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15 Benefits Of Drinking Lemon water on an empty stomach



Discover the 15 Benefits Of Drinking Lemon Water on an empty stomach.

There are some good health benefits of drinking lemon water on an empty stomach. Of course, some myths prohibit consuming some sour fruits in the early morning.

However, there is some research showing that fruits can lead them to optimize benefits on an empty stomach. Therefore, there should be no harm in consuming the lemon water on an empty stomach in the morning.

Benefits of drinking lemon water on an empty stomach

As mentioned above, lemon water brings many benefits. Therefore, it is good to consume every day to get the best result.

Also, the health benefits of drinking lemon water on an empty stomach in the morning are detailed below:

1.- Rich in vitamin C

One of the main benefits of drinking lemon water on an empty stomach is the high content of vitamin C.

Therefore, it is a good way to meet the needs of vitamin C in the body. How vitamin C will work to optimize health. Also, the high content of vitamin C can treat various illnesses and lead to a faster recovery time.

2.- Immune booster

The vitamin C content within lemon water can help to provide a better immune system for the body. Mainly for children, it is good to have immunity.

Therefore, consuming lemon water will benefit the body to obtain the immune booster in a faster way. Since the vitamin C within the lemon water will work quickly absorbed by the body once the drink is fully consumed.

3.- Avoid certain diseases

The other benefit of being high in vitamin C is avoiding the possibility of getting an infection from bacteria and viruses.

Therefore, it can be a good natural way to avoid the possibility of any infection and disease. In addition, it will help optimize well-being and improve health conditions.

4.- Antioxidant

Lemon water is also high in antioxidants. Therefore, it is one of the antioxidant agents that benefit to treat the problem of free radicals.

As the air pollutant in the environment is quite high, the antioxidant effect can lead to avoiding this effect. Therefore, it is another way to protect the body from harmful effects such as cancer.

5.- Younger look

The antioxidant will also work to result in a more youthful appearance of the face and body.

That is why lemon water is also used as a treatment for many women in reducing stretch marks and signs of early aging.

6.- Healthy skin

The vitamin within lemon water is also good for providing healthier skin. Hence, it will help to avoid skin infections like eczema. Also, it will help reduce acne on the face. This can also lead to smoother skin.

7.- Energy Booster

A glass of warm lemon water will boost energy. Since it works to adjust the energy process change of food.

Therefore, the energy level will increase suddenly. This makes lemon water also good for supporting daily activities.

8.- Improves metabolic rate

The benefits of drinking lemon water on an empty stomach are also good for improving the body’s metabolic rate. As we mentioned before, you can optimize the process of converting food to energy.

Hence, it results in a faster metabolic rate and helps improve the body’s system to provide more energy.

9.- Digestive aid

Another health benefit of drinking water with lemon on an empty stomach is its functionality as a digestive aid.

Mainly for those who experience digestive problems. Since you will achieve a better bowel movement for rapid digestion. So it will work to optimize the summary system.

10.- Weight loss

As one of the benefits is increased metabolic rate and a fixing digest, this can lead to weight loss.

This makes lemon water the morning drink of choice. Many women apply this habit to reduce weight. In addition, it is also good for weight control.

11.- Detoxification

The mineral content of lemon water is a good natural way to detoxify the body. It will help the liver to cleanse the toxin within the body.

Since the body absorbs various toxins from the food or pollutant. So drink warm lemon water in the morning and you will flush out the toxin throughout the day.

12.- Revitalize

Through a glass of warm lemon water, it will help revitalize the body. It can provide a better sense of well-being and helps speed recovery. Mainly if you have any feelings of discomfort. Lemon water will work to restore health.

13.- Avoid dehydration

Lemon water also contains high water that will help meet the body’s fluid needs. So it can be another way to avoid dehydration. Also, it will prevent thirst and bring fresh throat.

14.- Maintains PH Balance

Lemon water is also good for balancing the PH of the body. It will alter the pH content within the body. Therefore, it is a good way to keep the body system working well.

15.- Adjust and relieve pain

The benefits of drinking lemon water on an empty stomach will also help alleviate certain ailments.

Especially if you have a little cold or fever. The immunity-enhancing vitamin C within the lemon will increase the body’s ability to soothe.

Lemon nutrient content

Lemon is one of the fruits that are rich in vitamin C content. Therefore, it will bring many benefits when consumed daily.

Additionally, lemon water is currently a diet that supports the belief that daily lemon water can work for weight loss. Hence, this fruit becomes popular with many women trying to reduce their weight.

Not to mention the antioxidant content which is also good for numerous benefits. This makes the lemon fruit one of the favorite fruits on the market.

In Indonesia, there are generally two types of lemon. The local lemon looks smaller and the imported lemon that the shape is larger. However, they both taste the same.

The nutrient content also in the same way. In a glass of lemon water or about 250 ml, it contains about 29 calories, 1.1 g of protein, 9.3 g of carbohydrates, 2.5 g of sugar, 2.8 g of fiber, high vitamin C, and several minerals.

In addition, consuming a glass of lemon water will supply 89% of the daily water requirement based on the 2000 calorie daily diet number. Regarding this fact, it is proven that lemon water is rich in various nutrients for the body.

Serving the lemon water

There are several ways to consume lemon water. Mainly early in the morning. Not all people love the taste of sour lemon.

So they find some ways to improve the taste but still healthy enough for the body. If you’re curious, here are some ways to serve warm lemon water on an empty stomach in the morning.

1.- Honey

This is a common way to mix warm lemon water with honey. The combination of these ingredients will lead to a strong immune system.

2.- Ginger

Another way is to put a little ginger in the lemon water. Not only is it warm on the body, but it is also a natural antibiotic that can help alleviate various infections. Therefore, for lovers of natural medication, it is a good choice to do.

3.- Black pepper

Some people prefer to add a little black pepper to the lemon water. Therefore, the water will taste a bit hot and hot. This will benefit the body and help prevent inflammation.

4.- Turmeric

A traditional method is to mix lemon water with turmeric. This is not quite common, but it helps to harness the digestive system. Therefore, this method can be a good method to test.

5.- Apple cider vinegar

Another way is to add the lemon water with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. It brings many benefits to the body system. Therefore, it is also common to do it in western countries.

Side effects of lemon water on an empty stomach

Although lemon water is rich in benefits, various side effects can also occur. Therefore, if you plan to consume lemon water daily, mainly on an empty stomach, it is better to consult the following recommendation:

• Make sure you don’t have digestive problems that have to do with sour food. Otherwise, skip this habit and switch to another nutritious food or drink.

• People during any medical treatment should avoid consuming the water to avoid any possibility of the medications interfering with the water.

• A pregnant woman suggested avoiding drinking to avoid the worst morning sickness, especially during the first semester, which is usually easier to catch vomiting.

• If you experience any allergy symptoms, such as itching or redness of the skin, it is best to stop consuming the water until the allergy symptoms are over.

• In case you experience dizziness or nausea, it is best to stop consuming the water immediately.

The health benefits of drinking lemon water on an empty stomach have been shown to bring many benefits to the body’s system. However, some conditions require a specific intention before consuming the water.

Therefore, always check the health condition before consuming anything. Also, always combine food and drink with other healthy habit, like sports, and get enough sleep. This will lead to the best health outcome that can be achieved.


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10 Benefits of long bell peppers




Discover the 10 health benefits of long bell peppers.

The long peppers may sound unfamiliar to some, but not in the ears of the Javanese. In Java, it is also known as Javanese pepper, with the scientific name of Piper Retrofractum Vahl.

It is considered as a spice and is commonly used for jamu, which is an Indonesian traditional herbal drink, hence its nickname is “cabe jamu” or jamu pepper.

If you want to learn more about long peppers, you are absolutely on the right track! For your information, long peppers grow at a maximum altitude of 600 m with 1,259 mm/year of rain. Anyway, what exactly is a long pepper?

Long peppers are also known as Balinese pepper or Indian pepper, following their original roots in South Asia, particularly India and Sri Lanka.

In India, long peppers are called ‘pippali’. Long peppers have four main functions, especially as a home remedy, cooking ingredient, medicinal herb, and catalyst to enhance the effects of other herbs.

The benefits of Javanese long peppers are somewhat similar to the health benefits of Indian long peppers.

Just as their scientific name suggests, long peppers contain piperine. Piperine is an alkaloid that works as a stimulant for poor blood circulation. Piperine is also found in black pepper and is also responsible for making both of them spicy.

Now here is the main question; Do long peppers have other uses besides being spices and a cooking ingredient? Yes, it does, and here are the health benefits of long pepper.

10 health benefits of long bell peppers

1.- Good for liver ailments

• Liver disease arises from our habit of indulging in unhealthy junk foods.

• At the end of the day, the liver becomes overworked.

• Long bell peppers balance the liver’s workload by removing toxins that have built up in the liver and that have been produced by digesting these types of foods.

• Here are also the best quick way to detox the liver after several years of drinking.

2.- Helps to lose weight

• The long pepper can burn fatty acids similar to other types of pepper without any side effects.

• In fact, it is considered a safer and healthier alternative compared to its clinical counterparts.

3.- Reduces the risk of diabetes

• Like the health benefits of red rice for diabetics, long bell peppers help alleviate diabetes by regulating the rate of glucose released into the blood system.

• Long peppers also stimulate insulin production.

• That is the main reason why long pepper is highly recommended for diabetic patients.

4.- Decreases bacterial infection

• The risk of bacterial infection may incline as the daily temperature increases.

• Unhygienic food, as well as unsterile water, can be prone to bacterial infection, causing an upset stomach.

• Long peppers can be used to counter these occurrences.

5.- Serves as a cough treatment

Long peppers treat a cough by making it a simple remedy. This is how you do it:

Step 1: Take 1 to 2 grams of the spice and fry it with a little ghee. Ghee is a kind of Indian butter.

Step 2: Bring it in while it cools.

If ghee is not available, you can use honey instead.

6.- Relieves indigestion

• The content of long peppers is capable of curing digestive problems.

7.- Decrease fever

• The antiseptic and antiseptic properties of long pepper can reduce fever or relax the throat.

• You can easily reduce a fever by mixing long pepper with a hot bowl of soup.

8.- Relieves toothache

• You can also cure a toothache by making a paste with pepper, salt, and water.

9.- Cure diarrhea

• Diarrhea can be cured by consuming a long pepper soup.

10.- Relieves asthma

• Long peppers are an alternative to relieve occasional asthma attacks and other asthma symptoms.

• However, you should not use it as a substitute for respiratory medicine.

How to use long peppers for traditional cures

About the previous pointers on the health benefits of long pepper, here are the simple recipes to make your long pepper remedy.

1.- To lower the fever

• Step 1 – Prepare 3g of dried long peppers

• Step 2 – Smooth until it reaches its softest state.

• Step 3: Infuse with hot water and consume.

• Despite its hot taste, it is suitable for both children and adults.

2.- It is a cure for toothache

• Step 1 – Prepare 3 long pepper leaves

• Step 2: squash them, but not to their smoothest shape.

• Step 3: prepare it in warm water

• Step 4: Use the gargle formula. Do it regularly until the toothache is completely gone.

3.- To overcome «Masuk Angin»

Masuk angin is an Indonesian term to describe the uneven distribution of gases within the body characterized by cold-like symptoms.

It has no direct translation into English, and no specific knowledge of this ‘disease’, therefore making ‘masuk angin’ is a large loose term. Long peppers can be treated ‘masuk angin’ by following this simple formula:

• Step 1 – Prepare 3g of long peppers, some brown sugar, ginger, and “temulawak” (Curcuma Zanthorrhiza).

• Step 2 – Boil until everything is softened and add warm water.

• Step 3 – Drink that formula while it’s still hot.

4.- Prevents abdominal spasm

• Step 1: Take 3 long pepper leaves and add a glass of water.

• Step 2: Boil both of them fully and let them cool for a while.

• Step 3: consume completely.

5.- Clean the postpartum ovary

• Step 1: Prepare 3 grams of long pepper roots.

• Step 2: Add warm water and bring to a full boil.

• Step 3 – Filter the water when you are done.

• Step 4: Consume the boiled water until done. It is suggested to consume it while it is still hot.

Those are just the healthy creations you can make with long bell peppers. The recipes are not proprietary so you can easily adjust them to better suit your preferences or requirements.

However, it is still highly recommended that you follow exactly what is written above. In addition to the long bell pepper uses listed above, there will be more below, however, the ones below are not specifically categorized by disease.

Generic long pepper recipe

Step 1 – Boil 150cc of water.

• Step 2 – Make it with 4 grams of pepper powder.

• Step 3: Consume while hot to get your maximum benefit.

If there are still long pepper powders left, you can also use them like this:

• Fill it inside the capsules for consumption at any time.

• Apply the powders directly to the affected area for toothache.

• Use it to treat swollen gums.

• In addition to health, long peppers are equally useful for planting and soil fertility.

• Thirty-eight uses of long peppers can be obtained by using them in a “jamu” or a traditional herbal drink, which has the potential to cure practically everything but the insecticide.

• Long pepper does not work with insecticide because it kills the reaction of the insecticide inside the plants.

Those are just the top long pepper health benefits that may sound unfamiliar to you, especially among the youngest these days. Either way, hope it helps!

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