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Benefits of walking barefoot



health benefits of walking barefoot

Discover the benefits of walking barefoot.

Surely you still remember your mother or grandmother telling you when you were a child to put on your shoes, that if you didn’t you were going to get constipation, or you were going to prick yourself…

A few days before the start of summer, your feet are seeing the light of day. In summer there are very few of us who hesitate to take off our shoes so that our feet can breathe (after all, walking barefoot can be very liberating). Have you checked it?

Is walking barefoot good for your health?

The feet have many nerve endings and when we walk barefoot we stimulate them. If we do it on natural and safe surfaces such as grass, sand, or in our homes, taking advantage of the fact that we are confined, among other benefits, we will improve the circulation in our legs.What are the consequences of walking barefoot?

Our podiatrists and posturology experts give you all the information you need about the consequences of going barefoot for this summer and the rest of the year

What are the benefits of walking barefoot

◦ Stimulate your foot muscles

Walking barefoot is beneficial for our health since we give our feet a break from the pressure that footwear usually causes and the humidity that is generated in the foot.

Taking off our shoes allows us to stimulate and work those muscles that are annulled or atrophied.

◦ Helps calm anxiety and stress

Sometimes our current life produces stress, anxiety, and nerves. Walking barefoot helps unblock pent-up emotions that later turn into other illnesses.

In the foot, there are many nerve endings and it is highly recommended that our plant has direct contact with the ground to release stress, strengthening the nervous system.

◦ Improves anatomical structure and cognitive development

Walking without shoes helps to align the joints and improves the anatomical space. In babies and young children, it is recommended that they walk barefoot at home.

In this way, their development will be complete and they will strengthen their safety while they learn to walk when coming into direct contact with the ground.

◦ Improves blood circulation

Going without shoes improves blood circulation as the muscles are in contact with different surfaces such as grass, earth, sand, parquet, etc. In the feet, there is a deep circulatory network that drives blood to the heart.

◦ Reduces back pain and strengthens muscles and ligaments

Many of the back pains are caused by spending a lot of time on your feet, with heels, or with bad shoes.

Walking barefoot on smooth surfaces will relax the muscles in your foot and may help relieve some back pain. These types of surfaces allow correcting imbalances in movements and strengthening the muscles and bones of the feet and ankles, achieving greater integration of the organism.

Consequences of walking barefoot

◦ Walking barefoot can cause foot infections

Walking barefoot through damp and unhygienic areas can cause us to catch some fungus and/or bacteria.

People who have diabetic feet or who continually work with closed shoes are more likely to have foot infections.

In particular, diabetics have to be more careful and prevent foot injuries that can later ulcerate. Diabetes can cause neuropathy by reducing sensation in the feet. These people should be very careful and do it on safe and clean surfaces.

Where is it better to walk barefoot?

At home, the sand or the grass.

Walking barefoot at home or on some surfaces such as beach sand or grass is positive for podiatric health. They are safe and positive places to start this practice if you are not used to going barefoot.

The fine sand will give you ” a foot massage ” removing impurities while relaxing them.

Avoid going barefoot in public places. Take care of the health of your feet but protect them. In sports facilities such as gyms, changing rooms, or swimming pools, use pigs to avoid the spread of fungi, papillomas, or any infection that is contracted by simple contact.

Who is recommended to go barefoot?

In babies, it is recommended that they walk barefoot than with shoes. They will better develop the motor neuronal connection, it helps them to recognize the terrain, locate themselves better in space and enhance their safety day by day.

In people with diabetes, the disease changes the normal hydration of the skin, which can lead to cracking and infection. They must be very careful and do it on safe and clean surfaces.

In the elderly, it helps to eliminate muscle tension caused by sitting or lying down for a long time.


15 good reasons to drink lemon juice in the morning on an empty stomach




lemon juice in the morning on empty stomach

Discover the 15 good reasons to drink lemon juice in the morning on an empty stomach.

Lemon is one of the most frequently and widely used citrus fruits.

Its popularity is due to its scent and refreshing taste.

Its aroma makes it an ingredient of choice in many recipes and the composition of perfumes.

It also accompanies a large number of drinks, including tea and cocktails, it can also be served as fruit juice.

Not only is lemon used for its aromatic qualities, but also its therapeutic dimension.

Rich in vitamin C, lemon indeed has formidable therapeutic virtues: its Antiviral and antibacterial properties as well as its ability to stimulate the immune system are widely recognized.

One of the most common ways to reap the benefits of lemon is by squeezing the juice.

Lemon juice stimulates digestion and has a detoxifying action.

It also promotes drainage of the liver and thus improves digestion.

By its ability to boost metabolism, lemon juice is an effective way to lose weight.

If you want to lose weight, drinking lemon juice in lukewarm water every morning on an empty stomach gives fabulous results.

But that’s not all, nutrition specialists at the Edison Institute of Nutrition have compiled a list of the main benefits of consuming lemon juice mixed with lukewarm water on an empty stomach:

1. An excellent source of vitamin C, lemon juice protects the body by strengthening the immune system.

2. Drinking lemon juice in lukewarm water every morning on an empty stomach helps maintain pH balance in the body.

3. Thanks to its antibacterial properties, lemon juice helps fight infections.

4. Has a detoxifying action.

5. Promotes digestion.

6. Besides vitamin Clemon is also an excellent source of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, etc.

7. Helps fight colds.

8. Lemon water is a well-known remedy for dealing with different skin problems like acne, rashes, wrinkles, or dark spots.

9. Mixed with lukewarm water, lemon juice stimulates digestion, boosts metabolism, and thus allows you to lose weight quickly.

10 Lemon juice is also very effective in removing toxins that have accumulated in the liver.

11. The anti-inflammatory properties of lemon help fight infections of the respiratory tract, sore throat, and inflammation of the tonsils.

12. Rich in electrolytes, lemon juice effectively hydrates the body.

13. Drinking lemon juice mixed with lukewarm water decreases muscle and joint pain.

14. Lemon juice in lukewarm water promotes good dental hygiene because it helps decrease dental pain and prevent gingivitis.

15. Drinking lemon juice in lukewarm water stimulates digestion and regulates intestinal transit.


Q. Out of curiosity… my cousin is allergic to lemon. Does lime have the same virtues?

A. Yes, you can substitute lemon for lime.

I had to stop drinking lemon water for a month because I was sick. The joint pain I got rid of before all came back.

So I started drinking lemon juice in lukewarm water again every morning on an empty stomach.

Now after a week, and it’s true, my pain in my knees is gone !!!!

It’s amazing! Lemon is indeed very alkalizing and promotes the elimination of acids.

Also, it contains a lot of vitamin C, which is good for the joints.

Some people suffer from vitamin C deficiency and need to be sure to find it in their diet or supplements.


Q. After drinking lemon juice in lukewarm water in the morning on an empty stomach, how long should I wait to eat?

A. I recommend that you wait 20 to 30 minutes before eating.

Q. Why does lemon juice need to be mixed with lukewarm water? Is lemon juice also beneficial in cold water?

A. Lukewarm water stimulates digestion and the liver.

Coldwater does the opposite, it blocks digestion.

So it is best to consume lemon juice in lukewarm water.


Q. How many lemons should you squeeze in the morning to benefit from the benefits of this fruit?

A. I suggest squeezing half a lemon in a large glass of lukewarm water (25cl).

Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants.

Citric acid and vitamin C promote the dissolution of gallstones, their elimination, as well as the clearing of the bile ducts.

Lemon juice has been used for centuries in the treatment of kidney stones and gallstones.

Lemon also has antimicrobial properties that help reduce gallbladder infections and relieve pain.

The pectin in lemon juice relieves bloating, nausea and pain.

Besides, lemon juice helps reduce the production of cholesterol by the liver.


Q. Hello. I have a question: I have thyroid problems, can I drink lemon juice in lukewarm water?

A. Yes. You can drink lemon juice in lukewarm water if you are suffering from thyroid problems.


Q. I take medicine on an empty stomach every morning for a thyroid problem. Should I take this medicine before drinking lemon water or after?

A. Since lemon water is absorbed relatively quickly by the body, I recommend that you take your medicine soon after drinking the lemon water.

Joint pain is associated with poor digestion and allergic reactions to certain foods.

Lemon water promotes digestion and the elimination of toxins.

If your teeth are prone to demineralization and are very sensitive, I advise you to drink lemon water through a straw.


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Mosquito bite: The Miracle Cure Against It




Discover The Miracle Cure Against Mosquito Bite.

Have you been bitten by a mosquito again?

They have the gift of stinging us when we spend a quiet evening on the terrace!

And then, hello the itching!

We only want one thing, and that is to scratch ourselves to the point of blood. It’s super annoying!

Fortunately, my grandmother gave me her natural remedy to quickly relieve a mosquito bite.

The miracle trick is to apply a paste of baking soda and witch hazel water. Look :

What you need

How to do

  1. Put three teaspoons of baking soda in a cup.
  2. Pour a teaspoon of witch hazel water
  3. Mix to obtain a paste.
  4. Apply the paste to the bite.
  5. Leave on.


And there you have it, thanks to this remedy, you have stopped the itching of mosquito bites in their tracks 🙂

Easy, fast, and efficient, isn’t it?

It is a simple treatment that makes the sting deflate and disappear quickly!

This remedy is completely natural and very gentle. It is ideal for the fragile skin of children and babies.

And you don’t even need Apaisyl cream … it’s much more economical that way.

In addition, it works for all insect bites: mosquitoes, spiders, horseflies…

Why does it work?

Baking soda soothes the itchiness. It acts as an antiseptic and disinfectant. It thus calms the inflammation caused by the sting.

Witch hazel water also disinfects the sting and soothes the itchy sensation.

It also refreshes the skin and heals the irritated part thus bringing an immediate feeling of well-being.

We also find witch hazel in the composition of calming gels after insect bites from Hansaplast.

What is witch hazel?

Witch hazel is a plant native to North America.

Witch hazel water comes from the indirect distillation of dried witch hazel leaves. It takes about 60 kilos of leaves to get a thousand liters of water.

The many benefits of witch hazel have been recognized for a very long time.

It helps disinfect wounds. Applied in massage, it is an effective venous tonic and stimulates blood circulation.

It also has anti-inflammatory properties and as such, it relieves rheumatic and arthritis pain.

It is also an asset in your beauty kit. Used in rinsing water, it eliminates dandruff.

Finally, it is also found in perfumery, because its smell is very pleasant. It is similar to that of cut grass with a hint of mint in addition.

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