10 health benefits of chicken liver and side effects
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Discover the 10 Health Benefits Of Chicken Liver and side effects.
At present, some people are on a vegetarian diet but remember that there are many nutrients that we can obtain from meats and organ meats, it is essential to think that both meat and organ meats contribute to our health, some studies have even revealed that the meat they contain High cholesterol can save your health.
For example, organ meats that are high in cholesterol contribute to balancing the human body, that is, eating or consuming foods high in cholesterol for a long time is believed to raise cholesterol levels in the blood, and this is good for those who need it, as long as they do not abuse their intake, that is why, based on this somewhat unknown theory, in the following publication we will dedicate ourselves to studying each of the benefits of chicken liver and how effective they are, in the prevention of certain pathologies
Health benefits of Chicken liver
If you love chicken, but the thought of eating poultry liver makes you feel bad, then you should explore the health benefits of chicken liver listed on this blog.
Cumulative of essential vitamins and nutrients, chicken liver is the highest protein food you can taste; but it is always good when consumed in moderation, as in some cases the high fat and cholesterol content could pose a problem.
1.- Benefits of Chicken liver for anemia
The liver is covered with vitamin A and iron. As we all know, vitamin B12 can help red blood cells and improve cell function.
Chicken liver contains vitamin B12-352% DV; supplies the body with about 3 times the DV of vitamin B12, important food that balances and supports red blood cell production and prevents pernicious anemia.
For those who are fighting anemia, eating chicken liver is the best solution; it is probably the best food to consume in the world since it provides folic acid, iron, and vitamin B12; Chicken liver benefits will effectively resolve to overcome anemia naturally.
2.- Benefits of Chicken liver for eyes
Since the chicken liver has vitamin A-288%, it is indicated that the benefits of the chicken liver are powerful support for healthy eyesight.
It will also improve our vision as it is full of vitamin A in the form of retinol, alpha, and beta carotene, including lycopene; Vitamin A is known as the first ingredient on the multivitamin bottle label and is very important for your eyesight; it will cause night vision problems by living without vitamin A and can also cause severe dry eyes which can lead to vision loss and infection.
Medical experts revealed that vitamin A can reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration later in life.
In the same case, vitamin A can treat people with eye conditions called retinitis pigmentosa; vitamin A will be required for adults in 900 micrograms. A good source of vitamin A is chicken liver which is rich in vitamin A.
3.- Good for body tissues
The problem, such as pain around the lips and tongue and also cracking or peeling of the skin at the corners of the mouth, indicates that it is a lack of riboflavin in the body.
Riboflavin is known as Vitamin B2, which is essential for normal reproduction, growth, repair, and development of body tissues, including skin, but luckily, chicken liver benefits are loaded with 2, 3 riboflavin.
4.- Supports fertility
Fertility now becomes a problem for everyone; Chicken liver benefits are also good for pregnant women and those who plan to have one soon, as it has 560 mcg of folate, helps promote fertility, and prevents neural tube defects for the development of the baby.
Chicken liver contains a large amount of pantothenic acid which turned out to be a great benefit to support the work of the adrenal system in the body, when the adrenal system works properly, it increases the system of hormones, including testosterone. Also, the chicken liver can lead to increased stamina in men and increased fertility.
5.- Fight against stress
For those who work very hard and feel stressed, eating chicken liver is the good solution to solve that problem; stress in a body condition that is affected by cortisol hormones; if that condition is not stable, unbalanced adrenal gland production will occur; if the adrenal gland is working properly, then there is some hormone system that will relieve stress.
Chicken liver benefits can support the role of the adrenal glands.
It is rich in nutrients from chicken liver leads to fighting stress; in the same way, the chicken liver can influence the best nap and will make the sleep time stable.
Furthermore, its rich pantothenic acid helps the body fight stress by supporting the adrenal glands.
6.- Boost the mind, energy, and immune system
Chicken liver has iron-72% which helps prevent anemia and also keeps the immune system healthy and this type of liver is a great source of this essential mineral, zinc, phosphorus, and magnesium.
The mineral becomes an important requirement for the body’s health; Minerals such as iron can be used to form red blood cells, it also helps maintain oxygen in the blood, while a source of the mineral zinc is also important to aid in the process of cell division, DNA formation process, healing of wounds and energy.
Later studies revealed that the benefits of the chicken liver will be the source of energy and increase the supply of red blood cells; Those nutrients can also help boost the immune system.
7.- Good for teeth and bones
Another benefit of chicken liver is related to the health of teeth and bones. Having strong, healthy teeth is all that people want; lifestyle leads people to eat foods that are sometimes not good for tooth health.
So, chicken liver is needed to solve this dental problem; chicken liver is found to have a phosphorus content of over 40% in a 1-ounce serving.
The phosphorus in chicken will generally have excellent benefits for tooth and bone health; it will also help the body to maintain the growth of teeth and bones especially for children.
The phosphorus content of chicken liver as calcium cannot form teeth and bones without the help of the mineral provided in chicken liver.
8.- Benefits of Chicken liver for skin and hair
Chicken liver contains 52% protein, which helps maintain healthy hair, skin, and nails. Chicken liver protein makes skin, hair, and nails in fantastic condition.
9.- Treat pellagra
The lack of niacin supply in the body will manifest itself in the form of pellagra and disease with symptoms such as delusions, diarrhea, inflamed mucous membranes, and scaly sores. Chicken liver tuna is one of the most important sources of niacin.
10.- Prevent memory loss or Alzheimer’s
Vitamin B12 contained in chicken liver benefits helps sharpen memory. Chicken liver is really powerful to fight Alzheimer’s disease, according to the 2010 study, this vitamin B12 in giblets can keep the brain in good condition; It only takes one cup of giblets to get 228% of the RDA for the vitamin. it can be cooked as a side dish and will also prevent memory loss syndrome.
Nutritiont facts of chicken liver
• A one-ounce serving of cooked chicken livers contains:
• 45 calories
• 1 gram of fat
• 15 milligrams of sodium
• No carbohydrates
• 7 grams of protein
- Fat and cholesterol: a diet low in saturated fat can help maintain a healthy weight and minimize the chances of developing heart disease and chronic diseases such as cancer.
A chicken liver contains 0.9 grams of saturated fat from 2.86 grams of total fat and a whopping 248 milligrams of cholesterol, it is this cholesterol content that makes chicken liver an occasional part of your diet.
- Iron and zinc: a single chicken liver contains 5.12 milligrams of iron and 1.75 milligrams of zinc. Iron allows the body to increase the production of red blood cells and allows it to use oxygen efficiently.
As Iron plays a vital role in cell division and building immunity, its deficiency can cause fatigue, decrease oxygen, and weaken the immune system.
Men need 8 milligrams of iron per day and women need 18 milligrams to stay fit and healthy, on the other hand, zinc plays a vital role in wound healing, immune system building, and cell division.
Men need 11 milligrams of zinc and women need 8 milligrams, and chicken liver contains 1.75 milligrams of zinc.
- Vitamins: Chicken liver is a rich and nutritious source of vitamin B12 and vitamin A. The human body needs vitamin B12 for healthy brain and nervous system function.
A 1-ounce serving of chicken liver contains 7.41 micrograms of vitamin B12.
It also supplies 5,864 international units of vitamin A, a nutrient that contributes to the proper function of both eyes and white blood cells.
This is well over 2,300 international units prescribed for women and 3,000 international units prescribed for men.
Folate is also known as vitamin B9 reduces the risk of birth defects. A chicken liver provides 254 micrograms of the 400 micrograms of folic acid that are needed daily. It is important for pregnant women as it helps create new cells.
Side effects of chicken liver
Consuming chicken liver in the proper form is very safe for health, but you should be aware of the side effects of the chicken liver as it ranks first among all high cholesterol foods.
Since we can’t eat enough cholesterol, we have to consider consuming chicken liver, when we eat or consume more foods rich in cholesterol, our bodies may have some health problems.
If we consume this food rich in cholesterol, such as chicken liver, our body will accelerate its synthesis of cholesterol.
The chicken liver will cause an increase in blood cholesterol levels if we consume more, which can lead to heart disease.
While the consumption of vitamin A, especially the chicken liver, can be harmful to the baby in pregnant women. Do not take more than 2,800 micrograms (9,333 IU) per day; If you use oral acne medications that contain isotretinoin, you do not have to take supplements that contain vitamin A.
How to serve chicken liver?
The consumption of chicken liver should be the most important thing to consider, consuming it is very safe for health in a good way, but you should also consider how to cook it very well. The best cook is that the chicken liver should be cooked until it prevents the food from the toxins, bacteria, or germs that cause disease.
1 tablespoon of cooked chicken liver provides about 45 calories with just 1 gram of fat 15 milligrams of sodium and contains no carbohydrates.
Chicken liver provides approximately 7 grams of protein in a serving, if you cook chicken liver in oil, you should consider the additional calories and fat in the oil when determining the total nutrition in your serving of chicken livers.
Shouldn’t the liver be eaten during pregnancy?
It is a myth that vitamin A toxicity can cause congenital disabilities. But it is suitable only if synthetic vitamin A is consumed in the form of vitamin pills, liver is a superfood for pregnant women, it must be included in the prenatal and prenatal diet; vitamins in the liver are essential for the development of the baby.
It is recommended that the mother consume at least 3-4 ounces of chicken liver once or twice a week; So simply put, chicken liver should be consumed as it offers:
• High-quality protein
• Natural vitamin A
• All types of abundant B vitamins, especially vitamin B12
• Healthy folic acid
• A lot of iron
Tracing elements such as copper, zinc, and chromium
• Anti-fatigue factor (not identified)
• CoQ10 – an important nutrient for cardiovascular function
• A good source of purines, nitrogen-containing compounds that act as precursors to DNA and RNA
But remember to select your raw chicken liver source carefully. Choose organically raised, grass-fed offal as there is a negligible chance that it may contain pesticides, hormones, or other antibiotic residues.
Second, select the liver from a young animal; check that it is not pale, slimy, and full of odor or with dry patches; before cooking, first rinse and dry with a damp cloth; then get rid of all veins, ducts, and connective tissues or ask your butcher to do it for you.
While preparing, make sure the liver is cooked until it is a light pink color – overcooked liver tends to become hard, and undercooked is not good for your health.
Serious side effects of topamax
Discover the serious side effects of Topamax
One of the medicines used to treat seizures in adults is Topamax, the active substance of which is topiramate.
The taking of this drug should always be done under medical prescription and with the corresponding prescription, as well as it is essential to follow the instructions regarding the dosage indicated by the specialist.
To learn more about Topamax along with its indications, use, and side effects, keep reading this article.
What is Topamax for
Topamax is a topiramate-based drug used to treat seizures in adults and children older than 2 years.
This anticonvulsant is administered in the event of partial seizures with or without secondary generalization or primary generalized tonic-clonic seizures and for the treatment of seizures associated with Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome.
It should be noted that this drug is also used to prevent migraine, although not as a treatment to alleviate them.
Warnings about Topamax
Taking Topamax should always be prescribed by a doctor and it will be necessary to notify your doctor beforehand in case of:
•glaucoma or other eye problems
•kidney disease, kidney stones, or dialysis
•breathing problems
•mood problems, depression, or suicidal thoughts or attempts
•liver disease
•osteoporosis, osteomalacia
•growth disorders
•be taking lithium
•suffer from diarrhea
•being lactose or sucrose intolerant
•It is also not recommended to take Topamax by pregnant or lactating women, as this drug can cause fetal harm or be excreted through breast milk.
Likewise, you should never drink alcohol while you are being treated with Topamax, as the side effects can be very serious.
Side effects of Topamax
Different side effects derived from taking Topamax have been described, so you should go or notify your doctor quickly if you feel any of the symptoms described below:
•Allergic reactions such as difficulty breathing, hives, swelling of the face, tongue, lips, or throat.
•Sudden changes in mood or behavior
•Anxiety and/or panic attacks
•Difficulty to sleep
•Irritation, agitation, and hyperactivity (mentally or physically)
•Depression or thoughts of killing yourself or hurting yourself
•Numbness or tingling in the extremities
•Headache, tiredness, dizziness, or drowsiness
•Changes in taste
•Nausea, diarrhea, indigestion, stomach pain, loss of appetite or weight
•Quick back and forth movements in your eyes.
Likewise, it should be noted that these are not only the adverse effects that Topamax can cause, so you should consult your doctor in case of any other type of alteration or symptom.
This article is merely informative, we do not have the power to prescribe any medical treatment or make any type of diagnosis.
We invite you to go to a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
18 benefits of peanuts during pregnancy
Discover the 18 benefits of peanuts during pregnancy.
Peanuts during pregnancy can be very beneficial for future mothers and their fetuses. Peanuts are not only delicious, but they are also packed with vitamins, minerals, and other natural compounds that are great for pregnancy, which you can’t miss.
You must remember that pregnancy is a wonderful gift that only women can experience.
Being pregnant is like a noble job ordained directly by God for women, something that men could not do on their own. During pregnancy, the fetus magically grows inside the woman’s womb until the baby is born into the world.
To ensure the optimal development of the fetus before it is born, mothers must consume highly nutritious food because it is the only way the fetus can obtain food.
When it comes to the list of foods that mothers should consume during pregnancy, the list will be endless, but you could consider the benefits of peanuts during pregnancy, as peanuts
Peanut Nutritional Values
Peanuts are considered a healthy snack. However, this does not mean that you can consume without knowing the nutrients that peanuts contain.
By knowing the nutrients contained in peanuts, you can measure the number of peanuts needed during pregnancy, since surely the needs of each one are different from those of others.
Serving Size: 100 grams
Energy 567 kcal – 29%.
Carbohydrates 16.13 g – 12%.
Protein 25.8g – 46%.
Total fat 49.24 g – 165%.
Dietary fiber 8.5g – 22%.
Folate 240 µg – 60%.
Niacin 12mg – 75%.
Pantothenic acid 1,767 mg – 35%.
Pyridoxine 0.348 mg – 27%.
Riboflavin 0.135 mg – 10%.
Thiamine 0.64 mg – 53%.
Vitamin E 8.33mg – 55%.
Calcium 92mg – 9%.
Copper 1,144 mg – 127%.
Iron 4.58mg – 57%.
Magnesium 168mg – 42%.
Manganese 1,934 mg – 84%.
Phosphorus 76 mg – 54%.
Selenium 7.2 µg – 13%.
Zinc 3.27mg – 30%.
Sodium 18mg
Potassium 705mg – 15%.
From the table above, surely you have a general idea of the number of peanuts you could consume daily.
The key is to consume it in moderation, but sometimes it is necessary to ensure that the daily intake of a certain nutrient can be met to ensure optimal development of the fetus.
18 Benefits of Peanut During Pregnancy
Below are the benefits of peanuts during pregnancy that will give you reasons why you should add this healthy and delicious snack to your daily diet.
1.- Excellent source of folate
During pregnancy it is highly recommended to consume foods rich in folate and peanuts are one of them.
For every 100 grams of peanuts, approximately 60% of the daily intake of folate could be covered. It is common knowledge that folate is essential for fetal development, especially early in the trimester.
2.- Natural source of vegetable protein
Protein is essential for a mother during pregnancy and 100 grams of peanuts contains enough protein to meet the daily intake.
3.- Prevents birth defects
The birth defect can occur when the development of the fetus is disturbed or when there are insufficient nutrients to support development.
Peanuts are packed with vitamins and minerals that are great for pregnancy like folate to support optimal growth and minerals like iron and calcium to make sure there is enough red blood cell stock.
4.- Promotes optimal brain development
It is great food for the brain. During pregnancy, the fetus receives nourishment from the mother, and the folate consumed by the mother is not only beneficial to the mother, but also the developing brain of the fetus.
If you want to have a healthy and smart baby, eat peanuts during pregnancy.
5.- Source of calories for the mother
Each mother’s calorie needs may be different, but calories are essential for increased energy.
During pregnancy, a mother may suffer from fatigue and get tired easily. To help boost energy, peanuts can help restore it.
6.- Contains healthy fats
Not all fats are bad and peanuts do contain some healthy fats that are great for the mother during pregnancy.
Healthy fats are great for promoting a healthy heart, as mothers are at high risk for high blood pressure during pregnancy.
7.- Reduces the risk of allergic diseases
Recent studies have indicated that mothers who consume peanuts during pregnancy may reduce the risk of allergic diseases.
Not only allergic foods such as peanuts but also other types of allergies such as asthma.
8.- Helps control blood pressure
High blood pressure during pregnancy could be fatal for both the mother and the fetus. That is why it is very important to always keep your blood pressure under control.
To help control blood pressure, adding peanuts to your daily diet is highly recommended because basically, peanuts are great for your heart.
9.- Prevents gestational diabetes
On the table, it was seen that peanuts are quite rich in manganese. This mineral has an important role in regulating blood sugar levels during pregnancy to prevent gestational diabetes. Additionally, manganese also promotes optimal calcium absorption.
10.- Fight depression
During pregnancy, the mother is at risk of stress and depression. Well, some studies have shown that mothers who eat peanuts are much happier than those who don’t. So whenever she feels stressed, she snacks on peanuts.
11.- Decreases the risk of weight gain
Obesity during pregnancy is never good for both mother and baby. That’s why managing your weight is so important peanuts, while they do contain fat and calories, fats are healthy fats and packed with other nutrients that may help you control calories.
12.- Promotes skin health during pregnancy
One of the problems that every mother has to deal with during pregnancy is the skin problem.
Although they are prohibited from using cosmetics due to their chemical content, they could manage their skin problem just by consuming peanuts. Vitamin E and antioxidants will help prevent all skin conditions.
13.- Source of vitamin E
Vitamin E is the reason why a pregnant mother should look good. Vitamin E promotes skin health and makes sure that there is no such skin condition that the mother has to face.
Therefore, they could focus on her pregnancy instead of giving birth to a healthy baby.
14.- Great source of omega 3 fatty acids
If you think that fish is not your friend during pregnancy but you know that you need a great source of omega 3 fatty acids, you could replace fish with peanuts because they contain quite high healthy fats.
15.- Excellent source of vitamin B complex
In the table above you can see the high content of vitamin B found in peanuts per 100 grams. Most of them could satisfy almost half of the daily intake of vitamin B.
16.- Contains powerful antioxidants
Antioxidants are not only a solution against cancer, but during pregnancy, antioxidants could help the mother to maintain her immune system so that she doesn’t get sick easily.
17.- Rich in minerals
Looking for a quick fix to meet your daily mineral intake during pregnancy, peanuts are the answer.
You could see the nutritional table above about the value of minerals found in peanuts. 100 grams of peanuts are capable of satisfying half of the daily intake of minerals that your body needs.
18.- Super healthy sandwich
Well, during pregnancy you need to make sure that you consume enough food to ensure the optimal development of the fetus. Add peanuts to your daily diet because they are the super healthy snack that everyone loves.
Peanut Precautions
Peanuts may be packed with vitamins, minerals, and other natural compounds that are beneficial during pregnancy.
The list of benefits of peanuts during pregnancy mentioned above are scientifically proven facts. However, there are still some precautions about peanuts that you should be aware of as well.
Allergic reaction is one of the common things that can happen when peanuts are consumed. If a mother has ever been diagnosed as allergic to peanuts, she should not eat them.
Some studies also claim, that too many peanuts consumed during pregnancy could increase the risk of allergic reaction to the baby when they were born. Therefore, it is better to consume it in moderate amounts.
Peanut butter can be delicious, but it is recommended to consume it in its real form, as peanut butter has been through some processing and care must be taken with the amount of refined sugar in peanut butter.
Be careful with salty peanut snacks too because they can be delicious to eat during pregnancy, but salt contains sodium that could increase your blood pressure level. High blood pressure during pregnancy can be fatal.
Peanuts are healthy snacks that mothers can add to their daily diet, especially in the early stages of pregnancy when morning sickness is at its worst.
Just by eating peanuts as a snack, you could at least ensure that the baby inside your womb is still getting the nutrients that she needs to develop.
However, you need to keep in mind the precautions mentioned above if you want to reap the full benefits of peanuts during pregnancy and not the other way around.
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