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Benefits of sauna after workout

Table of Contents
- Saunas and Jacuzzis: how they work
- How your body works in a Sauna / Jacuzzi
- Relaxing benefits!
- Discover the benefits of sauna after work out.
Both men’s and women’s health can be affected, positively and negatively, by external factors such as extreme heat. When it comes to saunas and hot tubs, “moderation is important.” So, if after your training you are not sure what to do, here are some tips to help you make the right decision:
Saunas and Jacuzzis: how they work
Most people prefer a wet or steam sauna. The interior of the sauna can have wooden walls and benches made of white poplar, cedar, hemlock, or fir. Saunas have a heat source at a very high temperature.
The water is splashed on the rocks (or the heat source) and quickly evaporates, causing hot steam to penetrate the room. In a dry sauna, the heat source does not vaporize water, it is a seamless atmosphere.
The mechanics of a Jacuzzi are a bit more complex. The water level in the bathtub must be higher than the jets and the water intake valve.
A pump rapidly draws water into the valves while the pump motor creates varying degrees of force to expel the water through the jets. Sometimes the pressure can be controlled by a moveable ring around the jet.
How your body works in a Sauna / Jacuzzi
In the sauna, your body perspires with the temperature and humidity and the sweat evaporates. If there is less difference between the temperature of your body and the environment, it is more difficult for sweat to evaporate, so the heart pumps harder to increase blood supply, sending warm blood to the muscles and skin making an effort to cool down.
The blood vessels dilate and the skin reddens. If you are pregnant, consult your doctor before using a sauna.
Just like in a sauna, your body’s ability to perspire effectively is compromised in a hot tub, and women’s health can be adversely affected more than men’s pregnant women should consult their doctor before using a hot tub and do not use it under any circumstances during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.
The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that pregnant women both exercise and relax in water at a temperature not exceeding 32°C. In the book, “8 Weeks to Optimal Health…”, it is recommended a minimum of 2-3 sauna sessions per week for maximum health benefits. An arthritis patient used the hot tub twice a day to reduce pain.
Relaxing benefits!
After a workout, the hot, churning waters of a hot tub soothe sore, tired muscles and relax you, giving you a comfortable sense of serenity. The increasing flow of water pumped from the tub’s jets acts like a therapeutic massage, undoing muscle knots. A hot tub is a perfect way to end a workout if used safely.
• Cool down before entering the Jacuzzi.
• Drink lots of liquids.
• Don’t go over 15 minutes.
• The water temperature should never exceed 40°C.
The purifying benefits of the sauna are an undeniable advantage. This form of purification, with constant heat, is often recommended by doctors. Sauna benefits may include:
• detox
• Improves cardiovascular health
• clean skin
• Social interaction
• Relieve the stress
• Weightloss
For good use of the sauna you should:
• Shower beforehand to remove lotions and cool down after a workout.
• If you wear a swimsuit, make sure it doesn’t have zippers or other metal parts that could cause burns.
• After 8-10 minutes, rest. If you feel fine, go back in for another 5-10 minutes.
• Cooldown 5-10 minutes later, so you don’t notice a sudden change in temperature with the shower or pool water.
7 Benefits of cottonseed oil and side effects

Discover the 7 Benefits Of Cottonseed Oil and side effects.
There are excessive benefits of cottonseed oil, such as its ability to lower cholesterol, protect the skin, improve the immune system, reduce inflammation, speed healing, increase cognitive ability, and even prevent certain types of cancer.
However, cottonseed oil also has several side effects, such as potential risks to heart health, increased risk of certain cancers, and fertility problems.
Many of these are due to low-quality or highly processed cottonseed oil, so users need to be careful about the source and composition of their cottonseed oil.
What is cottonseed oil?
Cottonseed oil, as the name implies, is made from the seeds of cotton plants, which are produced in large quantities in several countries, including the United States.
Like other seed oils, cottonseed must be dehulled, revealing an oil-rich kernel, which can then be pressed to extract the valuable oil.
This oil, which is praised for its low trans fat content, is often used as cooking oil, as it can help bring out the flavor of foods rather than mask them.
It is also popularly used as a form of biofuel. However, not all cottonseed oils are made equally, unprocessed oil may contain more than 70% unsaturated fats, but hydrogenated cottonseed oil is extremely high in saturated fats, which have side effects. negatives in the body.
The benefits of the unprocessed organic version of this oil are due to the presence of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, as well as other antioxidants.
7 benefits of cottonseed oil
Many people turn to the benefits of cottonseed oil to help treat high cholesterol and blood pressure, arthritis, gout, a weak immune system, dementia, Alzheimer’s, certain cancers, inflammatory conditions, wounds, cuts, scrapes, and skin conditions.
1.- Accelerates healing
This oil can speed up the healing process due to its high levels of antioxidants and vitamin E content, which is why people regularly apply it to fresh wounds, cuts, scrapes, and scratches.
Tocopherol can stimulate the growth of new healthy skin cells and protect against possible infections.
2- Improves cognitive health
Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats have been linked to increased cognition and a reduction in neurodegenerative diseases, such as dementia and Alzheimer’s.
If you are using unrefined natural cottonseed oil, you can reduce inflammation in the nerve pathways and prevent the deposition of beta-amyloid plaque, which will help you stay strong as you age.
3.- Benefits of cottonseed oil for prostate
The levels of antioxidants found in cottonseed oil benefits have been linked to lower levels of prostate tissue growth, which can reduce prostate enlargement and lower the risk of prostate cancer.
However, depending on the type and source of your oil, it may be increasing your risk of other types of cancer.
4.- Benefits of cottonseed oil for Skin
Topical application of this oil is generally not a controversial use, as it has remarkable levels of vitamin E and other antioxidants that can improve skin health.
This oil can improve the appearance of the skin, moisturize dry skin, and prevent premature aging. By removing oxidative stress on the skin, this oil can minimize the appearance of lines and wrinkles and even help you get rid of blemishes and scars.
5.- Improves the immune system
The antioxidants present in cottonseed oil benefits help reduce oxidative stress and strain on the immune system, thus defending the body against typical pathogens and foreign bodies.
6.- Reduces inflammation
Monounsaturated fats have been shown to reduce inflammation throughout the body, whether consumed or applied topically.
Regular use of this oil can alleviate the common symptoms of arthritis, headaches, gout, and joint disorders, and when used in culinary applications, it can calm the stomach and optimize digestion.
7.- Benefits of cottonseed oil for heart
This oil has a remarkable level of saturated fat, but there are also many monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, including gamma-linolenic acid, which can lower overall cholesterol levels and improve heart health.
When used responsibly, the benefits of cottonseed oil can lower blood pressure and lower the risk of atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes. However, if you have heart problems, talk to your doctor about other possible oils (with low levels of saturated fat) to improve your health.
Side effects of cottonseed oil
There are some major side effects to the benefits of cottonseed oil, including an elevated risk of cancer and heart disease, as well as skin inflammation and reproductive problems.
Hydrogenated cottonseed oil will lead to more of these side effects than natural cottonseed oil, but if the oil is not refined, it may contain a toxic substance called gossypol, which cannot be digested by humans.
It is very important to understand where your cottonseed oil came from, what its intended use is, and what levels of processing or refinement it has undergone.
• Heart problems: While cottonseed oil deserves some praise for its ability to increase heart health, there is still a high level of saturated fat, especially in hydrogenated form.
This type of fat can be dangerous for your heart health, especially if you already have difficulties with atherosclerosis or heart disease. If you have any cardiovascular disease, talk to your doctor before using this oil.
• Cancer: Cotton is a unique crop in many countries, as it is not always considered a plant or food, so it is not restricted by the same pesticide and herbicide laws.
This means that some cottonseed oil can be high in dangerous toxins, depending on where it was obtained.
Some of these toxins have been directly linked to carcinogenic effects in the body. As mentioned above, it is vitally important to know where your cottonseed oil comes from, and what methods were used to produce it.
• Skin irritation: As is the case with almost all-powerful natural oils, people with sensitive skin can experience inflammation, itching, and redness of the skin when using this oil.
Before applying to a large area of the body, put a small amount on a patch of skin and wait a few hours to see if any negative effects occur.
• Reproductive health: Studies have shown that gossypol, a natural chemical component in cottonseed oil, can decrease sperm production and motility, which can affect the ability to have a child.
Many commercial versions of cottonseed oil have undergone a process to remove this gossypol, but it is important to consider whether the refining process also includes hydrogenation of this oil.
8 shocking health benefits of selenium

Table of Contents
- List of foods rich in selenium
- Recommended daily allowance
- When to take selenium supplements
- Risks of excess selenium
- Related
- Discover the 8 shocking health benefits of selenium.
Selenium is an essential mineral for the body in small amounts because it has a high antioxidant power that helps prevent diseases such as cancer and strengthen the immune system, in addition to protecting heart health.
Selenium is found in the soil and is present in water and foods such as wheat flour, bread, and egg yolks.
The selenium supplement should be advised by the doctor or nutritionist since excess selenium in the body can have negative effects on health.
- Among the benefits of selenium for the body are:
1. Act as an antioxidant
Selenium is a powerful antioxidant that helps reduce the number of free radicals in the body.
These are formed naturally during body metabolism but can cause damage such as inflammation, disturbances in cell function, and aging.
People who smoke, consume alcoholic beverages regularly, and who live under a lot of stress end up producing a greater amount of free radicals, needing a greater consumption of antioxidant nutrients.
2. Prevent cancer
Being an antioxidant, selenium protects cells against changes in their DNA that generate the formation of tumors, being important to prevent mainly lung, breast, prostate, and colon cancer.
3. Prevent cardiovascular diseases
Selenium reduces the number of inflammatory substances in the body and increases the amount of glutathione, a powerful antioxidant, in the body.
These actions reduce the oxidation of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood vessels, reducing the risk of atherosclerosis and, in turn, of other diseases such as heart attacks, strokes, and thrombosis.
4. Improve thyroid function
The thyroid is the organ that stores the most selenium in the body, as it is essential to promote the conversion of thyroid hormones T4 to T3, regulating their concentration in the body.
Selenium deficiency can lead to conditions such as hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, which is a type of hyperthyroidism that occurs because defense cells begin to attack the thyroid, reducing its function.
5. Strengthen the immune system
Adequate amounts of selenium in the body help reduce inflammation and improve the immune system, helping even people with diseases such as HIV, tuberculosis, and hepatitis C to increase their immunity against opportunistic diseases.
6. Could promote weight loss
Being important for the proper functioning of the thyroid, selenium helps prevent hypothyroidism, a disease that slows down metabolism and promotes weight gain.
In addition to this, excess weight causes an inflammatory process in the body, producing dysregulation in the production of satiety hormones.
Therefore, selenium, by acting as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, helps not only to reduce inflammation but also to reduce hormonal alterations related to excess body fat, promoting weight loss.
7. Could prevent Alzheimer’s
By acting as an antioxidant and protecting cells from damage caused by free radicals, selenium helps prevent and reduce the progression of diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and multiple sclerosis.
This benefit increases when selenium is consumed from good fat sources, such as Brazil nuts, egg yolks, and chicken, for example.
8. Protection against the harmful action of heavy metals
Selenium interacts with a large number of toxic elements such as arsenic, cadmium, mercury, silver, lead, and platinum, being able to modify its toxicity at different levels and prevent possible toxic manifestations caused by exposure to these metals.
List of foods rich in selenium
Selenium is a mineral present in the soil and, for this reason, its amount in food varies according to the richness of this mineral in the soil, therefore the same food can have different concentrations, depending on where it comes from.
The table below shows the amount of selenium present in 100 g of each food:
Food Amount of Selenium (100 g)
Brazil nut 4000 mcg
Wheat flour 42 mcg
Sesame 34.4 mcg
French bread and flatbread 25 mcg
Cheeses 25 mcg
Yolk 20 mcg
Cashew / Cashew / Merey 19 mcg
Cooked chicken 7 mcg
Egg white 6 mcg
Rice 4 mcg
Milk powder 3 mcg
Beans 3 mcg
Garlic 2 mcg
Cabbage 2 mcg
Banana 1 mcg
Dad 1 mcg
Orange 1 mcg
The selenium present in foods of animal origin is better absorbed by the intestine, compared to the selenium in vegetables, and it is important to vary the diet to obtain a good amount of this mineral.
Recommended daily allowance
The recommended amount of selenium varies according to gender and age, as shown below:
Babies 0 to 6 months: 15 mcg;
Babies 7 months to 3 years: 20 mcg;
Children 4-8 years: 30 mcg;
Youth ages 9 to 13: 40 mcg;
From 14 years: 55 mcg;
Pregnant women: 60 mcg;
Breastfeeding women: 70 mcg.
By having a varied and balanced diet, it is possible to obtain the recommended amounts of selenium naturally through food.
Its supplementation should only be carried out with medical or nutritionist guidance, as its excess can cause damage to health.
When to take selenium supplements
In general, most people who eat a varied diet get the recommended amounts of selenium to stay healthy, but in some cases, its deficiency is more common, such as those with HIV, Crohn’s disease, and people who eat a healthy diet. through intravenous nutritive serums.
In these cases, the doctor or nutritionist may prescribe the use of selenium supplements.
Risks of excess selenium
Excess selenium in the body can cause serious problems such as shortness of breath, fever, nausea, and malfunction of organs such as the liver, kidneys, and heart.
Very high amounts can even lead to death, so its supplement should be done under medical or nutritionist guidance
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