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Benefits of chia seeds in water



benefits of chia seeds in water

Discover the benefits of chia seeds in water.

The benefits of chia seeds in water are diverse and to the nutritional properties of chia, such as the role of water in the activation process.

Individuals are increasingly interested in incorporating healthier habits into their lives, making qualitative and quantitative changes to feel better.

There are also superfoods, named for the various nutritional properties they possess. One of them is the seeds, chia is one of the highlights.

Benefits of consuming chia seeds

Chia is high in fatty acids such as omega 3, dietary fiber, amino acids, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Regarding the latter, they are rich in calcium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, manganese, copper, and vitamin E and are a good source of B complex vitamins. It does not contain gluten, therefore, it is a suitable food for people with celiac disease.

As mentioned, they are food sources of essential fatty acids, which participate in multiple physiological processes, fulfilling a structural role in the phospholipids of cell membranes and are substrates for the synthesis of various mediators that model multiple processes (immunity, infectious pathologies and diseases). inflammatory).

Therefore, the benefits provided by chia are due to the quality of each of its nutrients. In addition to those mentioned, its anti-inflammatory effect is added, it contributes to regularizing intestinal peristalsis (due to the contribution of dietary fiber), improves the lipid profile (helps reduce LDL cholesterol levels), and provides satiety among others, so drinks water with chia will bring benefits to your nutritional health.

But to obtain these benefits, it is necessary to carry out certain practices that eliminate certain substances considered anti-nutrients that affect the bioavailability of the micronutrients contained in the seeds.

Among the micronutrients most affected by the presence of antinutrients in the absorption of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, etc.

How to get the benefits of chia seeds in water

One of the ways to “activate” chia seeds and optimize the supply of nutrients is to soak the chia seeds in a glass of safe water for several hours. As a result of this process, the content of vitamins and enzymes multiplies exponentially, that is, its nutritional value increases.

As an extra benefit of drinking water with chia, it improves the body’s ability to digest that seed and consequently take advantage of its nutrients.

In other words, the benefits of consuming water with chia are due to the high nutritional quality of chia per se, but also the additional benefit provided by water to activate the seed and thus improve its bioavailability.

In addition to this, it is a good option to incorporate water as a hydrating drink, essential to maintain an adequate state of hydration.


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