, which is caused by an inflammatory response from the peripheral nerve endings.

• But regular application attenuates sensory nerve endings and relieves chronic diabetic neurogenic pain.

• Some suggest that the anti-inflammatory effect of bell pepper may also help ease arthritis-related pain.

• Its cream can be used as an option to treat this disease and many others.

2.- Benefits of pepper for stomach

• Capsicum contains tannins. Tannins are astringent and are often considered beneficial when treating gastrointestinal disorders such as diarrhea, dysentery, and other microbial disorders.

• Gastric mucilage works to protect the gastric lining and prevent the development of peptic ulcers.

• Studies suggest that it acts as a mucilage to increase gastric mucus production and help treat peptic ulcer disease.

• Taking capsicum can increase nasal drainage due to the presence of phytochemical capsaicin.

• Also, for this reason, it is beneficial to avoid touching your eyes or body mucus membranes when preparing capsicum peppers.

• In the same way, wash your hands thoroughly after preparation to avoid transferring volatile oils containing pepper to these sensitive areas.

3.- Benefits of pepper for cancer

• Another bioactive effect of the tannin contained in the pepper is in the prevention and treatment of cancer.

• Studies have shown that it has an inhibitory effect on many types of malignant cancers.

• These antitumor properties are most beneficial in treating lung, liver, and gastric cancers.

• The antioxidant effects of capsicum show a possibility of treatment for other types of cancer, such as hormone-related prostate cancer.

• The anti-cancer effect of pepper is determined by the bioactive ability of the phytochemical capsaicin to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

• Capsaicin also destroys already damaged cell structures in the human body.

4.- Benefits of pepper for heart

• Studies on flavonoids have suggested that they are beneficial in preventing coronary heart disease.

• The pepper is both caloric and vasodilator.

• A suggested effect of the vasodilator properties of the pepper is the improvement of hypotension and the decrease of the heart rate.

• Vasodilation allows better blood flow resulting in better oxygenation of organ tissues.

• This is most likely due to tachykinins, a known bioactive ingredient in capsicum.

5.- Antioxidant agent

• Many of the bioactive compounds in bell pepper provide antioxidant effects.

• Enhanced vasodilation allows these antioxidant phytochemicals to circulate throughout the body.

• This allows you to protect and repair tissue and DNA damage.

6.- Benefits of pepper for diabetes

• With the worldwide prevalence of diabetes, the consideration of capsicum as a hypoglycemic drug has sparked research in this matter.

• Some studies have indicated, although it has not yet been concluded, that it can stimulate insulin production resulting in lower blood glucose.

• This would determine a possibility the pepper is beneficial in preventing the onset of type II diabetes and its possible complications.

• The hypoglycemic benefits of the pepper are more concentrated when it is green.

7.- Increases immunity

• The bell pepper contains vitamin C, which is valued as bioactive immune support phytochemical.

• Helps strengthen the immune system, repair damaged brain tissues, and reduce the risk of oxidative stress, pediatric asthma, and cancer.

• It also improves bone health.

8.- Treat fibromyalgia

• Many clinical trials show the efficacy of capsicum in treating fibromyalgia symptoms when applied topically.

• Those who use capsicum topically reported beneficial effects on improving sleep.

9.- Treat diabetic neuropathy

• One disease that often causes neurogenic pain is diabetes.

• Capsicum has been shown to have a beneficial effect on diabetic neuropathic pain when applied topically.

• It works to cushion the skin’s nerve endings and reduces pain.

10.- Benefits of pepper for Skin

• The vitamins in bell pepper have been shown to have an antioxidant effect on cell tissues, which can improve skin health and prevent aging.

11.- Relieves the symptoms of menopause

• Menopausal symptoms can also be alleviated by consuming fruits that contain flavonoids, such as chili peppers.

Uses of the pepper

• The pepper comes in dry form, as a spice like a chili pepper and paprika. The dried spice is used in many sauces or added to beverages such as tea.

Dried bell pepper can be found in whole dried bell peppers, as a single spice, or in dried spice mixes.

• As a more concentrated medication, bell pepper can be placed in a capsule for oral ingestion as a nutraceutical or applied topically to the skin as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory cream.

• With the availability of chili pepper in many markets, it should be considered that although the dried spice is convenient and effective in terms of its health benefits, eating fresh chili provides more benefits.

• As studies show bell pepper is beneficial as a daily health supplement.

The bell pepper is enjoyed by many as a daily food additive in cooking.

The culinary preparation of bell pepper can provide sufficient protection when consumed daily to have beneficial effects on certain chronic and potentially degenerative health conditions.

• The bioactive components in capsicum work together to improve blood flow, act as a cancer preventative and pain reliever, protect the gastric mucosa, and provide nutrients for a healthy lifestyle.

• Although all peppers contain vitamins and other beneficial bioactive components.

However, the color of the pepper determines the growth stage when it is harvested.

It also determines the concentration of vitamins and other beneficial phytochemicals.

In general, it can be said that, whether consumed dry or fresh, chili pepper is medicinal and beneficial to use in a daily diet as both a natural preventative and a treatment for many chronic conditions.

5 simple pepper recipes

A.- Fusilli with mushrooms and peppers

Ingredients (for 2 people)

• 200 grams of fusilli

• 100 grams of mushrooms

• 10 cherry tomatoes

• 1/2 green pepper and 1/2 red

• 1 clove garlic

• 1 lemon

• 2 tablespoons olive oil

• Parsley

• Thyme

• Salt

• Pepper


• Wash the peppers, remove the seeds, and cut them into strips.

• Remove the stem from the mushrooms, clean them, run them under water, dry them with a clean cloth, and cut them into pieces.

• Wash the parsley, dry it with absorbent paper and chop it.

• Wash the tomatoes and cut them in half. Peel and mince the garlic clove.

• Wash the lemon, dry it and get a tablespoon of the zest from its skin into thin strips.

• Boil salted water and cook the pasta until al dente.

• Drain and reserve.

• In a very wide pan, heat 2 teaspoons of oil, sauté the minced garlic in it for 1 minute without letting it turn color.

• Add the mushrooms and cook for 2 more minutes. Add the peppers, the tomatoes and cook everything together for about 5 minutes.

• Season with salt and pepper, sprinkle with the chopped parsley, a little thyme, and mix.

• Add the pasta to the casserole with the grated lemon strips, sauté everything together for 2 minutes, and serve.

B.- Beef skewers with peppers

Ingredients for 4 people)

• 750 grams of beef tenderloin


• 1 red, 1 green, and 1 yellow bell pepper

• 50 milliliters of oil

• 2 tablespoons minced thyme leaves

• Salt

• Black pepper


• Cut the meat into 3-centimeter cubes and put it in a salad bowl. Sprinkle the thyme, season, and drizzle with the oil.

• Mix and marinate in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

• Wash the peppers, remove the peduncle and seeds, and cut into squares.

• Thread the meat on the skewers and alternate it with the pepper; place in a large skillet to grill over high heat for 3 minutes on each side.

• Remove from the fire and serve.

C.- Chicken recipe with red and green peppers

Ingredients for 4 people)

• 500 grams of chicken

• 100 grams of onion

• 2 minced garlic

• 50 milliliters of soy sauce

• Basil


• 100 grams of green peppers and 100 grams of red

• Olive oil


• Cut the chicken into pieces of about 2 centimeters. You can use any part of the chicken from the breast to the thighs.

• In a bowl, place the chicken, the onion cut into fine julienne strips, the minced garlic, the soy sauce, and the basil and leave to marinate. Meanwhile, make the peppers.

• Clean and cut the peppers into strips lengthwise. In a skillet, sauté them over high heat for 30 seconds so that they are crisp. Reserve.

• In the same pan where you sautéed the peppers, cook the chicken with the rest of the marinated ingredients. Once the chicken is cooked add the peppers, mix and serve warm.

D.- Peppers stuffed with cheese and bacon


• 12 small green peppers

• 2 sheets of puff pastry

• 225 grams of cream cheese


• 60 grams of smoked bacon

• 120 grams of cheddar cheese grated

• 2 eggs


• Preheat the oven to 180ºC.

• Meanwhile, in a bowl, mix the cheddar cheese, cream cheese, and smoked bacon into pieces.

• Cut the puff pastry into squares of approximately 8 cm x 8 cm.

• Wash the peppers well, remove the seeds and the tail. Cut them in half. Choose small peppers to fit in the puff pastry (or cut larger pieces of puff pastry).

• Fill the peppers with the cheese mixture and smoked bacon. Wrap them with the puff pastry squares.

• Beat two eggs and bathe the puff pastry packets with this mixture. Cover well with the egg mixture.

• Bake for 20 minutes. Remove and serve hot.

E.- Pepper stuffed with ground meat

Ingredients for 4 people)

• 4 pieces of bell pepper

• 400 grams of ground beef

• 2 carrots

• 200 grams of peas

• 1 large potato

• ¼ onion

• 1 clove garlic

• 1 pinch of salt

• 1 pinch of pepper

• 2 tablespoons of oil


• Chop the carrot and potato into small cubes. Once ready, place them in a saucepan with enough boiling water to cook them. Also, add the peas or peas and cook all together, adding a pinch of salt. Once the vegetables are cooked, remove them from the heat, drain, and reserve.

• In another deep saucepan adds the oil, heat over medium heat, and, once hot, add the chopped onion and garlic to fry. Add a taste of salt.

• Once the onion is transparent, add the ground beef to the saucepan and stir to incorporate it perfectly. Let it cook for approximately 15 minutes, stirring constantly so that it cooks evenly.

• Meanwhile, take the peppers and cut the top with the stem to form a kind of lid. Then devein the chiles and clean them very well inside. Reserve a moment.

• On the other hand, once the ground meat is cooked, add the vegetables and let the ingredients of the filling finish cooking altogether.

• When the ground beef and vegetables are done, stuff the peppers. To do this, take a little of the stew and completely cover the inside of the chili peppers.

• Once filled, place them on a baking sheet greased with a little butter. Put some string cheese on top, or any other type of cheese, add the caps so that they also cook on the side, not on top of the chilies, and bake the peppers stuffed with ground beef for 10 minutes at 170 ° C.

• After this time, the peppers stuffed with ground meat are ready to be enjoyed


Serious side effects of topamax




side effects of topamax

Discover the serious side effects of Topamax

One of the medicines used to treat seizures in adults is Topamax, the active substance of which is topiramate.

The taking of this drug should always be done under medical prescription and with the corresponding prescription, as well as it is essential to follow the instructions regarding the dosage indicated by the specialist.

To learn more about Topamax along with its indications, use, and side effects, keep reading this article.

What is Topamax for

Topamax is a topiramate-based drug used to treat seizures in adults and children older than 2 years.

This anticonvulsant is administered in the event of partial seizures with or without secondary generalization or primary generalized tonic-clonic seizures and for the treatment of seizures associated with Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome.

It should be noted that this drug is also used to prevent migraine, although not as a treatment to alleviate them.

Warnings about Topamax

Taking Topamax should always be prescribed by a doctor and it will be necessary to notify your doctor beforehand in case of:

•glaucoma or other eye problems

•kidney disease, kidney stones, or dialysis

•breathing problems

•mood problems, depression, or suicidal thoughts or attempts


•liver disease

•osteoporosis, osteomalacia

•growth disorders

•be taking lithium

•suffer from diarrhea

•being lactose or sucrose intolerant

•It is also not recommended to take Topamax by pregnant or lactating women, as this drug can cause fetal harm or be excreted through breast milk.

Likewise, you should never drink alcohol while you are being treated with Topamax, as the side effects can be very serious.

Side effects of Topamax

Different side effects derived from taking Topamax have been described, so you should go or notify your doctor quickly if you feel any of the symptoms described below:

•Allergic reactions such as difficulty breathing, hives, swelling of the face, tongue, lips, or throat.

•Sudden changes in mood or behavior

•Anxiety and/or panic attacks

•Difficulty to sleep

•Irritation, agitation, and hyperactivity (mentally or physically)

•Depression or thoughts of killing yourself or hurting yourself

•Numbness or tingling in the extremities

•Headache, tiredness, dizziness, or drowsiness

•Changes in taste

•Nausea, diarrhea, indigestion, stomach pain, loss of appetite or weight

•Quick back and forth movements in your eyes.

Likewise, it should be noted that these are not only the adverse effects that Topamax can cause, so you should consult your doctor in case of any other type of alteration or symptom.

This article is merely informative, we do not have the power to prescribe any medical treatment or make any type of diagnosis.

We invite you to go to a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

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18 benefits of peanuts during pregnancy




peanuts during pregnancy

Discover the 18 benefits of peanuts during pregnancy.

Peanuts during pregnancy can be very beneficial for future mothers and their fetuses. Peanuts are not only delicious, but they are also packed with vitamins, minerals, and other natural compounds that are great for pregnancy, which you can’t miss.

You must remember that pregnancy is a wonderful gift that only women can experience.

Being pregnant is like a noble job ordained directly by God for women, something that men could not do on their own. During pregnancy, the fetus magically grows inside the woman’s womb until the baby is born into the world.

To ensure the optimal development of the fetus before it is born, mothers must consume highly nutritious food because it is the only way the fetus can obtain food.

When it comes to the list of foods that mothers should consume during pregnancy, the list will be endless, but you could consider the benefits of peanuts during pregnancy, as peanuts

Peanut Nutritional Values

Peanuts are considered a healthy snack. However, this does not mean that you can consume without knowing the nutrients that peanuts contain.

By knowing the nutrients contained in peanuts, you can measure the number of peanuts needed during pregnancy, since surely the needs of each one are different from those of others.

Serving Size: 100 grams

Energy 567 kcal – 29%.

Carbohydrates 16.13 g – 12%.

Protein 25.8g – 46%.

Total fat 49.24 g – 165%.

Dietary fiber 8.5g – 22%.

Folate 240 µg – 60%.

Niacin 12mg – 75%.

Pantothenic acid 1,767 mg – 35%.

Pyridoxine 0.348 mg – 27%.

Riboflavin 0.135 mg – 10%.

Thiamine 0.64 mg – 53%.

Vitamin E 8.33mg – 55%.

Calcium 92mg – 9%.

Copper 1,144 mg – 127%.

Iron 4.58mg – 57%.


Magnesium 168mg – 42%.

Manganese 1,934 mg – 84%.

Phosphorus 76 mg – 54%.

Selenium 7.2 µg – 13%.

Zinc 3.27mg – 30%.

Sodium 18mg

Potassium 705mg – 15%.

From the table above, surely you have a general idea of the number of peanuts you could consume daily.

The key is to consume it in moderation, but sometimes it is necessary to ensure that the daily intake of a certain nutrient can be met to ensure optimal development of the fetus.

18 Benefits of Peanut During Pregnancy

Below are the benefits of peanuts during pregnancy that will give you reasons why you should add this healthy and delicious snack to your daily diet.

1.- Excellent source of folate

During pregnancy it is highly recommended to consume foods rich in folate and peanuts are one of them.

For every 100 grams of peanuts, approximately 60% of the daily intake of folate could be covered. It is common knowledge that folate is essential for fetal development, especially early in the trimester.

2.- Natural source of vegetable protein

Protein is essential for a mother during pregnancy and 100 grams of peanuts contains enough protein to meet the daily intake.

3.- Prevents birth defects

The birth defect can occur when the development of the fetus is disturbed or when there are insufficient nutrients to support development.

Peanuts are packed with vitamins and minerals that are great for pregnancy like folate to support optimal growth and minerals like iron and calcium to make sure there is enough red blood cell stock.

4.- Promotes optimal brain development

It is great food for the brain. During pregnancy, the fetus receives nourishment from the mother, and the folate consumed by the mother is not only beneficial to the mother, but also the developing brain of the fetus.

If you want to have a healthy and smart baby, eat peanuts during pregnancy.

5.- Source of calories for the mother

Each mother’s calorie needs may be different, but calories are essential for increased energy.

During pregnancy, a mother may suffer from fatigue and get tired easily. To help boost energy, peanuts can help restore it.

6.- Contains healthy fats

Not all fats are bad and peanuts do contain some healthy fats that are great for the mother during pregnancy.

Healthy fats are great for promoting a healthy heart, as mothers are at high risk for high blood pressure during pregnancy.

7.- Reduces the risk of allergic diseases

Recent studies have indicated that mothers who consume peanuts during pregnancy may reduce the risk of allergic diseases.

Not only allergic foods such as peanuts but also other types of allergies such as asthma.

8.- Helps control blood pressure

High blood pressure during pregnancy could be fatal for both the mother and the fetus. That is why it is very important to always keep your blood pressure under control.

To help control blood pressure, adding peanuts to your daily diet is highly recommended because basically, peanuts are great for your heart.

9.- Prevents gestational diabetes

On the table, it was seen that peanuts are quite rich in manganese. This mineral has an important role in regulating blood sugar levels during pregnancy to prevent gestational diabetes. Additionally, manganese also promotes optimal calcium absorption.

10.- Fight depression

During pregnancy, the mother is at risk of stress and depression. Well, some studies have shown that mothers who eat peanuts are much happier than those who don’t. So whenever she feels stressed, she snacks on peanuts.

11.- Decreases the risk of weight gain

Obesity during pregnancy is never good for both mother and baby. That’s why managing your weight is so important peanuts, while they do contain fat and calories, fats are healthy fats and packed with other nutrients that may help you control calories.

12.- Promotes skin health during pregnancy

One of the problems that every mother has to deal with during pregnancy is the skin problem.

Although they are prohibited from using cosmetics due to their chemical content, they could manage their skin problem just by consuming peanuts. Vitamin E and antioxidants will help prevent all skin conditions.

13.- Source of vitamin E

Vitamin E is the reason why a pregnant mother should look good. Vitamin E promotes skin health and makes sure that there is no such skin condition that the mother has to face.

Therefore, they could focus on her pregnancy instead of giving birth to a healthy baby.

14.- Great source of omega 3 fatty acids

If you think that fish is not your friend during pregnancy but you know that you need a great source of omega 3 fatty acids, you could replace fish with peanuts because they contain quite high healthy fats.

15.- Excellent source of vitamin B complex

In the table above you can see the high content of vitamin B found in peanuts per 100 grams. Most of them could satisfy almost half of the daily intake of vitamin B.

16.- Contains powerful antioxidants

Antioxidants are not only a solution against cancer, but during pregnancy, antioxidants could help the mother to maintain her immune system so that she doesn’t get sick easily.

17.- Rich in minerals

Looking for a quick fix to meet your daily mineral intake during pregnancy, peanuts are the answer.

You could see the nutritional table above about the value of minerals found in peanuts. 100 grams of peanuts are capable of satisfying half of the daily intake of minerals that your body needs.

18.- Super healthy sandwich

Well, during pregnancy you need to make sure that you consume enough food to ensure the optimal development of the fetus. Add peanuts to your daily diet because they are the super healthy snack that everyone loves.

Peanut Precautions

Peanuts may be packed with vitamins, minerals, and other natural compounds that are beneficial during pregnancy.

The list of benefits of peanuts during pregnancy mentioned above are scientifically proven facts. However, there are still some precautions about peanuts that you should be aware of as well.

Allergic reaction is one of the common things that can happen when peanuts are consumed. If a mother has ever been diagnosed as allergic to peanuts, she should not eat them.

Some studies also claim, that too many peanuts consumed during pregnancy could increase the risk of allergic reaction to the baby when they were born. Therefore, it is better to consume it in moderate amounts.

Peanut butter can be delicious, but it is recommended to consume it in its real form, as peanut butter has been through some processing and care must be taken with the amount of refined sugar in peanut butter.

Be careful with salty peanut snacks too because they can be delicious to eat during pregnancy, but salt contains sodium that could increase your blood pressure level. High blood pressure during pregnancy can be fatal.

Peanuts are healthy snacks that mothers can add to their daily diet, especially in the early stages of pregnancy when morning sickness is at its worst.

Just by eating peanuts as a snack, you could at least ensure that the baby inside your womb is still getting the nutrients that she needs to develop.

However, you need to keep in mind the precautions mentioned above if you want to reap the full benefits of peanuts during pregnancy and not the other way around.

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Health benefits of pumpkin flower for eyesight




pumpkin flower benefits

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