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Contraindications and side effects of Clexane



Discover the Contraindications and side effects of Clexane.

This anticoagulant drug is especially used to prevent blood circulation problems.

A drug against diseases of the blood circulation.

Cardiovascular problems are probably together with dementias and cancer some of those that cause the greatest concern to the majority of the population, given the importance for our survival of the fact that the blood circulates normally through our body and that the heart keeps pumping it in the normal way.

And it is a fact that a large proportion of elderly people suffer from some type of heart or circulatory problem.

However, medical advances have allowed the development of drugs that allow treating some of these types of pathology, such as the well-known Sintrom or the drug that we are going to talk about throughout this article: Clexane.

What is the Clexane?

We call Clexane a type of anticoagulant drug widely used in the medical field, in response to complex cardiovascular problems that endanger the lives of those who suffer from them.

As an anticoagulant, its function is to reduce blood clotting, which although it is generally positive since it helps to stop bleeding in specific cases in which this process occurs to a great extent, can make it difficult for the blood to pass. and even provoke a thrombus.

Thus, thanks to the anticoagulant it is possible to keep the blood circulating in a liquid and fluid way and reduce the risk.

Clexane is a drug whose active ingredient is enoxaparin sodium, being one of the low molecular weight heparins (which are derived from non-fractionated ones) that is obtained from the intestines of the pig.

It is a drug whose main route of administration is intravenous or subdermal, and it is marketed as prepared syringes. It is not applied orally or intramuscularly.

Functions of clexane

Clexane is a drug widely used in various conditions in which it can save lives, either as a treatment or even as prevention of some life-threatening situations, all of which are linked to the cardiovascular system.

One of the main indications is in the treatment of deep vein thrombosis, an alteration in which blood clots plug one of the body’s veins, generally directed to the extremities, and which can generate important consequences (including a possible embolism pulmonary).

Also not only during treatment but also as prevention in high-risk cases or to prevent it from happening again in people who have already suffered it before.

It is also used in the treatment of acute coronary syndromes, including some types of angina pectoris and heart attacks, usually as a previous step or in conjunction with other medications, as well as in the prevention of relapses.

Likewise, it is effective in preventing possible thrombi in cases of respiratory or heart failure, as well as in people in a coma or who must remain in a recumbent position (for example, in a long convalescence) and even to prevent possible clots in the case of patients. who must undergo hemodialysis.

It must be taken into account that Clexane can be used at any age from adulthood, including very old ages if necessary.

However, there are not enough studies carried out with minors that allow us to know if it is a safe drug, being a drug that should only be applied to adults.

Possible side effects of clexane

This drug has proven to be very useful and has saved multiple lives since its discovery, but like all drugs, it is not without risks and side effects.

First of all, and as with the rest of anticoagulants, it should be taken into account that the fact that the blood is prevented from clotting causes bleeding of varying severity to arise from any part of the body.

Simple wounds and blows can bleed or generate internal hematomas of great relevance, and it must be necessary to be very careful in this regard. This is the most common secondary symptom.

Likewise, and derived from it, anemia may also appear due to blood loss. Sometimes these hemorrhages can occur at the intestinal, spinal, or intracranial level, being their much greater danger.

The possibility of appearance as well as edema, erythema, alopecia, dermatitis, or even fever has also been observed.

It has been observed that in some cases the level of potassium in the blood increases excessively or even triple the levels of transaminases and other liver enzymes.

More serious are cases of cutaneous necrosis or vasculitis, liver lesions, or thrombocytopenia that can paradoxically generate thrombosis (something that makes it necessary to periodically do a platelet count of the subject).

Contraindications of clexane

As we have seen, despite being very useful, Clexane can also generate dangerous effects, which can put certain sectors of the population at risk. That is why it has various contraindications.

One of these contraindications can be found in the cases of those who have an allergy or hypersensitivity to this drug as well as to other heparins, as well as to its multiple components.

It is contraindicated in people at high risk of bleeding, including people who are going to undergo surgery or are going to have punctures, people with ulcers, aneurysms, or vascular problems in which the walls of the vessels are more fragile.

Also in people with heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. People with high levels of potassium in the blood should avoid it, and it is not recommended in severe kidney failure (with the possible exception of its use in dialysis), as well as extreme caution in the case of liver failure.

It is also not recommended, or at least great caution and control are required, in diabetic patients due to the adrenal alterations it can cause.

Underweight or obese patients should be monitored, as there is a greater risk of bleeding or thrombi.

The use of Clexane in people taking other drugs should be consulted. Finally, and as we have indicated previously since there are no data in this regard, it is contraindicated in children.


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Benefits of fasting for 24 hours




Discover the benefits of fasting for 24 hours.

24-hour intermittent fasting is often recommended for weight loss, but also its many health benefits.

In this article, I detail the benefits of intermittent fasting, and particularly its practice over 24 hours. You will also be able to find my testimonial and my advice for a successful 24-hour intermittent fasting.

24hr Intermittent fasting to live longer in good health!

This sentence comes up constantly when one is interested in the subject. Simple fashion effect or real health interest? That’s the real question.

The objective of this practice is based on calorie restriction and resting the digestive system as a whole.

When we eat too much, binge, and get too much protein, our aging process is accelerated. Our body ages faster. To counter this effect, it is, therefore, necessary to fast. You boost your production of growth hormone, a hormone of youth.

In practice, it remains very complicated. It was Dr. Valter Longo who simplified the practice of intermittent fasting to reap all the health benefits. But in reality, is it effective?

The benefits of 24 hours intermittent fasting

Many scientific studies have highlighted the following health benefits of intermittent fasting:

• Promote weight loss, maintenance, lower bad cholesterol and increase well.

• Reduce cardiovascular and cancer risks.

• Regulate blood sugar by lowering insulin production and increasing fat metabolism.

• Lower the markers of inflammation ( responsible for the aging process ).

• Stimulate growth hormone production ( 2000% during 24-hour intermittent fasting ). This molecule helps you fight to age, tap into your fat and increase your muscle mass.

• Regulate hormonal disturbances after meals.

• Diversify the composition of the intestinal flora.

• Improve the quality of sleep.

It should be noted that these benefits are mainly found in a population that is overweight or obese, sedentary, or suffering from metabolic disease. The effects of intermittent fasting in healthy, physically active, or athletic people seem small to non-existent.

Intermittent fasting and weight loss

According to scientific research, intermittent fasting is effective for weight loss.

The main reason for the effectiveness of intermittent fasting on weight loss is calorie restriction.

Indeed, skipping one or more meals considerably reduces your food consumption. You then find yourself in an energy deficit, and your body has no choice but to draw on the stock of glycogen and fats to continue to function.

Practiced 1 to 2 times a week, over 3 to 24 weeks, intermittent fasting can lead to a weight loss of 3 to 8% of the initial weight, with a non-negligible share of abdominal fat (reduction in the circumference of cut).

However, over the long term, the evidence on the effectiveness of intermittent fasting remains very weak. We don’t know if, as with all low-calorie diets, it leads to a Yoyo effect and significant regain of lost pounds.

To lose weight permanently, mainly fat, while maintaining your muscle mass, it is advisable to combine a slight caloric restriction and the practice of sport regularly.

Need to lose weight permanently?

My Sport to lose weight program has already enabled hundreds of people to lose weight, improve their health and be in better shape! It includes sports sessions in videos, tools to calculate your fat loss, tips for starting running, recipes, and much more… It’s never too late to start the sport and lose weight for your health.

Opinion on the intermittent fasting 24h

So I wanted to get to the bottom of it and test this practice. To simplify things, Dr. Longo has been testing different protocols for several years. Simpler protocols to apply daily while maintaining the benefits. For people with a healthy lifestyle, practicing 24 hours a month is very effective.

So I fasted for 24 hours. The easiest way is to start after dinner. You eat dinner normally, then nothing until dinner the next day. Hydrate well. You can also consume tea, coffee, infusions but without sugar.

I was afraid of being too hungry, of being a wreck unable to move. And not at all. I did my intermittent fast one day back from vacation, in the car. I felt good, without a stroke. What a pleasure to sit down to eat in the evening, even if the goal is to eat normally and no more than usual.

I resumed the sport the next day with a big day ( 3h30 of cycling chained to 1h of jogging ). I felt good, I didn’t have any cravings. I even recovered better. I am full faster on the meals that follow. The results are very positive.

However, here are some tips to guide you:

• No sport on the day of intermittent fasting, or a short cardio session (30 minutes).

• Take care. Get out of your house, otherwise, the day will be too long to manage unless you have plenty of tasks to accomplish.

• Don’t throw yourself on the food when you eat again. Don’t say to yourself: “it’s good, I’ve done the hardest I can let go”.

• Remember to drink well ( 1.5 to 2 liters of water ) and take hot drinks for satiety.

Be careful if you have medical treatment, do not do it. I do not know the actions of this practice under these conditions. A drug does not have the same effect in these conditions, so check with your doctor.

I await your reactions after your tests. Intermittent fasting is increasingly practiced in the United States, to fight against junk food and diseases of civilization. Its health benefits are undeniable. Live old and above all live better!

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