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6 Benefits of ice bath and side effects



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Discover the 6 benefits of ice bath and side effects.

Some would never dare to try an ice bath, but some consider ice baths to be a very important part of recovery after exercise.

More and more high-level sports facilities already have specific areas for this practice. So should you incorporate this technique into your exercise routine?

In this article, we will see the benefits of ice baths, for which people it is most suitable, some tips to keep in mind, and its possible side effects.

Benefits of the ice bath

1. Ice baths help the recovery process

After exercising, the body pumps out oxygen and detoxifies itself. Specifically, it removes compounds such as lactic acid, which cause fatigue and pain.

Lactic acid is created after the breakdown of glucose in the body, and the more intense the exercise, the more lactic acid is created.

An ice bath causes blood vessels to constrict, helping the body drain lactic acid. They also reduce swelling. When you get out of the ice water, the blood vessels widen again and let a rush of “fresh” blood through. This blood contains higher levels of oxygen, which can accelerate the recovery of worked muscles.

2. Limits the inflammatory response

Cooling down muscles after exercise can reduce the muscle inflammatory response by causing vasoconstriction, thus limiting the volume of blood flow to the muscles.

Ultimately, this effect can blunt the effects of DOMS, meaning you’re less likely to experience significant muscle soreness and stiffness post-workout.

3. Reduces the effects of heat and humidity

Taking an ice bath before a race in hot and humid conditions can help boost performance.

The human body does not perform at its best when it is too hot or too cold, and this technique helps to lower the body temperature before exercise, thus helping with homeostasis and regulation of body temperature during the race, also helping to improve the performance afterward.

4. Acts as temporary pain relief

The cold of an ice bath can acutely relieve soreness and pain simply by “making the body feel good” by releasing endorphins. This is not a long-term tactic, but it can be of great help if you want acute relief from muscle pain.

5. Boosts metabolism and immune system

The increased metabolism of ice baths is associated with the increased metabolic energy that must be expended to raise and maintain body temperature, and this effect can last long after the bath itself.

There are also studies suggesting that ice baths and cold water therapy can help boost your immune system, although more research is still needed in this area.

6. Helps sleep better

Ice baths help lower body temperature and facilitate the release of melatonin, two factors that contribute to quality sleep. This method can be especially effective during the hotter months to cool down before bed.

How long should an ice bath last for recovery?

Experts suggest that spending about 10 minutes in a tub of cold water should be enough, with about 15 minutes being the limit.

Do not be more than 15 minutes, because the blood vessels shouldn’t be tense for so long. For the ice bath to be effective, it should be taken about 20 minutes after training.

Who should use ice baths?

People who engage in intense workouts regularly can benefit from an ice bath. If you feel fatigued or have muscle weakness, taking an ice bath after you exercise might help.

Athletes who do intense training before a competition or match often find that ice baths can help prevent loss of strength and power before the event.

If you are a casual athlete or train at a low intensity, it is unlikely that you will feel the effects of an ice bath.

Can an ice bath replace a protein shake?

While an ice bath helps the recovery process in terms of detoxification and oxygenation of the muscles, it does not do the same thing as a protein shake.

Protein shakes provide protein to muscles to help gain muscle mass and speed up the repair of micro-tears in muscle tissue. Of course, both things complement each other.

Tips for taking an ice bath

Start gradually

If you think ice baths could help you achieve your goals, but you’re not sure you can handle the cold, you can always increase the intensity progressively.

For starters, you can try taking a cold shower or massaging your muscles with ice for 10-20 minutes after exercise.

When you’re ready to try a proper ice bath, fill a bathtub halfway with cold water. Next, empty about 2-3 large grocery store ice bags.

Don’t submerge your whole body on the first try. You can try submerging your legs or try sitting in the bathtub with water up to your waist. You can try it after an intense leg workout to get the most out of its benefits.

After you have tried several times, gradually submerge your body in the tub until you can stand the water up to your neck. Do not submerge your head at any time.


For maximum benefit, the ice bath should be taken within 20 minutes of exercise. The optimal duration of the bath is 10 minutes, and the time limit underwater is 15 minutes before it begins to be unsafe for health.

skin exposure

Wearing a wetsuit would be redundant because it would keep you insulated from the cold and keep you warm. The skin must be fully exposed to the ice water to take full advantage of the benefits of the ice bath.


The optimum temperature for an ice bath is around 10 degrees Celsius, although some sources cite a range of 2 to 16 degrees Celsius as also effective.

Does it have side effects?


Overexposure to ice baths can cause adverse effects such as hypothermia and frostbite, so there is a recommended time limit for this methodology.

Risk for people with high blood pressure

If you have an underlying medical condition, you should consult your doctor before trying things like ice baths.

Some studies suggest that an ice bath can increase blood pressure, which can lead to heart problems in hypertensive people.

However, some studies also suggest that only a modest acute rise in diastolic blood pressure occurs, so the risk should be minimal.

Risk for diabetics

There are times when poor blood circulation is associated with diabetes, so ice baths may not be a very good idea, as they can dangerously limit blood circulation to the extremities. If you suffer from diabetes you should consult your doctor before trying ice baths.


Ice baths can be an effective recovery method, but should not be used to compensate for lack of sleep, diet, or training. They are simply one more tool in our toolbox to improve exercise practice.

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Benefits of hyaluronic acid for acne




benefits of hyaluronic acid for acne

Discover the benefits of hyaluronic acid for acne.

In most acne scars there is a loss of skin volume ( atrophy ), which gives the area where they form a depressed or “engraved” appearance.

This atrophy is the product of a  lack of hyaluronic acid and collagen in the dermis, the intermediate part of the skin, responsible for giving the turgidity, volume, and elasticity of healthy skin.

Methods of treatment

There are different  methods to treat atrophic scars, which we could classify into two different groups according to their speed of action:

· Immediate effect.  They are called fillers, biocompatible substances that can be injected into the skin to give volume to areas that have lost it.

Among them, those of hyaluronic acid, polylactic acid, or calcium hydroxyapatite stand out among others. Its turgid effect is immediate, filling cavities, furrows, and atrophic areas of the skin with very natural results. The duration of these materials is limited, so periodically (every  6 – 18 months ) it is common to practice a new session.

· Delayed effect.  It implies that they promote the synthesis of collagen and ground substance of the dermis. It is worth mentioning the fractional lasers  (ablative or non-ablative) and the intermediate and deep peels.

The main advantage of these methods is that their effect is permanent once the optimal point of improvement has been reached, which is not immediate but after practicing several sessions of the procedure.

Hyaluronic acid is indicated in the treatment of atrophic,  depressed, and ice-pick acne scars. There are different densities of hyaluronic acid, designed to treat different forms of atrophy or loss of volume.

For the treatment of moderate or ice pick acne scars, it is useful to use low and intermediate densities; and to recover a large volume in especially atrophic areas, it is possible to use higher densities to cover the maximum repertoire of defects.

The main advantages of using hyaluronic acid lie in its immediate action, its durability, its biocompatibility, and its minimal allergenic potential. This molecule can fill in atrophic scars, providing optimal volume immediately and in the short term, promoting collagen synthesis in the long run.

In this way, the irregularity on the surface of the skin is substantially reduced after the application of hyaluronic acid, improving the overall appearance of the skin in the treated area.

Another positive aspect of using hyaluronic acid is that it usually only requires a  single application session. Likewise, fillers are one of the best tolerated aesthetic procedures since they have a  minimal rate of adverse effects and the pain caused is minimal if a precise technique is followed. Slight erythema  (redness) that lasts 2-4 hours after the procedure is common and can be reduced with the application of cold compresses.

According to studies published by Halachmi et al, the satisfaction rate and results in patients with atrophic acne scars and ice pick treated with hyaluronic acid are excellent.

The only limiting aspect of hyaluronic acid fillers is their duration. This molecule is naturally degraded in the skin, its effect persisting for   6-18 months depending on the density of hyaluronic acid used and the indication for which it has been applied.

Specifically, for acne scars, the duration of hyaluronic acid is the maximum possible, since it is retained within the fibrosis that partitions the scars. It should be remembered that, in the long term, this molecule favors the synthesis of collagen, so that the perceptible effect is progressively more durable as different sessions are carried out.


What is the main indication of hyaluronic acid in acne scars?

Its main effect is to fill in depressed scars and regularize the appearance of the skin surface.

When is the effect of hyaluronic acid noticeable?

The effect of hyaluronic acid is immediate and noticeable at the end of its application. Over a week or so, the hyaluronic acid settles in the applied area and the surface where it has been applied progressively becomes even more regular.

How is hyaluronic acid applied?

The procedure is performed in the  Dermatology consultation through microinjections applied under the scars to be treated. An anesthetic cream is usually used before the session and it is very tolerable, with minimal discomfort.

How many hyaluronic acid sessions are needed to treat facial acne scars?

In general, if they are not very deep or extensive,  one is enough.

How is the face after doing the filling session?

The corrective effect of hyaluronic acid is immediate. At the end of the session, most atrophic and depressed scars have recovered all or part of their lost volume. Immediately after the session, it is usual to see some redness in the treated areas and slight swelling, which usually lasts between 2-4 hours.

It is possible, although infrequent, that during the procedure a  minimal punctual hematoma may appear in an injection area, which will disappear spontaneously over a week or so.

Is it a painful procedure?

Filling with hyaluronic acid after application of anesthetic cream is one of the most well-tolerated and appreciated aesthetic procedures, with an excellent satisfaction rate for the patient.

Can fillers be combined with other acne scar treatments?

Yes.  They can be used concomitantly with ablative/non-ablative peels or lasers, or even botulinum toxin if desired. It is recommended, yes, to carry them out in different sessions.

Is the effect of hyaluronic acid definitive?

No.  Although with each session there is a certain accumulation of the effect due to the collagen synthesis promoted by hyaluronic acid, it is advisable to perform a filler every  6-18 months depending on the indication and the area to be treated.

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