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10 benefits of activated charcoal and side effects



charcoal juice benefits

Discover the 10 shocking health benefits of activated charcoal and activated charcoal pills.

There’s something to be said for the popularity of detox, whether it’s skincare products or juice cleansers, wherever you look there is a new way to do it, perhaps that’s why, is that, the benefits of activated charcoal.

Activated doesn’t sound like something you’d like to have in or on your body, but there’s a reason people are using it.

That reason? The detox factor.

Activated charcoal has a variety of popular uses – it can be used to relieve bloating and gas, cleanse hair and skin, treat bug bites and minor infections, and even whiten teeth. But how do you take it?

Is it mixed with liquid? Taken as a pill? These are the best ways to use it safely to benefit your health.

Using activated charcoal to promote better health is a popular and successful approach to natural healing, but there are some potential side effects to be aware of, based on how popular it has become as a natural way.

To remove toxins from the body, here is how you can take full advantage of the benefits of activated charcoal.

10 shocking health benefits of activated charcoal

Health benefits of activated charcoal

The most important health benefits of activated charcoal pills include its ability to whiten teeth, improve oral health, cure hangovers, improve skin health, reduce inflammation, and improve cardiovascular function, among many others.

1.- Benefits of activated charcoal for upset stomach

If you are taking activated charcoal to straighten your stomach discomfort, there are a few options;

You can take activated charcoal in pill, liquid, or powder form. (Your best option: tablet or capsule form).

The tablets may be cheaper, but keep in mind that you can open the capsules and use powdered charcoal for other purposes.

It is suggested that you drink plenty of water when taking activated charcoal supplements, to avoid constipation.

Take them between meals, when your stomach is emptier and stays that way for a while, so the supplements don’t deplete the vitamins and nutrients you want.

Supplements loaded with the benefits of activated charcoal should not be taken daily like a vitamin, only when necessary, follow the directions on the bottle carefully, they will generally advise two capsules between meals.

2.- May remove stains from your teeth

Buying activated charcoal powder is probably the cheapest way to go.

Because it weighs very little and goes a long way, buying it once should have you covered for a good stretch, you can use the activated charcoal powder to remove plaque and whiten your teeth during the process.

It is not pretty while you are wearing it, but once the treatment is over, you will be glad you tried it.

You don’t need a special toothbrush, a regular one will do just fine.

It is best to have at least two toothbrushes at this point since frequent use of activated charcoal tends to damage the brush cells.

To get a thick consistency that you can use on your toothbrush, you should mix a sensible amount of water with a little bit of activated charcoal powder (you are probably looking at 1 or 2 empty capsules).

Brush your teeth gently or even just dab the mixture on your teeth.

Wait three minutes before rinsing and you will see how much you can achieve with the benefits of activated charcoal.

For a faster route, add an empty activated charcoal capsule to a natural toothpaste of your choice and brush as usual.

Rinse well after brushing.

One option that works without a toothbrush is to use equal parts water and powdered charcoal (about a teaspoon should do this) and mix, swirl the mixture in your mouth for a minute, then hold it in your mouth for about five more and you will see.

what the health benefits of activated charcoal will do for your teeth.

Activated charcoal is odorless and almost tasteless, but it is gritty so it can be a bit of an adjustment to get used to.

3.- Benefits of activated charcoal for skin

You can buy skin products and hair care products activated with the health benefits of activated charcoal, including pore treatments and scrubs, at larger pharmacies and health food stores.

But, if you want to make your own, the same powder you bought to whiten your teeth will do a lot for your skin and hair.

Here are some ways to test the benefits of activated charcoal for your skin and hair:

• Make a clarifying mask: Add a teaspoon (5 milligrams) of powdered activated charcoal to warm or lukewarm water, until a paste forms.

Next, add a teaspoon of honey (5 milliliters) or aloe gel and apply a thin layer of the mixture to your face. Rinse after five to 10 minutes.

• Add a detoxifying element to shampoo: Add a teaspoon (5 milliliters) or a capsule of activated charcoal to the regular amount of shampoo you use; wash and rinse as usual.

For light hair, an additional rinse will remove the charcoal discoloration.

• Get a deep cleanse with a scrub: You can add activated charcoal powder (2-3 empty capsules for this purpose) to your regular body scrub and use as directed.

Please note that activated charcoal benefits are not recommended for daily use, but should be used as you would any other deep-cleaning product.

Do not use it on dry hair or skin as activated charcoal is dehydrating and you don’t want to lose any more moisture.

When trying a new product, do a test first to make sure the product doesn’t stain, however, not to worry, an activated charcoal hair product that leaves color behind should be washed with regular shampoo and still have benefits for your hair and scalp.

Activated charcoal powder can also be used to create a paste to treat minor wounds, skin irritations, allergic reactions, insect bites, and stings, and to remove minor infections (when mixed with baking soda).

For more severe cases, seek medical treatment.

4.- Hangovers

When you drink too much alcohol, the buildup of toxins in your body increases greatly, which can lead to hangover symptoms.

However, drinking a suspension of activated charcoal can help speed up the release of those toxins and make your hangovers a little more bearable.

5.- May improve cardiovascular health

Numerous studies have found that regular use of activated charcoal benefits helps lower cholesterol parallels overall, and may raise HDL (good cholesterol) cholesterol horizons.

This can reduce your risk of atherosclerosis, heart attacks, strokes, and coronary heart disease.

6.- Activated charcoal for  poison

In traditional use, activated charcoal was often used to relieve poisoning in the moments after a toxin was ingested.

If taken quickly enough, this charcoal is believed to be able to absorb the venom before it can be digested or enters the bloodstream, thus avoiding a life-threatening dose.

7.- Anti-aging

The toxins and chemicals that remain in the body will inevitably cause inflammation and strain on the immune system.

In this way, the health benefits of activated charcoal act as an antioxidant and protect the body from this chronic stress, which can prevent wrinkles, blemishes, and age spots.

8.- Activated charcoal for stomach

Activated charcoal is an ideal supplement to a digestive cleansing diet, as it will stop adding more toxins to your system, while also helping to eliminate those that are already present.

9.- Benefits of activated charcoal for kidney

The kidneys are a key component in the body’s detoxification processes, and when it comes to kidney health, using this activated charcoal can lower your chances of kidney disease.

10.- Benefits of activated charcoal for Inflammation

When applied topically to the skin, particularly on insect bites, activated charcoal can reduce inflammation and prevent infection.

Before you rush out to try this, remember that activated charcoal has many health benefits, but it is not a wonder drug.

Claims that activated charcoal can cleanse your system, increase your heart health, and make you live longer are not supported by clinical research at this time.

Many swear that it is the hangover cure the world has been waiting for and will even suggest it for food poisoning and worse types of chemical poisoning, but until these claims are proven, we recommend that you keep your intake of activated charcoal in a moderate amount when Try it first.

Uses of activated charcoal

Activated charcoal has many uses and applications. Some of the most popular include:

• Cleaning the mold

• Air purifier

• Eliminate fish smell syndrome

Activated charcoal dosage

If you want to start using activated charcoal, it is important that you only consume it in safe doses under medical supervision.

Depending on the purpose of using this substance, your dose of this may differ.

• Tablet / Capsule –  For general purposes, adults should not consume more than 250mg in capsule or tablet form.

• Liquid:  when this substance is consumed in a liquid suspension, the dose can range between 25 and 50 grams.

When used for poison removal, the dose will be considerably higher.

Side effects of activated charcoal

While this substance can be very beneficial to overall health, there are some potential side effects to be aware of, such as:

• Stomach problems

• Discoloration of your tongue

• Constipation

• Throwing up

• Diarrhea

What is Activated Charcoal ?

Activated carbon is a form of carbon that has been processed to decrease pore size and increase surface area, in addition to providing a negative charge on the substance.

It can be made from various substances, but it is usually one or a combination of coconut shells, olive pits, bone charcoal, peat, or sawdust, among others.

This substance is meant to trap toxins and waste products, without being absorbed or broken down by the body.

At that point, the carbon can pass through the body and be excreted as waste.

While eating regular charcoal briquettes would be dangerous and ineffective, this is a different type of charcoal that is safe to consume, it is best to use natural sources of this charcoal, such as coconut shells, the surface of this charcoal is slightly charged.

Activated charcoal generally comes in the form of:

• Dust

• Tablets

• Capsules

• Liquid suspensions

The powdered form of activated charcoal can be mixed into any number of products, including toothpaste.

Experiencing black stools and a black tongue can also occur, but these are harmless, albeit surprising.

If you have any kind of blockage or obstruction in your intestines, you should avoid using this substance.

Where to buy activated charcoal

You may buy activated charcoal pills here.

And activated charcoal powder here

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Managing Chronic Pain: Integrative Techniques for Wellness




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Key Takeaways

  • Understanding chronic pain and its various treatment options is essential for effective management.
  • Lifestyle factors, including diet, exercise, and sleep, can significantly influence chronic pain.
  • Integrative techniques, including medical treatments and complementary therapies, are vital in tackling pain holistically.

Understanding Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is a persistent type of pain that can last for months or years and may be caused by various factors. In contrast to acute pain, it can continue even after the original injury has healed. Healthcare professionals evaluate a patient’s self-reported pain level and the impact it has on their daily activities to address the complexity of chronic pain. When the underlying cause is unknown, multidisciplinary approaches are necessary to relieve pain.

The Role of Lifestyle in Chronic Pain Management

In the quest for relief, many find solace in discovering a reputable pain clinic near me that employs a range of treatment options. Diet and chronic pain have a significant, if not entirely understood, relationship. Pro-inflammatory foods, excessive caffeine, alcohol, and refined sugars tend to exacerbate inflammation, potentially intensifying pain. On the other hand, anti-inflammatory foods such as fatty fish, greens, nuts, and seeds may help reduce inflammation and, as a result, pain. Consistent hydration and balanced meals can support the body’s natural coping mechanisms. Creating a personalized diet plan with a nutritionist or dietician can be a proactive step in managing chronic pain through lifestyle. Being physically active is critical to managing chronic pain.

Medical Treatments for Chronic Pain Relief

Medications often serve as the first line of defense in chronic pain management. NSAIDs, for example, are commonly used to alleviate inflammation and pain. Antidepressants and anticonvulsants can also be prescribed for their pain-relieving properties. Caution must be taken, especially with more robust, potentially habit-forming medications such as opioids; these should only be used when necessary and with a strict plan for monitoring and tapering. Furthermore, patients are encouraged to ask their healthcare providers about potential side effects and interactions with other medications.

Beyond pharmacological measures, interventional treatments like nerve blocks, epidural steroid injections, and radiofrequency ablation offer non-surgical pain relief for various conditions. In some cases, these targeted procedures may provide lengthy periods of relief and help patients engage in physical therapy and rehabilitation more effectively.

With chronic pain being such a dynamic and individualized issue, research into new therapeutic methods is ongoing. Treatments such as platelet-rich plasma therapy (PRP) and stem cell injections are emerging as potential alternatives. They focus on repairing damaged tissues and reducing pain naturally. However, consulting with experienced pain management specialists before considering these advanced options is essential.

Psychological Approaches to Pain Management

Chronic pain has deep psychological and emotional roots in addition to physical causes. Therapies like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) address the thought patterns that can worsen pain perception and decrease the quality of life. Patients can learn to change these thoughts, engage in positive behaviors, and develop strategies to manage setbacks in their pain journey. Biofeedback is a technique that measures and provides real-time data on bodily functions, such as heart rate, muscle tension, and skin temperature. It helps patients gain voluntary control over these functions, and mastering such autonomic processes can improve pain management and give a greater sense of personal power.

Emotional well-being is integral to pain management, as negative emotions can intensify pain perception. Healthcare providers may recommend therapy sessions to address the psychological impacts of chronic pain, helping individuals cope with associated feelings of frustration, depression, or isolation. These therapeutic approaches highlight the importance of treating chronic pain as a comprehensive, biopsychosocial condition.

Navigating the Healthcare System

The complexity of healthcare systems can add a layer of stress for those managing chronic pain. Advocacy is critical. Patients must feel empowered to ask questions and make informed decisions regarding their care. Understanding how health insurance works, what treatments are covered, and how to access necessary medications is imperative. Healthcare professionals can also be invaluable allies in helping patients navigate these systems and ensure that they receive appropriate and timely care.

Looking Ahead: The Future of Pain Management

As we learn more about pain, there is hope for better pain management through new treatments and technologies. For example, virtual reality therapies can help distract patients from pain and reduce its intensity by immersing them in relaxing environments. Scientists are also exploring innovations in pharmaceuticals, non-invasive brain stimulation techniques, and cognitive behavioral therapy apps to treat chronic pain more effectively. Additionally, personalized medicine, which considers an individual’s genetic makeup, lifestyle, and environmental factors, is set to revolutionize pain management.

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